Country of residence: 'Murica
Why do you want to join?: Going to college. I need something else to pass the time.
Past notable experience (Not important): I used to run a FTB Mindcrack server. I ran out of money and had to shut it down.
How many rules are there?: 10
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yes, and that the news today is that there will be Monster World resets soon.
Username: wackoman6789
Age: 15 (Almost 16 and i am mature)
Country of residence: USA
Why do you want to join?: my old server looks like its closing sadly server hasn't been up in awhile and i want to play some FTB
Past notable experience (Not important): i have been a unofficial mod before like i had all the perms and everything i just didn't have the "mod title"
How many rules are there?: 10
Suggestions (Optional):
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta:yes i do
I want to know if everyone is alright with this happening.
I wonder if it's near my place. If it happens not that often, then I'm fine with it.
I personally think that you would be better off waiting for a more stable releaseI quickly want an opinion on upgrading to Monster 1.0.9. No mods will break. The server won't need a world restart.
BUT (and a big one) the world will have sections like these (screenshot) in regions where it changes from the current terrain gen to the new one with the changes. Maybe not always this dramatic.
I want to know if everyone is alright with this happening.
Username: Fragbo
Age: 16
Country of residence: UK
Why do you want to join?: I am a small youtuber who is looking for a group that are mature and friendly and, based on your description, I have found it
Past notable experience (Not important): More hours with mods that Vanilla, very good understanding of the mods and how the work together.
How many rules are there?: 10
Suggestions (Optional):
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yes
I will be on as soon as the FTB download servers are back upAdded to whitelist. Welcome to the server.
Oh, and we have updated to 1.0.9. It went without problems. Other than the terrain gen divide. But a large area is already generated so it shouldn't be a problem.
I'm having the same problem, did you manage to fix it yet?Help the server says
The following microblocks are not installed on this client:
whenever i try to join and it doesn't let me on.
I'm having the same problem, did you manage to fix it yet?
Username: Tyranyth
Age: 31
Country of residence: The Netherlands
Why do you want to join?: I used to play on a small server with some friends but all have since stopped playing. I tried single player but it just isn't the same and I miss other players around, so I'm looking for a small server to make some new friends and play modded minecraft with.
Past notable experience (Not important): I started on vanilla just to learn the basics before starting on tekkit. After that came Yogscraft / Unleashed. And now I'm looking forward to play monster with others.
How many rules are there?: 10
Suggestions (Optional): I have no suggestions atm. Just a question about building; are we allowed to build anywhere and are there any rules on how big we are allowed to go with the buildings?
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: Yes I do
And just a little info about me, I'm a very casual player I probably won't be on a lot during the week due to work and limited time I do however play quite a lot during the weekends.
Username: TommyDiamonds
Age: 24
Country of residence: US (California)
Why do you want to join?: looking to play with the newest updates and some cool ppl
Past notable experience: been playin since ultimate
How many rules are there?: 10
Do you understand that Monster is in Beta: yup