Your thoughts on the Technic Platform?

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I think that was the point! =3

I do not believe so, but it is possible you are correct. Still, let's not get people drinking hydrogen peroxide again, as that leads to vomiting, extremely white teeth (and gums, too), and at worst, death.

Dihydrogen Monoxide.
While "dihydromonoxide" is the "correct" way to write it, when calling dihydrodioxide "hydrogen peroxide", it is best to keep the same formatting otherwise you raise suspicions about what you've got in the cup.
This comes from a lot of fun times involving the good old dihydromonoxide" hoax back in school many years ago.
Let me tell you a little secret: With that "much" unterstanding of law... you'll probably never become a lawyer...

Please avoid statements wich u can't prove.
Ok, I will admit, I don't have a law school degree or anything, but I prove my point, it IS illegal, as it passes through copyright.

Please avoid statements "wich" are false.
Ok, I will admit, I don't have a law school degree or anything, but I prove my point, it IS illegal, as it passes through copyright.

Please avoid statements "wich" are false.
As has been stated several times, that is incorrect. The fact that you continue to claim it's illegal proves one thing to me. You are dense.
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I am of the belief that if you can link a reputable source, provide a true picutre of a degree or have a hand written letter stating something then all the talk abou copyright means nil. Nada. Wikipedia doesn't count because it can be edited too easily.

Bonus points if your degree is a double with another major in child psychology and a minor in PAIN!
As has been stated several times, that is incorrect. The fact that you continue to claim it's illegal proves one thing to me. You are dense.
Im just going to copy and paste here, for my sake of time.

Edit. OK, Since its gus vs the world here, I'm going to edit this, because nobody seems to see my point of view.

Let me re-read the title for you.

Your THOUGHTS on the technic platform?
Hence, this is all my opinion. I know my rights.
I will admit, I have not used the platform yet, but from my understanding, and what the website describes it as, you make modpacks, right? Now, this wouldn't be a problem if you just used it yourself, you know, but you distribute the modpack to some other random people you probably dont know. Some modders COPYRIGHT their work, making it ILLEGAL to distribute among other people without the AUTHORS PERMISSION. See where I'm going with this? People make modpacks, not telling the mod authors, then distributing the modpacks. Now, you see me saying its illegal, but did I ever say anybody could do anything?
:p Though i'm referring to H2O4, not H2O.

Ah, I thought you meant 2(H2O). In that case, nope, carry on with your super oxidizing hydrogen silliness.

Some modders COPYRIGHT their work, making it ILLEGAL to distribute among other people without the AUTHORS PERMISSION. See where I'm going with this? People make modpacks, not telling the mod authors, then distributing the modpacks. Now, you see me saying its illegal, but did I ever say anybody could do anything?
It is not illegal for Google to link to a website that has illegal content on it, nor is it illegal to post data such as "How To Commit Insurance Fraud" into a book or on a web forum. The illegal part, when something is illegal, is the, well, illegal part. The Technic Platform isn't doing anything more than making it easier for people to share modpacks.
That aside, though, it is also up to debate if mod authors can even legally claim copyright on modifications. That will need to be solved in court, not on the web forums.
So I think we should completely *officially* de-rail the thread and talk about languages and the notation of water and other elements.

Didn't that Dimitri guy invent the Periodic Table? Like, Mendeleev?
Ummm haven't many mod authors said that if it is a private pack then have at you? I think even Sengir and Covert are okay with this. Not getting into copyright as that is a dead horse. So yeah.

Let's not forget Cole's Law.
Im just sharing my opinion here, is there anything wrong with that? Insulting people over a opinion. Sounds like a general day at capital hill for me.
*sigh* This is why talking in person is much better.

I am not insulting you Gus I stated that by the way it looks the Technic Platform is private mod packs. Something many mod authors are okay with. The copyright is just that. I am not going to bog down anything over copyright as I am not an authority on the subject.

This is going to sound harsh but..dude grow a back bone. If you take what people say as insulting just by typed words over a screen then life is going to be rough. If you do live in DC then do me a fav. Find your senator and tell him/her to cut the damn budget!!!!
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