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  • Months ago I said my goal was to unite all of the modded community. I no longer know if I am filling divisions, or digging them deeper...
    I find the problem with this world is not the lack of hatchet burying, but the inability to do it by the people whom need to do it most.
    I'm surprised you're being treated so nicely with a signature and a status like that.

    Maybe the two forums can be nice to each other.

    ...or not.
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    Reactions: Darth Sith
    People like watchful are treated with respect back where I come from, the least that could be expected is the favor be returned.
    Hello, didact! (PAINS Heavyweight :p) How're the 'forums treating you as of present?
    Meh. I did some dumb shit but its ok. I lurk more now.
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