[WIP] [1.6.4] [1.7.2 IN PROGRESS] MortTech

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IMPORTANT: Due to stress, and finals around the corner, MortTech Development is halted, AND I wont be coding anything REAL for AT LEAST two months. It will be around August when I open a ForgeGradle environment in IntelliJ again. I'm sorry, but I can't juggle schoolwork, dealing with the idiots in my class, handling my stress, being able to relax, and modding at the moment. I will continue MortTech development later, but until then (after I relax, brush up on Java, and play some D&D with my friends of course), I will be coding Thermal Tinkerer, a Thermal Expansion Addon.

CURRENT PRE-RELEASE [Yes, I know about the names, textures, and recipes]
[The link to ProgWML6's Server is safe, you can trust a TiC dev, right?]

The Pollbox [I was bored and in the TiC room, okay]

Due to 1.8 bogus around the corner, I have decided to balance around Tinker's Construct being in the play environment, due to it being how I would have to balance, if I were to make the mod how I wanted it. Here is the Pastebin of the IRC log, leading me to this decision: http://pastebin.com/EPtJQndc

MortTech is not you standard tech mod, think of it as ((GregTech/Greg)(RotaryCraft-Steep Learning Curve)+Tinker's Construct)^Thermal Expansion 3

You're probably saying "What!?" Okay let me explain, MortTech is like GregTech with out the [at least in my opinion] pointless nerfing and ridiculous tedium, so the Tech with out the Greg, but it is also like RotaryCraft, except with less of a learning curve, and we will eventually have modular mutliblock [and single block] machines, similar in a way to Tinker's Construct tools, and hopefully the whole mod will be as intuitive and well designed as Thermal Expansion 3.
I have high-school and its associated bogus to deal with, so I can't always respond.


Only the World, Base, Machines, and Compat modules will be in first Alpha but here are the plans for all modules:
Utils - I use Mantle now, Mantle is cool
Base - Common Things
World - [including Extra Crops] Ores, Crops, Latex Trees,and Crops
World Expansion - [More Animals, Kitty Talents, Sheep Genetics, Animal Genders and Fox Talents] Forestry-esque Sheep Breeding, Animals w/ Genders, and more...
Machines [including Alloys, Modular Power, Ceramic and Steam Pipes, and PowerSuits] - A.K.A MortTech
Compat - Intermod Stuff
Misc. - Miscellaneous Crap
Forge Utilities - Recipes and Crap
Solar Engines and Dynamos - Solar Power :O
Advanced Tinkering [Tinker's Construct addon] - Tinkering of stuffs
Alternate UU [including UU+] - Want UU without IC2?
Ars Alchemica [including Runic Stones] - Alchemy, 'nuff said
Addons for Forestry [Forestry Addon] - Purifaction of bees, Papayahimars, and more!
Mysterious Books - Knowledge is power...
Improved Dyes - Maybe, not sure...
Forbidden Thaumaturgy [Thaumcraft Addon] - RETURN OF THE ELDRITCH
Dimensions - Many new Dimensions
Better Villages - Name says it all
Player Expansion - Some RPG Stuff...
MortEssentials - Server Stuffs...

9 Machines
Some Ores
Thaumcraft aspects

Spawn Book
More Alloy things
More Ore Stuff
TiC Alloy Smelting
Latex Trees

Alpha 0.0.3.x - 0.0.9.x:
Ore Compat
Tinker's Tools
Modular Machines

Beta 0.1.x.x:
Full Tech Tree
Configurable Research
Multipart Machines

Beta 0.2.x.x:
...and more...

Bugs Reports:

If you found a bug, great! Report it HERE so we can see it, as it will likely get lost in the forum thread, and you won't report a known bug

Known Bugs:
No Recipes [Will be fixed in 0.0.1.x]
Crank doesn't Render [Will be fixed in when I can]
Crank is missing its texture [0.0.1.x]



Source Code: https://github.com/Mortvana/MortTech

Old Versions:

v0.0.0.1a (No Config)


Alpha v0.0.1.0-a2

Fix Localizations
Added mcmod.info
Alpha v0.0.1.0-a1

Update to 1.7.2
Added Debugging Spork
Now Requires Mantle

Pre-Alpha v0.0.0.1b

Sawdust and Sonic Wrench Textures
Creative Tab
Config File

Pre-Alpha v0.0.0.1a:

Added Woodmill
Added Crank
Added the Tier 3 Wrench
Added Sawdust
No Recipes Yet


Install like every other Forge Mod. For beginners, use the guide below:

1. Install v9.11.1.965 (the recommended build) of Minecraft Forge (see here for a tutorial)
2. Place MortTech in the /mods folder

*Earlier builds may work, builds through will likely not though.

Video Install Coming Soon

Website and Dev Blog:
Dev Blog
Public Dropbox Folder

Join us on the Intermaweb Relativish Coconuts, wait no...
...EsperNet Internet Relay Chat, on #MortTech
I'm also usually lurking on #TinkersConstruct


Mortvana: Code, Design, Art
_11: Art, and eventually Code
v0.0.1.0 Plans:

Re-write Woodmill [GUI, Rotations, and Power]
Sprite Dusts
OreDict Dusts CHECK
Add Recipe Items
Add Recipes
Add all Textures
Fix Crank Render
Add Book
Add Debugging Spork

Doge Art:



The code of MortTech in source and/or binary form is the intellectual property of the MortTech Team. The end user [From here on know as "You"] may not reproduce or modify MortTech, except for personal use. You may not redistribute MortTech freely, in Alpha and later, Beta this will change, as it is only for the stability issues at the time you are however permitted to distribute MortTech in your modpack, as long as it is strictly non-profit [donations strictly for the web hosting are allowed] and none of the other mods are included against their license. With written permission from the MortTech Team, you may forgo applicable parts of the license.

[1-24-2014] Addendum to the December 11th, 2013 Minecraft EULA Revision:
MortTech is based on MY MortTech anime, as such, while the code I labor over in my free time may be stolen by Mojang, my art, and the designs of everything in MortTech are my intellectual property, as such Mojang can not use MortTech with out my explicit permission.

BigBadChris' (Feed the Beast's Art Guy[This is the FTB Forums, you SHOULD know who he is >.>]) Comic explaining the new EULA:


Donate Button Coming Soon
My Patreon Page
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The main question I have is what makes this unique? As in why would I use this mod instead of the other mods you mentioned? Also what kind of mod coding experience have you and your team had?
+1 for some Doge, seconding @kaovalin on the question of "And what is unique about this?". By the looks of it, you've got sawdust(and wood processing of some kind) and two types of A(1) wrenches, none of which is usable/craftable.

I've seen more usable content in the current release of XyCraft, which is VaporWare currently!
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The main question I have is what makes this unique? As in why would I use this mod instead of the other mods you mentioned? Also what kind of mod coding experience have you and your team had?

MortTech is unique in its planned machine system, due to it being modular, aswell as some powerful end game ore processing [Think RotaryCraft Extractor on steroids :p ] MortTech is actually designed with the likelihood to be played alongside Tinker's and Thermal Expansion, and I love me some RotaryCraft, but if you want an RF powered mod similar to it, that's MortTech. And we should all know why to not use GregNerf [No it doesn't nerf Greg :p ] Research is also planned, might ask Azanor a bit of where to start, being a patron of his. I am not the BEST coder, I'm still learning, and my buddy _11 still doesn't code yet.

+1 for some Doge, seconding @kaovalin on the question of "And what is unique about this?". By the looks of it, you've got sawdust(and wood processing of some kind) and two types of A(1) wrenches, none of which is usable/craftable.

I've seen more usable content in the current release of XyCraft, which is VaporWare currently!

It is heavy WIP, I'll be porting to 1.7.2 soon, with recipes :)
Edit: Thanks for the +1
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Uh, either im blind or so. But, any pictures?

(Also the RC extractor is already on steroids. i mean 0.05 processing time :D)
Hm...I kind of disagree with the idea of researching mechanical stuff in order to be able to know what it is. Better to just have a tech tree. Also, what's with some seemingly random Thaumcraft integration? I can't seem to figure out how it connects to the whole mod.

Also, I love the license. ;)
Uh, either im blind or so. But, any pictures?

(Also the RC extractor is already on steroids. i mean 0.05 processing time :D)
No pictures yet, I need to make them and met the Woodmill working, but that will be for 1.7, and I need to get Mantle working

Hm...I kind of disagree with the idea of researching mechanical stuff in order to be able to know what it is. Better to just have a tech tree. Also, what's with some seemingly random Thaumcraft integration? I can't seem to figure out how it connects to the whole mod.

Also, I love the license. ;)
MortTech is really a series of mods, Forbidden Thaumaturgy is just me wanting OP Endgame and Eldritch things, due to me loving Thaumcraft. Also the research will be configurable
What about an experiment based research- you make an experiment (via in-world structures, crafting, creative use of machines) to unlock the next tech in the tree. You could easily integrate it with thaumcraft research by making the experiment "record the result" on a note which you'd then need to research further using your knowledge, experience, and imagination in the thaumcraft research table.
For the in-world structures and experiments, you can probably use a device (or a dozen) of some sort to start and record the various experiment (and prevent a lot of the multiblock structure lag and limitation)
What about an experiment based research- you make an experiment (via in-world structures, crafting, creative use of machines) to unlock the next tech in the tree. You could easily integrate it with thaumcraft research by making the experiment "record the result" on a note which you'd then need to research further using your knowledge, experience, and imagination in the thaumcraft research table.
For the in-world structures and experiments, you can probably use a device (or a dozen) of some sort to start and record the various experiment (and prevent a lot of the multiblock structure lag and limitation)

I like this idea, once Beta comes up, and as such, research, this will be part of research.
+1 for some Doge, seconding @kaovalin on the question of "And what is unique about this?". By the looks of it, you've got sawdust(and wood processing of some kind) and two types of A(1) wrenches, none of which is usable/craftable.

I've seen more usable content in the current release of XyCraft, which is VaporWare currently!
Current release of XyCraft?!?!?!?! Do you mean for 1.6? Link Please.
MortTech is unique in its planned machine system, due to it being modular, aswell as some powerful end game ore processing [Think RotaryCraft Extractor on steroids :p ] MortTech is actually designed with the likelihood to be played alongside Tinker's and Thermal Expansion, and I love me some RotaryCraft, but if you want an RF powered mod similar to it, that's MortTech. And we should all know why to not use GregNerf [No it doesn't nerf Greg :p ] Research is also planned, might ask Azanor a bit of where to start, being a patron of his. I am not the BEST coder, I'm still learning, and my buddy _11 still doesn't code yet.

It is heavy WIP, I'll be porting to 1.7.2 soon, with recipes :)
Edit: Thanks for the +1

So what I'm hearing is you want a RF version of gregtech. Modular machines are already addressed with several mods. IC2 and Mekanism have upgradable machines. Mek even lets you swap out functions that each factory performs. Mek also nicely cooperates with RF. Reactorcraft and rotarycraft are already on steroids and I'm pretty positive you can make RF with it. I still dont hear what makes it unique. I dont say this to be mean, I just want to help you make your idea a great idea.

I read that you were going to be adding a research element. I would be interested in hearing more about your plans for that as that could be a unique feature for it. Although you should be careful with what barriers to entry you make as that dictates the gameplay for your mod and how it relates to other mods.
This sounds awesome, but I think you have a LOT of work (probably a year or more) before you reach the level of development that you have described in the OP. Good luck, and I can't wait to see what this mod blossoms into.
So what I'm hearing is you want a RF version of gregtech. Modular machines are already addressed with several mods. IC2 and Mekanism have upgradable machines. Mek even lets you swap out functions that each factory performs. Mek also nicely cooperates with RF. Reactorcraft and rotarycraft are already on steroids and I'm pretty positive you can make RF with it. I still dont hear what makes it unique. I dont say this to be mean, I just want to help you make your idea a great idea.

I read that you were going to be adding a research element. I would be interested in hearing more about your plans for that as that could be a unique feature for it. Although you should be careful with what barriers to entry you make as that dictates the gameplay for your mod and how it relates to other mods.

MortTech will be an RF, non-tedious, easy GregTech in a way, yes. While I know of some modular machine mods, the modular machines I speak of are basically a slightly more intuitive version of Engineer's Toolbox, and while I know (and use) Mekanism and IC2, the upgrades will be a bit different, I will not have the factories like Mekanism does though, and I know all about Mekanism's RF (looks to roof seeing Adv. Solar.) While with 1,000's of Rotary Dynamos you can make power from ReactorCraft, MortTech produces straight RF, no rotary middleman, and I know RotaryCraft is powerful, that is why I love it. The research will have many modes (default is a fused Thaumonomicon and Arcane Compendium) and I do this to allow the end-user to use it how the want. The main point of MortTech is it's alloy system.[DOUBLEPOST=1394599414][/DOUBLEPOST]
This sounds awesome, but I think you have a LOT of work (probably a year or more) before you reach the level of development that you have described in the OP. Good luck, and I can't wait to see what this mod blossoms into.

I know of all the work I need to do, but I will try my best to complete it all (while dealing with high-school.)
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Not sure if it interests you, but it could be unique to offer ore processing that does huge bulk processing (several stacks at a time), but it takes a while to do (think factorization's crystalizer ~20min/batch). So the effective ores/sec is high but you have to wait a decent amount of time for each full cycle. I feel it could perform better if you have a massive factory that isnt ticking a trillion times a second. Given the scale you seem to be putting forward I thought I would make that comment. It would emphasise the end game use of the mod in that you dont process huge amounts of ore till late game and wouldnt be practical or useful early game.

Other than ore processing, do you intent to have resource aquisition as well a la BC quarries, MFR mining lasers, MFR tree farms? Maybe you could come up with your own kind of resource that when farmed it produces something that provides energy in a fashion similar to the tone of the factories. That is you invest a huge amount of resources and have to wait a while for it to process/mature/refine so that you can get high density fuel that can be turned into lots of energy. After all, things like vodka, beer, and wine arent produced in a stream, but in huge bulk vats. Just some thoughts to mull over.
If your mods main draw is alloys... I sure as hell hope you have a crap ton of cool ones, because Metallurgy 3 is likely going to laugh at your mod if you really want to focus on alloys.
Not sure if it interests you, but it could be unique to offer ore processing that does huge bulk processing (several stacks at a time), but it takes a while to do (think factorization's crystalizer ~20min/batch). So the effective ores/sec is high but you have to wait a decent amount of time for each full cycle. I feel it could perform better if you have a massive factory that isnt ticking a trillion times a second. Given the scale you seem to be putting forward I thought I would make that comment. It would emphasise the end game use of the mod in that you dont process huge amounts of ore till late game and wouldnt be practical or useful early game.

Other than ore processing, do you intent to have resource aquisition as well a la BC quarries, MFR mining lasers, MFR tree farms? Maybe you could come up with your own kind of resource that when farmed it produces something that provides energy in a fashion similar to the tone of the factories. That is you invest a huge amount of resources and have to wait a while for it to process/mature/refine so that you can get high density fuel that can be turned into lots of energy. After all, things like vodka, beer, and wine arent produced in a stream, but in huge bulk vats. Just some thoughts to mull over.

I might at some mass or processing (4/8/16 at a time) but the ~8x output of Tier 7 is why there is ~13 different machines to process the ores :P And MortTech is MOSTLY end game any way, but starts before you have your first pulverizer. I have plans for an IC2 Miner like system, and a Magmatic Chemical Extruder (Passive free dust gen) and trust me, Magnetar Dynamos produce enough power (262144 RF/t) but I might make ethanol vats...

If your mods main draw is alloys... I sure as hell hope you have a crap ton of cool ones, because Metallurgy 3 is likely going to laugh at your mod if you really want to focus on alloys.
Is a solid light alloy cool enough :cool: