With comments like
You just losed one sub F*** you
I wouldn't really say that's their fanbase. That's the Youtube base, you get that kind of stupid shit on any youtube video.
Lol, that's Youtube in general yes, dear lord how often I have seen the "You lost a sub!" comment over something silly. People really cannot stand changes there it seems.
I'm so glad that the Yogscast put up a FTB section on their forum so we don't have to deal with their idiot fanbase. Most of the comments on Duncan's new video are along the lines of "y u no ee" and "where ee go", and "ur stoopid 4 changin"
Quoting bwillb here, but I wouldn't say that's their fanbase, trust me when I say the major Youtube community is the most retarded community ever, it puts any bad forum community to shame even.
The Yogscast forum really isn't that bad or overrun by such idiocy really, if anything I would say most idiocy comes from idiot youtubbers joining up the forums.
I hope tekkit dies, they were famous because of the yogscast, let's see now, with forestry and railcraft in there, who still plays tekkit.
Again with the "I hope Tekkit dies", really people, can we not just drop comments like these? As stated before, you're only fueling the hate/flame war that goes on between FTB and Tekkit players and it is complete nonsense, geeze, it's about as bad as hate/flame wars between Call of Duty and Battlefield or Xbox 360 and PS3, it's complete and utter nonsense. I mean, what do you benefit from Tekkit dying? What do you loose from it not dying? Not a single damned thing.