Open Server XtreamServers[Ultimate][80Slots][Commands][PVE][AntiGrief]

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After some downtime due website updates, we are now back up and running.
Connectadress has changed; it is now WITHOUT any port.
Actually, we BANNED soulshards for 2 reasons: 1 darkrooms, we have on our website a general rulesettings which are applied to both FTB and Tekkit, whereas darkrooms are forbidden; 2) Mobfarms, same reason as part 1.
But apparently people tend to "forget" the rules. Like; No chunkloaders without our permissions.
Temporarely disabled RedPower3 due worldload issues, (redpower3Core cant be launched due an error), this disable is only active for aprox 6 hours untill the whole map has migitated the change, and thus removing the faulty chunk with rp tools in it.
Does this mean that all redpower objects will be wiped? Will we get a refund for said items ? Also spawn is partially made of Redpower Microblocks so i think this will cause some problems
Any item that can be proven to be placed as said redpower object, will be refunded, once the mod is re-enabled once again.
Flaws in said plans:
Spawn is ruined. Hard work put in is gone. Im hurt
All marble and basalt are gone making it an inobtainable resource there will also be world missing where volcanoes where at.
Canvas Bag contents are unrefundable : No proof and i cant remember whats in mine either


This is marble or was marble


This is a volcano or was a volcano
Notice how much nice it looks without the basalt?


This is spawn or was spawn. Here i want to rage for the hard work i put in.

Notice im flying or in creative? I helped with the spawn build and when they changed me back the client refuse to recognise im in survival. Dont worry i cant spawn stuff. Only thing i can do is fly in creative flight and I am currently not playing in survival until this is fixed. Perhaps this, as well as GP's bug could be fixed with an update of ForgeBukkit?

Also please update your 1st thread mike cuz i dont think we are still in beta 4.

Hope you have a backup to the old world.
Dark, we like to thank you for your time, however, the following is the problem; the backup we currently have, is also corrupted, THUS, without the actions i took, the only other answer would have been a map reset.
That said, I have heard from Christopher that he wants to recruit you as moderator, in which you will be able to 'vote' for a resolution next time ^^
Im not sure if world features regenerate but even if it does i can feel its gonna cause problems already. Just flown back to the deleted volcano and see that its is not regenerated at the same position. That said i can see someone house built into the volcano or was built into the volcano. This has already caused problems for many people. As i am still not a mod yet, i would like to put a vote as a player that this would be a pointless ordeal to have the world back and not have things where they were. Sure machines can be refunded. IF marble or basalt does not regenerate, you have already lost part of the mod pack. As such my vote would be to have a world reset again and remind players that it is still in beta and therefore unstable.

Next problem. The server client miscommunication. The tool use event is not parsed to the server. I have witnessed other servers having no such problems. So what could be the difference? Could it be related to the Creative inventory bug im having now? IF so...

I heard from hoot that it happened for Christopher or Chad (Ill use his IGN) once and the resolution is to remove permissions. If this is the case then the problem is with groupmanager. I have seen a server use bPermissions and another using PEX. How about changing to those alternatives. I personally think PEX is better than GroupManager.

Finally using towns instead of GP. Towns have a simple function that in my opinion very simply prevents griefing. Although not as flexible as GP nor as user friendly, it does show more promise in preventing grief. The simple function is to deny total entry to the town. I will not tell how to bypass some of the protections set down by GP but simple to say there is. I have informed Hoot in the server forums on the methods used. Suffice to say, none of this methods will really work if you are unable to enter the area at all. I could still think of some ways to totally obliterate the landscape but lets not go to there. Im thinking of grief as in attempting to steal someone to use as your own.

That will be all i want to bring out. I hope the bugs are fixed and the server a more friendly one for the players.

EDIT: After i re-read my chunk of text i notice its very somewhat critism, im sorry if it sounds offending or im trying to take control. I really like the server due to the fact that keepInventory=True and hopes to make it a great server.

EDIT2: After thinking for a while, i want to ask if the crash report in the corrupted world has anything to relate to a coordinate in the world. If so you can use MCE to remove the faulty item
Yes i have and it is the same name i have

PS its very confusing who is who. I dont even know theres a owner and co-owner
Woot Servers back online :D
Had Rounting Problems, The FTB server's IP was also being used as the Tekkit server's IP
so was on 1.3, had 10 players on it and was on 1.3 and had 10 players on it. They both had a player cap of 60
As of 11:44 EST, the servers are now sorted out and working
Are we in FTB Ultimate now?
Also, the TS server's been very quiet . . .;)

Edit: yes it is FTB Ultimate
hi i am new to this server and at first i joined as normal and i was really excited about this server

but then the server closed and reopened i join instantly now whenever i join i can't do anything as if the server has crashed but just for me
Xtreamservers is the worst server host ever. I had a server from them and all it did was go down. As i asked for help they wanted to charge me 10 dollars an hour to help bring my server back up. They were un professional and did not help the customer out. Do NOT buy from this company they suck.