Worst teacher you've ever had?

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Had this guy for French for two years. He had a serious problem with humping his table. I'm not joking, he'd be thrusting his pelvis at it while we were working. He also had a problem with sweat, and loved to put his arms up, stretching, and show it off. He also brushes his teeth every lunch time. I was walking through the school at lunch and he just walked past me with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

I don't even want to start on his shite teaching techniques.

That guy.... is special...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
flash back time
grade one
kid is pissed at me and wraps a strap from a backpack around my throat
teacher comes up and tells him to knock it off (face is red and im starting to go out)
he says fine and pulls the strap like a pull tab
i look like Frankenstein with a bloody gash around my throat
balling my head off and end up in gym like this
teacher tells me "grow the hell up you little brat and shut it well i'm trying to teach."

so glad im done with school in general, well at lest till im in college.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright... So my teacher is currently THE WORST teacher I've ever had. Some kids say she's nice, yeah right, to them! She plays favorites and I'm the new kid. AT THE BOTTOM?! One time my friend talked to me and I talked back... and I was blamed. And we have this stupid packet, not even worth the time, GAA... Great American Awards. :mad: She also embarresses everyone in the class, BUT EXCPT HER FAVORITES. Me and my friend we complaining about her and she agreed. (Dif. friend) Ex: JOHN YOU MISSPELLED WRITE ON YOUR TEST!
Like seriously I want a different teacher... Or go to a different school! :D I would be better off. We also have A TON of homework. Seriously my whole class has to read our own book for 1 full f* hour. :mad: I really hate her. She .. Did I meant ion that she's EXTREMELY STRICT?!??!!!!!!!!!! And she says we act like babies because one time the stupid 6th graders stole our soccer ball. She said, "Really you guys? Do you see your name on that ball? It's the school's ball and I should see more from you. It's like dealing with 4 year olds." In my head I was like (WARNING: Has swear words censored),"WHAT THE F*?! Why the... F* you!! SCREW YOUU! Grrr..." So she's still like that. :mad: Luckily June is close... Not very close but close.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
currently worst proffesor i have is proffesor of physics.he is complete jerk ,and your grades depends on how do you behave on his class.we dont write lessons ,he only draw some pictures on board and nothing else,not even a single word(i cant remmember all what he said,i dont have voice recorder in my head...).AND if you wanna get better grades you must laugh on his stupid jokes.......

but even worse proffesor is from primary school.she was math proffesor and her math skills were ,,,.
she allways had a paper with everything written and her only job was to write that things on board .
because of that i still dont know math. :(
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Had a religion teacher once who allways asked us to take part in the discussion. Only problem was whenever one of us did not agree with her half assed attempts to teach the different beliefs, she would get highly offended.
Once I corrected her on something about atheism (in which I highly see myself). She went on a 30 minute rant on how she was defiantly more atheist than I.

Best part? She was wrong in the fact.

Even better?(or worse) she was not only the most boring teacher I had had, but also one of the most discusting. She would allways wear the same style grey t-shirt and allways with sweat stains under her arms


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Personally I'd say Direwolf20- just because of the whole 9x9 thing.

oh Academic Teaching?
Not my teacher, but the one in the next room who had zero control of her class- and was forever sending pupils into our class as punishment.
I was in 6th form at the time- I'm here out of choice; stop distracting our class and our exam revision because you can't discipline your class.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm... now that I'm not in school anymore... I'd say my english teacher was the worst I ever had. There have been teachers I did not like at all, but they taught us atleast something.

In english class all we learned is how to write. Write this text, that mediation, what ever. Talking? Stop kidding, you won't need to talk in english !

Of course I had this teacher for 8 years lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone here watch The Walking Dead? Well, I have a teacher that's just like the governor. He plays all nice and everything, like he's our friend and wants us to pass. But once he gets kinda comfortable he goes like BAM YOU CAN ALL GET SHOT (or in this case, get an F)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a teacher once that threw a desk at the guy sitting next to me the next day that student had a concussion and the teacher was gone.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
oh i forgot to mention her.in primary school we had professor of english that was too much in her world.most of the class didnt know english well,except for me and 4-5 others(well,i dont know grammar well,as you can see :p).she made a test where you needed to write what she says.
i did that totally perfect 100/100 points, E X C E L E N T!!! and she was like -'um,dat is not possible,you are cheater!'.i was like 'kay bich,test me again..'
and she tested me again in front of 30 other pupils.and again i did perfect and she gave me 5.(mark here goes from 1 to 5 , 1 being worse).
i will remmember her whole my life as jerk....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Microeconomics professor @ college and another one on other class, can't remember which one.

We were the unfortunate group to see such a questionable intelligence on the MicroEco professor. He had like, 10 credit cards and still had credit problems... Do what I say but do not do what I do? (A famous brazilian phrase...)
We had a test, near the end of the semester that had two questions with VERY similar topics and answers. One of them had two ambiguous and right questions. When he corrected the test he said that one question is MORE RIGHT than other one... After 4 months of abuse, most of us flipped out.
A jerk that was in my class almost fought with him, after that the jerk went to the principal office to fill a complain about him. After we finished the semester we never saw him again.

The other one is quite a story! Sit down and listen (read).
1st week of the class, and came this guy, from São Paulo and stuff... All snobby and shit. Great speech, good presence... Okay. So I thought... "Lets search for the curriculum lattes of this guy..." (curriculum lattes is a platform to aggregate articles and research for a person. mainly used for scientists, researchers and college/PHD professors).

After I googled his name I found out that he stole money from a company in São Paulo and was responding on a process of the Receita Federal (brazilian IRS, kinda).

I was stunned. I found out everything in 5 minutes or less. And my course coordinator couldn't find it.
I told a personal friend of mine, I didn't want to talk about it with anyone, because the coordinator was new and everyone (except me and a few other people) hated her.
After a week everyone knew. Okay.
3 months later, the professor scheduled a trip to Uruguay. I didn't went, cause I had no money :(

He got a job there on a cassino... WTF.

After this incident our coordinator came to my class and we discussed on what we were supposed to do...
oooh, good times.

TL;DR: one was a stupid mess of shit and another one was a big shitty bag full of lies. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2. We are the plague of the internetz, we viemos para atormentar.

Yeah, damn you guys, you're always swearing *cough*"Fala filhos da puta! Só vai? Eu sei que somos a merda de uma minoria aqui nesse fórum, mas que se foda, certo? "*cough*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, damn you guys, you're always swearing *cough*"Fala filhos da puta! Só vai? Eu sei que somos a merda de uma minoria aqui nesse fórum, mas que se foda, certo? "*cough*

I don't mind :) I was raised by my mother that screamed at me all the time... It's not swearing anymore :)