Why i hate Xycraft

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there will be footballs with lasers, a catalyst laser, and more laser stuff.

MJ and EU is enough, I don't even know why do we even have bluetricity or why to do a new form of energy.
As Mero said, and even if it were, there are people, myself included, who enjoy using Red Power's power system. IMO, it requires a fair bit more forethought than IC2 or BC/TE power, since it works more like real-world electricity than either of the others do.

Hell, I enjoy Xycraft now, just for the aesthetic appeal alone. Being able to turn anything harder than wood into a gigantic tank? Hell yeah! Yeah, RailCraft tanks can store more in less space, but they require more in terms of both resources and infrastructure. You can also blend the Xycraft tanks into your base, should you want to, going by what I've seen in Direwolf's videos. On single player, aesthetics may not be too important, but I can see it being a selling point in SMP. One-upping one another is a grand human past time, after all.
Judging mod features which are not yet released is not really right, but if the tanks are released like they are in the direwolf videos, they are way too overpowered and cheap.

I mean at first they said they want to make new things and then basically copy the tank feature from railcraft and make it ridicilously cheap, that's just wrong.

About the tanks, railcraft tanks hold more liquid than XYCraft's.

No they don't, both store 16 buckets per block, but railcraft takes all blocks of the tank as storage blocks, xycraft only the "air blocks" inside the tank.

But the problem is, with railcraft you have increased costs with every additional storage block, with xycraft every sized tank costs the same, doesn't matter if you store 16 buckets or 16.000 buckets and that's a concept I don't really like. :(
As Mero said, and even if it were, there are people, myself included, who enjoy using Red Power's power system. IMO, it requires a fair bit more forethought than IC2 or BC/TE power, since it works more like real-world electricity than either of the others do.
realism? this is minecraft bro, cubes with tentacles fly, throw explosive fireballs and cry like babies.

in my opinion MJ seems the more "minecrafty" from of energy, and EU more industrial.
Yeah I have to agree with the OP regarding quartz crystals. The top end of my sorting system uses diamond pipes to sort and void junk, which includes quartz crystals. However I must have have 5 or six pipe slots set to these crystals because while they look the same they don't come out of the quarry with the same IDs. Very annoying behavior.
Xycraft does add tanks they are not available for the unwashed masses currently, they are under testing on Forgecraft so the slavering masses have seen them in various youtubers vids.

Then I will reserve judgment until Xycraft updates the live version and allows me to play with them. By then, they may be better balanced. Or not. We'll see!
from what I can see in DW videos, the fabricator, the water block and the other ones only use blue xychorium...
The mod is still under development. We can't really judge it yet.

If it's in my world trashing up the place I certainly will judge it. I doubt I'll ever waste my time with this mod again since they couldn't be bothered to have a quartz disable flag.

Redpower is just as bad in this regard crapping out broken volcanoes and marble I don't even want. but at least that mod adds something useful elsewhere. Funny how much faster the world generates without these two though.
No they don't, both store 16 buckets per block, but railcraft takes all blocks of the tank as storage blocks, xycraft only the "air blocks" inside the tank.

But the problem is, with railcraft you have increased costs with every additional storage block, with xycraft every sized tank costs the same, doesn't matter if you store 16 buckets or 16.000 buckets and that's a concept I don't really like. :(

I saw that direwolf20 video too: I think to avoid having a totally overpowered tank, they need to consider the tank material and the stored liquid.

so basically every material is okay for water. we know wooden barrels that hold water, and so on. but no one stores lava in tanks made out of stone. that needs a material that is much more heat resistant. or liquids added by IC2/GT: helium and hydrogen. a stone tank would just not work for that. maybe, since these liquids are IC2-related, how about a tank made of reinforeced stone. there are tons of possibilities for that. and the xycraft-team might consider some sort of windows as with the railcraft-tanks. people like to see their stuff...
so, minning a bit of xychorium, making a valve and making a 5x5x6 cube of cobble can store the same amount as the small 3x3x4 iron tank?

yep, that makes sense.
so, minning a bit of xychorium, making a valve and making a 5x5x6 cube of cobble can store the same amount as the small 3x3x4 iron tank?

yep, that makes sense.

I sure hope that that's going to be changed. I really dislike how some modders take ideas from other mods (like the RC tanks) and just make their own MUCH cheaper version just to get everyone to use their mod.
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I sure hope that that's going to be changed. I really dislike how some modders take ideas from other mods (like the RC tanks) and just make their own MUCH cheaper version just to get everyone to use their mod.

Sadly this is unlikely to change and I have to agree about the "copy and make cheaper" method, really bad behavior, and now everytime I see Soaryn in the Direwolf video I have to think about this crap.
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he is coping stuff and making it cheaper (and in a way, better), he made the fabricator, the tanks, the catalyst...
I sure hope that that's going to be changed. I really dislike how some modders take ideas from other mods (like the RC tanks) and just make their own MUCH cheaper version just to get everyone to use their mod.
It's not like no one would use RC tanks once the XyCraft tanks are released. I care more about space efficiency than material cost, so I'd still use RC tanks.
hmm, interesting how removing worldgen makes the world generate faster. it's almost as if the computer doesn't have as much stuff to do.

just an idea: every quartz crystal sits in its own pocket of stone and glows. so the renderer (which should really be optimized in that way) needs to calculate the lightlevels inside that pocket, even no one could possibly watch it. maybe that's consuming calculation speed of the gpu.
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I dunno, I kinda see the difference between Xycraft and RC tanks being similar to BC tanks and RC tanks: the former is cheaper, but requires a larger footprint to store more liquid, while the other is more expensive in resources, but takes up less space per unit of liquid stored. Yeah, the differences could be evened out a bit, maybe a quick check in either of the mods (or both) to see if the other exists and alter calculations accordingly. Mods already do that with recipes (like GregTech), I don't see why storage-per-block calculations would be any different.

As for the crystal glowing thing...if its a problem with the renderer, methinks that's a problem with Minecraft itself. Of which there are many. That have gone unfixed for the longest bloody time. Because, as we all know, its not performance that matters, but a gigantic pile of features. That don't work well because of sub-optimal performance.
In the last episode of DW20 Season 3 SMP, Soaryn showed off some of his work in progress machines, like his laser power system. It looked pretty amazing.

So there looks to be a lot coming down the pipe for Xycraft in the future.

What episode was this, I watched episode 87, which is the last one in the season 3 playlist, and I couldn't find that.

Edit: I found it. Right around 11 minutes he shows the power transfer system