Your thoughts on the Technic Platform?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im just sharing my opinion here, is there anything wrong with that? Insulting people over a opinion. Sounds like a general day at capital hill for me.

Gus, the problem is that you are stating, as your opinion, that it is illegal. People are asking you to defend that position, which is why this is about thoughts/opinions. If you state your opinion, except to be able to defend it. If you cannot defend it, do not state your opinion, or have a scary face like mine which makes people forget why they started talking to you in the first place and just stare at your massive glowing smile and minty green skin.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*sigh* This is why talking in person is much better.

I am not insulting you Gus I stated that by the way it looks the Technic Platform is private mod packs. Something many mod authors are okay with. The copyright is just that. I am not going to bog down anything over copyright as I am not an authority on the subject.

This is going to sound harsh but..dude grow a back bone. If you take what people say as insulting just by typed words over a screen then life is going to be rough. If you do live in DC then do me a fav. Find your senator and tell him/her to cut the damn budget!!!!
1, I didn't even read your post xD I was mostly responding to guswut, 2, I'm perfectly honest here, I'm not insulted or anything, you could be a 3 year old rapist and I wouldn't give a fuck, because if you really take consideration of that over the internet, then I wouldn't give a fuck! Yay! :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ummm haven't many mod authors said that if it is a private pack then have at you? I think even Sengir and Covert are okay with this. Not getting into copyright as that is a dead horse. So yeah.

Nearly all of them have stated that a private pack is perfectly acceptable. The issue most people have, however, is the overly restrictive things needed to be in compliance for a pack that wants to go public. Some devs have some absolutely asinine, or overly strange, requirements regarding pack inclusion. If you look at the requirements that Railcraft has for public pack inclusion, one of them is a publicly viewable link to permissions you've gotten from *ALL* included mods. RP2 is one that falls into the 'strange' category, 100 posts and can't be a new pack.

It's one thing to require permission from a dev for their mod. It's something else entirely to require that the modpack has permission from all other devs with mods in the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think that most of the mod authors care what the exact laws say people can and can't do with their mods. The main thing that they don't like is even though they explicitly state that they don't want people to redistribute their mod without permission, people still do which is just plain rude. I'm not saying that they wont take legal action, but simply that I'm assuming that most are more concerned about how disrespectful people are rather than what some random law says. If you are concerned about legal matters though, yes it is illegal to redistribute a mod just as it is illegal to redistribute a television show.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gus, the problem is that you are stating, as your opinion, that it is illegal. People are asking you to defend that position, which is why this is about thoughts/opinions. If you state your opinion, except to be able to defend it. If you cannot defend it, do not state your opinion, or have a scary face like mine which makes people forget why they started talking to you in the first place and just stare at your massive glowing smile and minty green skin.
I am defending my position, its just nobody agrees with my position, which I am perfectly fine with. Oh, and I'm don't think I ever got asked to state my opinion by anyone, it was mostly just stfu u dun no anyting fuck off :3

Oh, and you mean this one, right? :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay I admit some of those packs make me drool. Ehhhh if I am going to get into this tryst on everything I just suggest that communication needs to happen between the creator of the packs and the mod authors. Since I know it won't happen unless hell warms up I am going to try to be neutral.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay I admit some of those packs make me drool. Ehhhh if I am going to get into this tryst on everything I just suggest that communication needs to happen between the creator of the packs and the mod authors. Since I know it won't happen unless hell warms up I am going to try to be neutral.
*cough* Actually, there is communication between pack authors and the makers of mods. The Big Dig pack (the highest rate pack on the platform) has full permissions. The guy who makes the Magician's Cookbook pack (which includes my mod) is a regular in my IRC channel. Plus there' all the behind the scenes stuff that you know nothing about. For all you know, the makers of Plus+ pack could play on a server with MachineMuse and some other mod makers, and you wouldn't know.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's one thing to require permission from a dev for their mod. It's something else entirely to require that the modpack has permission from all other devs with mods in the pack.
Very much this. The Minecraft mod community repeatedly confuses me. I did lots of modding for other games, mostly doing 3D models (for Civ4, mostly) - and the mod community was entirely different. It was basically (short of one or two people) along the lines of "Feel free to use my stuff! Include me in the credits, please and if you can give me a link, so I can see my work in action, awesome!". I also get that people don't want decompiles of their mods - your code is your code!

But the possessiveness people demonstrate with their mods? It confuses me. I mean as modmaker, you definitely are allowed to be possessive - it's your stuff, after all, but... somehow I can't help but think that it's against the spirit of modding - making a fan addition to your favourite game, interacting with the other fans and sharing and exchanging ideas. But perhaps, I'm just a different generation - after all, I started modding when? Like 15 years ago when I started my first Civ2 maps and shared them. Sometimes, I wish Mojang would've said: "don't ever make money with mods to my game", like most other companies - I wonder if that would've changed the spirit of the mod community (and I really wish I had time to do some Java to put my foot where my mouth is and do more proper modding than the occasional odd texture).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To What:

Because people play a game as they like. Just as a mod maker cannot sell their mod they are under no obligation to freely give it out. What harm would it do? They are not removing money from your pocket nor harming my life then do as thou wilt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am going to have to give this modpack off it a try!


This is an interesting system that seems a lot like YouTube to be honest (well actually its nothing like YT but its created an open source for the people to access). They are washing their hands of the hosting of the modpacks and letting the mod devs and modpack makers fight it out, let them sort out the copyright laws (that are shaky at best..... any mod that has ores in it is breaking Mojangs copyright). I like the idea but are interested in the fallout that may come from it. I am not to worried though as my fav mods are either open source or have no concerns about modpacks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am going to have to give this modpack off it a try!


This is an interesting system that seems a lot like YouTube to be honest. They are washing their hands of the hosting of the modpacks and letting the mod devs and modpack makers fight it out, let them sort out the copyright laws (that are shaky at best..... any mod that has ores in it is breaking Mojangs copyright). I like the idea but are interested in the fallout that may come from it. I am not to worried though as my fav mods are either open source or have no concerns about modpacks.
It's really more like Google than YouTube. YouTube actually hosts the videos you upload, where as Platform just lists them in a way that the Launcher can easily download, similar to how Google justs lists sites on the internet in a way that your browser can navigate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's really more like Google than YouTube. YouTube actually hosts the videos you upload, where as Platform just lists them in a way that the Launcher can easily download, similar to how Google justs lists sites on the internet in a way that your browser can navigate.
Thank you, true true.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not that I am aware of, a mod would be the one to make that call though.

Overall the conversation has been positive, and any troll attempts got slapped down without mods having to issue warnings that we're aware of.

So long as things stay that way, they're not likely to close the thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Because people play a game as they like. Just as a mod maker cannot sell their mod they are under no obligation to freely give it out. What harm would it do? They are not removing money from your pocket nor harming my life then do as thou wilt.
As I said, I never disputed that the mod makers are well within their rights to do what they do! I just see a marked difference in mod communities - for other games, you are not allowed to make money off your mods whatsoever, including paid link shorteners. In the Minecraft community, adfly-style extra income (even if it's just pennies) is just fine - hence my curiosity whether that might have contributed to that difference; perhaps it's just purely coincidental and Minecraft just attracts a different type of players and modders, I don't know!

And note, I'm not just talking about the older Civ community, look at the current Skyrim community! Whether on Steam or the Nexus, people don't seem to have huge issues with collections and recommended mod lists (assisted by the fact, of course, that it doesn't require re-hosting the mod, but just a checkmark on a downloader) like we see repeatedly in the Minecraft community. *shrug*

EDIT: Also, lately, I've noticed a bit of a change in the Minecraft community itself - mod makers seem to be much more willing to give permission than they used to. I think FtB really helped there - and I think the Technic platform could help to make the community a more friendly one, too (if people are willing to forgive the initial controversy and hiccups of the Technic pack).
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