Yogscast on FTB

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Guess they didn't get permission for Damage Indicators... It is GONE. Soooo it's direwolf20 + liteloader voxel mods.
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Because those are the mods mostly everyone is use to and uses the most. Think about the exposure these mods have had. Only, to me, Factorization is the odd one out as I haven't seen a lot of people tout its wonderful use. well DW does but I can't think of anyone else off hand.

On a side note, any word if GameChap and Bertie joined the 'Cast? From the wiki they have icons like the others. The website is cheering the arrival of Zoey and Strippin. I am thinking Toby will join when he gets of age. Ohhh Tee and Zylus now have youtube channels.
Hmmm okies. I think it will be a move DaveChaos type thing. They will be good friends of Yogs, maybe join TGS, and still have their own channel. I kinda wish Martin did this then straight out join. Of course now I am a little worried about NerdCubed.
It also looks like the DireWolf20 pack with some mods ripped out, or Tekkit Lite with a few mods added in. Why does everyone always use the same mods in their modpacks? Can't we get something other than the standard BuildCraft/IndustrialCraft/Red Power trio (which has evolved to include Thermal Expansion and Factorization recently)?
most of the big and fun mods are kinda the same type so person A that likes technical mods will get em all (sometimes no GT) and why not mix a bit magic in so you can waste time while waiting on UU to be made. person B that likes realisam will get terrafirmacraft and (almost) none of the mods that person A wants.
EDIT: this is not the topic
I was looking at a comparison. The pack has a fair amount of DW20 mods removed and really only advanced machines and voxelmods put it. It is even lacking factorization. They are sticking with what they know in terms of mods. Which means all the Xycraft stuff is gone.
I was looking at a comparison. The pack has a fair amount of DW20 mods removed and really only advanced machines and voxelmods put it. It is even lacking factorization. They are sticking with what they know in terms of mods. Which means all the Xycraft stuff is gone.
So basically Tekkit Lite with Forestry and Railcraft thrown in?
Ehhh I am more seeing a trimmed DW20 pack with powercoverters and advanced machines. Too bad I would have loved to have seen them use Soaryn's tanks.
Well you also have to keep in mind they need permissions for the mods and basically the mods they have already have all permissions to be used in Feed the Beast, I would have loved to see them making a new Yogbox pack, but that would mean they would need to gather quite some permissions first.
From watching Hanna's channel tonight it seems this time is going to be a lot of random things going on. Some planning but a lot less then from the first..i mean second tekkit season.
From watching Hanna's channel tonight it seems this time is going to be a lot of random things going on. Some planning but a lot less then from the first..i mean second tekkit season.
What video on Hannah's channel was that? I didn't see anything about FTB.

I think that the Yogscast crew are predominately sticking with what they know, while branching out into TC3 and Forestry just to spice it up a bit. Personally, I think that it would be a lot more bearable to watch, with them only learning a couple of mods at once.
Wait when I look at Lewis and Simons vids, I don't see the, playing ftb, only voltz? So is duncan and a few other people only playing ftb?
She was talking about it on her Sims 3 vid. She said her and Nilsey haven't done anything yet in their Tekkit Series. Give them time to put stuff out. Personally I don't mind the wait as it alows for other series to run.
So basically Tekkit Lite with Forestry and Railcraft thrown in?
If you say tekkit (lite/classic) and railcraft/forestry in 1 post and a fanboy comes... let's just say thing aren't going the best way possible. (I saw a tread on MC forums ppl were just talking normally about tekkit (classic) and suddenly a wild fanboy appeared "you guys know tekkit is illegal right?")
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I really liked the whole Yogscast's Tekkit series, do not like their Voltz series. They are constantly struggling in Voltz just to get recipes right or even figure out how the machines work.

Maybe it is just my simple mind but the "Simon Slapstick" made up some of the best parts of the Tekkit Series.
Yeah. The Voltz series really seems to violate the whole spirit of things they established in the Tekkit series.

Yes they probably spawned things in for the Tekkit Series "off camera" but at least they were trying to hide it. In Voltz it is blatant and really kills the interest for me.
Tekkit: "No, we can't spawn items in, but EE2 makes up for it!"
Voltz: "New series? Forget that, spawn items in! Get everything! Best machines!"

I shudder at the thought of their FTB series now, who knows how whiny they'll get over EE2 missing and spawn items in. Granted they have a ton of resources and items from the Tekkit series still there...
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