Whitelist Server Zerro Skyblock! Agrarian Skies 3.1.1! No banned Items! Whitelist!

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Ingame Name: Moth_Otter
Age: 24
Timezone: Mountain (MDT (UTC -6))

I've been a long time player of all mods and lost interest a while back. I've fooled around with Agrarian Skies and SkyFactory, I like the idea, as sky block maps have always interested me. I don't like playing alone, so I usually give up after a day or two of playing. I would love the opportunity to play on your server and maybe make some new friends in the process. Thanks for taking the time to read this and consider me.
IGN: dttimberlake88
Age: 25
Timezone: EST

I won't have a chance to play much this weekend because I work but I just wanted to get signed up and find somebody (or 2) to co-op with

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I was having issues placing and accessing anything on the island after I tp'ed from spawn. Do we have to do hpm party or is there another mod protecting the space of other people?

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Hmm... It might be the sky block plugin.. Try /island help..

I think there was a /Island invite command... I'm home in like 3 hours then I could look :)
OK I will check later. I don't have a chance to play right now but was just trying to figure out for later.

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In-game name: doodledood8080
Age: 13 (For some reason a lot of people I talk to online doubt this.)
Timezone: MST Mountain Standard Time. (Canada)
Thanks but I get dc'd every time I try to log in due to my client having some microblocks that aren't installed on your server. I'm not an expert in config so do you know how to fix it?
Ingame Name:ArmyHeLL07

um can you add my friend too? if we do it good on server we can do some videos maybe (turkish)
His Ingame name : Banger__

please? :)