So, more ideas I have.
I couldn't really get CoFH to spawn tarma root and desert novas. I will try again. Until then, the ideas I have are as follows:
Speaking of Ruins, I am considering replacing Ruins with Recurrent Complex. The things it adds, I have more control over. IE, I can add buildings that specifically spawn in villages. The chests in the buildings spawned can have loot from a specific custom loot table (so a farm could have various seeds and crops in a chest, while a library has books). Plus, if I really want to, I can add the existing Ruins buildings to Recurrent Complex, but I probably won't do that.
- Adding custom villager trades, via a mod like Custom Villagers or Insider Trading.
- Adding extra mob drops, specifically to the Twilight Forest kobold, as they already drop wheat, why not magical flowers, too.
- An Ars Magica questline, complete with repeatable quests that reward the AM2 plants.
- The ability to cycle between different AM2 crops using Botania's alchemy catalyst, similarly to how you can cycle between various saplings and seeds already.
- Add them to dungeon loot.
- Creating Ruins that specifically have AM2 plants growing in them.
- Add AM2 plants to Witchery's mutandis list.
I have decided that Realistic World Generation is not going to work for WLR. Not only does the mod not spawn oceans and river biomes, but it also adds its own ore generation, basically doubling the amount of vanilla ores in the world, and there is no way for me to disable this. I want WLR's ore generation to be defined by CoFH, not an optional mod. So, now I am looking into ATG. Hopefully it allows me more control and spawns oceans.
So, that said, I am for sure adding Recurrent Complex. If I keep Ruins, I will greatly reduce the spawn rate of those structures.
Edit: oh, I wanted to also note that I am running a test server. If you don't mind things breaking, semi-frequent updates, bugs, and downloading mods from dropbox, send me a PM and I'll likely let you on. I can use some more testers.
I like the idea of all of those methods, except the repeatable quest. Villagers would be okay, but could be a little grindy just to find a villager with the right trades if that was the only method.
Recurrent complex could be a good step, would allow for some interesting world gen to really boost the exploration side of things especially like the idea of finding loot matched to the type of building and having access to ars magica/other mods stuff that you can stumble across.
On the topic of testers, are you looking for people who would be on the server loads? I'd be interested in joining in and helping out but i'd be on for only an hour or 2 most days.