Whitelist Server [Yog's Craft] Angus's Warzone [Whitelisted][Factions][30 Slot]

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Ian MacFarlane

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a server for mature people who are looking to build and do PVE and PVP.​
No Greifing will be tolerated.​
The Server has been up for 2 days now, so there is a whole new world to explore.​
Admins: Angusmac1 and AdolaminII​
Staff: None (as of yet)​
This is a legit server, nothing will be spawned in, not even by the Admins. Unless its for a server build.​
Plugsing(as of now): Factions, Essentials, Lockette.​
Basically this server was made because I was tired of admins abusing power, and because of there strange rules, We are looking for mature players that are ethical when it comes to pvp, and helpful to everyone.​
There is an age limit.​
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Why this server:

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing):
IGN: opt_user


Why this server: i like the rules , seems simple and direct

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing): both , thats why its fun


Why this server:rules are simple and agreeable your dislike of cheating admins is admirable

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing):i like automation and i can keep lag to a minimal
IGN: Shazaaam

AGE: 21

Why this server: Got falsely accused and banned by an admin that would not listen to any evidence/reason when i tried appealing in another server. Your comment about being tired of admins abusing their power got me very interested.

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing): Giant. Floating. Sphere.
IGN: WingMaster12

AGE: 18

Why this server: I enjoy most servers i play on but today most yogcraft servers are either over populated or horrible i'd like to apply because what your saying about this server i think i will enjoy this more than all

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing): I am planning to work on power suits and working on bees,thaumcraft, and IC2 hopefully i hope you choose me to join your server i'd love to, thank you - WingMaster12
IGN: MikeyP97

AGE: 15

Why this server: I'm Looking for a good Minecraft Feed-The-Beast Server and I thought that I would give this one a try.

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing): I like to do a little bit of both, I build somewhat big buildings that look good, and lots of room for machines.


Why this server:was looking for a currently small server with mature players and this was the first one I came across

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing):To enjoy FTB with other people
IGN: Elflew22

AGE: 12

Why this server: i was looking for a new-ish ftb server and this was the one i came across first

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing): Just going to have a good time and help others
IGN: ubaid1

AGE: 14

Why this server: i wanted to play on a server that was not TOO crowded.

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing): im going to start off small then im going to do a big build. :)
AGE: 11 i understand this a young but i am a mature player plz just give me a chance.
Why this server: i was looking for a new ftb server that doesnt have too many people
What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing): well i may make a mage tower where i do thaumcraft /potions or i may do more tech,or i may do both!

i wont be able to play for the next 1-2 days im out of town
Just pointing out a few kinks in the server in case you didn't know.
  • The /sell feature doesn't seem to work.
  • /kit tools has a way too short of a cooldown. Even if they are only stone items, they could be infinite resources for vis in thaumcraft without any effort.
Also, I would very much like to see factions be available soon in one way or another. If you would like, I'd be glad to provide any help that I can.
Just pointing out a few kinks in the server in case you didn't know.
  • The /sell feature doesn't seem to work.
  • /kit tools has a way too short of a cooldown. Even if they are only stone items, they could be infinite resources for vis in thaumcraft without any effort.
Also, I would very much like to see factions be available soon in one way or another. If you would like, I'd be glad to provide any help that I can.
Should be fixed, and there is no sell feature.
IGN: Wisdoms

AGE: 20

Why this server: " The Server has been up for 2 days now, so there is a whole new world to explore. "I don't like getting on servers that have been around for 6months and people being assholes saying how rich they are throwing diamonds and nanosuits around.

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing):
I want to rebuild my Tower of Power(Champions) that I had months ago on a server that abruptly stopped.

Leave your:

IGN: unseennote

AGE: 17

Why this server: I like YogCreft and I'd like to find a whitelist server because the server's that I've been on that weren't made all my town killed with Flux.

What are your plans(big builds or just doing the FTB thing): I build a mages tower usually for me, but I might make a town if I can convince 2-3 of my friends to join.