[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Heya all again, another question, this time regarding Nuclear reactors, how do they tie into an existing power grid, as my GT wires won't connect to the Reactor?
Hey vorpal. Since the nuclear reactors are IC2 (and I assume you're talking about IC2 nukes rather than Big Reactors) you need to treat it the same as any IC2-GT transformation: Gregtech power grids will only accept IC2 power INTO a GT Transformer FROM an IC2 Machine (usually an IC2 Transformer). An IC2 Wire will not do the trick here (for whatever silly reason)
Why.. I realy hope it got nerfed in some way. Else I´m afraid I do not have the will power you have to ignore this .P
It's kinda hard to nerf, it's just exploiting the fact that endermen aggro and chase you by building a little area they can't get you. It will work as a valid tactic for killing any enderman ever, it's just the most useful in the end when there are only endermen. I've used before in the overworld though, find an enderman then hide under a tree and look at it so it can't reach or attack you but you can attack it.
Hey vorpal. Since the nuclear reactors are IC2 (and I assume you're talking about IC2 nukes rather than Big Reactors) you need to treat it the same as any IC2-GT transformation: Gregtech power grids will only accept IC2 power INTO a GT Transformer FROM an IC2 Machine (usually an IC2 Transformer). An IC2 Wire will not do the trick here (for whatever silly reason)
Oh, that's another thing I was going to ask about in here since I now have a double chest full of uranite, plutonium, and uranium 232 ore (i only killed myself with radiation poisoning once to get it too!). Are the IC2 nukes viable energy producers in InfiTech2? Big Reactors are cool and all, but heavily nerfed and only RF producing (still need to get into Pneumaticraft, but that seems silly too). I don't imagine I'll find any Nasquadah anytime soon, and Diesel is only viable for so long. I need to get biomass up and running I guess because I'm starting to get extremely frustrated with bee breeding. Maybe I'll have better luck getting sugar maples than I do rural bees. :)
Hey vorpal. Since the nuclear reactors are IC2 (and I assume you're talking about IC2 nukes rather than Big Reactors) you need to treat it the same as any IC2-GT transformation: Gregtech power grids will only accept IC2 power INTO a GT Transformer FROM an IC2 Machine (usually an IC2 Transformer). An IC2 Wire will not do the trick here (for whatever silly reason)

Oh ok, I think I can work with that does that mean I can use the CESU etc in the same way, as I think I tried to play with an MFU but for what ever reason when I stepped down the power I didn't seem to get any (aka I probably did it wrong)

I think I had...

MFU----->IC2 Transformer------>GT Transformer

When I did this I wasn't getting anything out of the GT transformer
Oh, that's another thing I was going to ask about in here since I now have a double chest full of uranite, plutonium, and uranium 232 ore (i only killed myself with radiation poisoning once to get it too!). Are the IC2 nukes viable energy producers in InfiTech2? Big Reactors are cool and all, but heavily nerfed and only RF producing (still need to get into Pneumaticraft, but that seems silly too). I don't imagine I'll find any Nasquadah anytime soon, and Diesel is only viable for so long. I need to get biomass up and running I guess because I'm starting to get extremely frustrated with bee breeding. Maybe I'll have better luck getting sugar maples than I do rural bees. :)
Yes they're pretty viable. You can get twice as much power (give or take) by doing the new 5x5 (active cooled) arrangement, but its pretty damn complicated to setup.

A MOX reactor on the other hand requires a modest amount of plutonium to get started, and once running, breeds its own indefinitely. I've had 850 eu/t MOX reactors running in this pack. Its more "cheesy" than "viable", and has some risk of craterizing your neighbourhood.
Oh ok, I think I can work with that does that mean I can use the CESU etc in the same way, as I think I tried to play with an MFU but for what ever reason when I stepped down the power I didn't seem to get any (aka I probably did it wrong)

I think I had...

MFU----->IC2 Transformer------>GT Transformer

When I did this I wasn't getting anything out of the GT transformer
You need to have everything facing the "correct" way for stuff to work unfortunately. Also, sometimes you have to wait a minute for various internal buffers to fill before you notice power going through.

But, yes, a CESU will perform the same task.
Yes they're pretty viable. You can get twice as much power (give or take) by doing the new 5x5 (active cooled) arrangement, but its pretty damn complicated to setup.

A MOX reactor on the other hand requires a modest amount of plutonium to get started, and once running, breeds its own indefinitely. I've had 850 eu/t MOX reactors running in this pack. Its more "cheesy" than "viable", and has some risk of craterizing your neighbourhood.
Ooh! Craters I'm familiar with :( Like how big of a crater? If I put it deep underground surrounded by obsidian maybe? What if I build it up around y200 near the top of my grape vines that I forgot to put fence and string supports for?

I think I've got around 4 stacks of plutonium ore right now. I've got 2 pitchblende and 3 uranium veins marked that I haven't really touched yet and an ender quarry ready to be placed.

If there was a way to export power across dimensions you could just build and chunkload these things in the end and not really worry about craters or bothering to test things in a creative single player world :)
Ooh! Craters I'm familiar with :( Like how big of a crater? If I put it deep underground surrounded by obsidian maybe? What if I build it up around y200 near the top of my grape vines that I forgot to put fence and string supports for?

I think I've got around 4 stacks of plutonium ore right now. I've got 2 pitchblende and 3 uranium veins marked that I haven't really touched yet and an ender quarry ready to be placed.

If there was a way to export power across dimensions you could just build and chunkload these things in the end and not really worry about craters or bothering to test things in a creative single player world :)
Pretty damn big man. Have you ever seen a rotarycraft industrial coil mishap? Way bigger than that.

When you modified Thaumic Tinker so spellbinding cloth was disabled you failed to modify the osmotic enchanter recipe, it still requires spellbinding cloth to create. just a bit of an issue but still definitely one.
OK I seem abit lost with this transformer thing, I've got an MFE with just under 4 million EU in it, it outputs at 512 EU, I've connected it to an IC2 transformer (128 low, 512 high), set it to down step and connected it to a GT Transformer (32 low, 128 high) and then connected to a 32eu Battery (GT) and nothing is happening, all wifres appear to be connected correctly, can anyone help?
OK I seem abit lost with this transformer thing, I've got an MFE with just under 4 million EU in it, it outputs at 512 EU, I've connected it to an IC2 transformer (128 low, 512 high), set it to down step and connected it to a GT Transformer (32 low, 128 high) and then connected to a 32eu Battery (GT) and nothing is happening, all wifres appear to be connected correctly, can anyone help?
It gets weird because as far as I can tell the IC2 transformer stops acting like a transformer here and acts as a bridge.

The "High Voltage" side of the IC2 transformer should point towards your MFE. I *think* the "dot" side of the GT transformer should face your IC2 transformer. The GT Battery should be facing anywhere except for the GT Transformer.

Then you wait a short while. It seems like some internal buffers need to fill up before your batteries in the buffer will start to fill.
Here's how my IC2 to GT works: MFSU outputting 2048 into IC2 HV Transformer set to Fixed Step Up Mode. This is directly adjacent to the input dot of a GT HV transformer set to stepdown mode. This gives me 512V of GT power. I'm not saying it's right or the best, but it doesn't catch fire or explode. The MFSU is just a bigger, higher voltage MFE, so you should be able to adjust your voltage tiers down from where I"m at.

There's also this more info and a screenshot at the bottom of this page: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/GregTech/Electricity
hmmmm, something is wrong at my end I think, I cheated in an MFSU, filled it with EU, I have connected it to a HV-Transformer using a fibre cable, I have set it to Fixed Step up mode, and the little info bit says 2048 input, adjacent to it I have placed a GT High Voltage Transformer, I've left it in default made (aka not hit it with a hammer) the large dot is facing away from the IC2 transformer and it connected to a battery box with a 512 battery in it.

So far nothing happens, if I hit the GT transformer with a hrubber hammer to change it mode BOOOM! big explosion.

Could it be a setting turned off somewhere or am I making some huge noob error
You need to have the dots on the transformers facing each other:

To convert IC2 EU into GT5 EU, simply connect (read put directly adjacent) a GT transformer input to an IC2 Energy Source output side. This means connecting the output dot of a IC2 transformer/storage block to the input dot of a GT transformer.
1. An IC2 energy storage can also put power into an GT Transformer. Easier to understand than using 2 transformers.
2. HV Transformer in Step up means 512EU input max and 2048EU output. It only does not blow up when powered by an MFSU because IC2 currently has disabled explosions.
3. Default mode of an GT HV transformer is 2048V in, 4x512V out. Accepting power only on the side with the big dot. The other sides do only output, so there can be as much power as you want. After hitting it with a hammer, it changes to step up, so 512V in, 2048V out. Every side with a small dot does then only accept max 512V before exploding. When you have an step up HV transformer from IC2 in step up mode on a side with small dot -> BOOM!
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1. An IC2 energy storage can also put power into an GT Transformer. Easier to understand than using 2 transformers.
2. HV Transformer in Step up means 512EU input max and 2048EU output. It only does not blow up when powered by an MFSU because IC2 currently has disabled explosions.
3. Default mode of an GT HV transformer is 2048V in, 4x512V out. Accepting power only on the side with the big dot. The other sides do only output, so there can be as much power as you want. After hitting it with a hammer, it changes to step up, so 512V in, 2048V out. Every side with a small dot does then only accept max 512V before exploding. When you have an step up HV transformer from IC2 in step up mode on a side with small dot -> BOOM!

Woot, got it working!

Reading your info and that of others finally got the penny to drop and I got it working *dance* thanks for all the help guys
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A few pages back IHL tools came up, which is when I finally understood what the chart at the bottom of the IHL Tools mod page meant regarding Polymetallic sulfide ore processing chain. And I thought to myself, "I hate flying around the end looking for Iridium ore,, let's do this!"

So I built some machines (A compressor, centrifuge, 2 electrolyzers, 3 fluid canners, and 3 chemical reactors. Plus a few machines I didn't end up using heh.):

It's all pretty much self feeding. I only have the obsidian dust there because it just goes faster if I insert more oxygen into the system. Everything is LV except the electrolyzer (and the unused distiller).

I let it all run for a little over a week. Today I checked my payout:


That's like TENS of iridium right there! I ended up going flying around in the End...
Is there a way to suck up energy in lv age? apparently a stirling engine is too much power for a forestly tree farm and it keep exploding
I could use kinesis pipes but I dont have where to send it..
I dont use so much water so my pump will not drain it
and the only enderio machine I have is the alloy smelter