I'm seeing a TON of complaints. Almost all of these complaints are concerning the lack of inclusion of RedPower (and occasionally Thaumcraft) in Feed the Beast's initial launch. While I cannot speak on behalf of the devs, I believe I understand the thought process behind this decision.
Simply put: It is better to release a massive, functional modpack (32 mods) that is 95% complete than to not release it until it is 100% complete.
The reasoning behind this is completely understandable. Do any of the folks complaining about RedPower not being included know when the last official update to RedPower was? I'll tell you: 1.2.5. This isn't because the mod's author, Eloraam, is lazy. She's been working her butt off on it and Forge, but as Gabe Newell famously quoted, "These things...they take time." RedPower is very complex and deep and cannot be updated quickly. That's fine, she's doing all she can (for free, mind you), and we all look forward to its release.
But to think that Feed the Beast's forward momentum should completely halt due to one mod's incompleteness is utterly ridiculous. Imagine the following scenario: FTB decides to launch at the beginning of 1.3, but the community complains about the lack of RedPower. "Wait a week, it'll be done!" they all say. So FTB decides not to launch until RedPower is finished. In this imaginary scenario, FTB would still not be released.
The community really needs to understand that despite how amazing RedPower and Thaumcraft ARE, there are 32 other phenomenal mods in FTB that are fully ready to be enjoyed. I spent 8 hours last night roaming the massive treetops of the Twilight Forest, getting lost in a maze, and then nearly being kill by three different things I won't spoil for you. I then returned to my overworld, placed all of my ores into Industrial Craft 2 machines to increase my efficiency and productivity, then opened my linking book to explore a nauseated Age in Mystcraft. I stumbled around and promptly fled home to work on my Buildcraft piping system for organization. All of my items are in Iron Chests.
My playing experience is already radically better than the few mods in Tekkit or the bland (in my opinion) world of Vanilla. I was playing with four other friends on a private server, all of us laughing hysterically because I hid cicadas from Twilight forest in the ground all around our base. The noise was deafening, we were all having a blast, and that would not have been possible if the beta for Feed the Beast hadn't launched.
My TL;DR point is this: Please stop complaining. Please stop asking Feed the Beast to "delay the launch." The admins behind the modpack are fortunately smart enough to realize that "delaying" will quickly become "never releasing" if the modpack cannot launch unless 100% of the desired mods are fully ready. That will never happen with a game like Minecraft.
Stop complaining, start enjoying. RedPower will come, Thaumcraft will come, but in the meantime, let's all stop whining and start enjoying all of the hard work the mod authors and the modpack creators have put into this amazing gaming experience. The Beast MUST be fed, and it's certainly not going to wait another week (or longer).
Disclaimer - This thread is written with absolute respect and awe for RedPower and Thaumcraft's creators. Those two deserve every bit of praise possible for how hard they work at perfecting their additions while still optimizing their code for a better experience overall. Quit complaining and go THANK them instead.
Simply put: It is better to release a massive, functional modpack (32 mods) that is 95% complete than to not release it until it is 100% complete.
The reasoning behind this is completely understandable. Do any of the folks complaining about RedPower not being included know when the last official update to RedPower was? I'll tell you: 1.2.5. This isn't because the mod's author, Eloraam, is lazy. She's been working her butt off on it and Forge, but as Gabe Newell famously quoted, "These things...they take time." RedPower is very complex and deep and cannot be updated quickly. That's fine, she's doing all she can (for free, mind you), and we all look forward to its release.
But to think that Feed the Beast's forward momentum should completely halt due to one mod's incompleteness is utterly ridiculous. Imagine the following scenario: FTB decides to launch at the beginning of 1.3, but the community complains about the lack of RedPower. "Wait a week, it'll be done!" they all say. So FTB decides not to launch until RedPower is finished. In this imaginary scenario, FTB would still not be released.
The community really needs to understand that despite how amazing RedPower and Thaumcraft ARE, there are 32 other phenomenal mods in FTB that are fully ready to be enjoyed. I spent 8 hours last night roaming the massive treetops of the Twilight Forest, getting lost in a maze, and then nearly being kill by three different things I won't spoil for you. I then returned to my overworld, placed all of my ores into Industrial Craft 2 machines to increase my efficiency and productivity, then opened my linking book to explore a nauseated Age in Mystcraft. I stumbled around and promptly fled home to work on my Buildcraft piping system for organization. All of my items are in Iron Chests.
My playing experience is already radically better than the few mods in Tekkit or the bland (in my opinion) world of Vanilla. I was playing with four other friends on a private server, all of us laughing hysterically because I hid cicadas from Twilight forest in the ground all around our base. The noise was deafening, we were all having a blast, and that would not have been possible if the beta for Feed the Beast hadn't launched.
My TL;DR point is this: Please stop complaining. Please stop asking Feed the Beast to "delay the launch." The admins behind the modpack are fortunately smart enough to realize that "delaying" will quickly become "never releasing" if the modpack cannot launch unless 100% of the desired mods are fully ready. That will never happen with a game like Minecraft.
Stop complaining, start enjoying. RedPower will come, Thaumcraft will come, but in the meantime, let's all stop whining and start enjoying all of the hard work the mod authors and the modpack creators have put into this amazing gaming experience. The Beast MUST be fed, and it's certainly not going to wait another week (or longer).
Disclaimer - This thread is written with absolute respect and awe for RedPower and Thaumcraft's creators. Those two deserve every bit of praise possible for how hard they work at perfecting their additions while still optimizing their code for a better experience overall. Quit complaining and go THANK them instead.