Why don't people like IC2 anymore?

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Spacetime Mogul

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I got from your post is IC2 is only worthwhile right now with GregTech. This is my line of thinking, although I doubt it was yours/your servers.
Well, it's not the line of thinking of my fellow players. They just want that simple infrastructure so they can concentrate on "cool", "fun" stuff.
In that case that would be PvE or PvP exquipment like weapons, armor, utitity gear, it would also be content to explore like dungeons or monsters to fight like Ars Magica 2's end bosses.

For me though it is.
IC2 without Gregtech is boring to me, while with GT it amazes me.
I've only discovered how brilliantly cool GT's covers system is. When using GT right you can build extremely compact automated production facilities that also integrate well with practically every other mod. Yes, GT machines are better even than TE machines in that respect, and that's cool because that's just the incentive I need to spend that much more ressources and time on them.
At the moment I use my GT stuff to fill Extra Utilities drums with lava in the nether via GT liquid pipes.
I couldn't do that with IC2 alone as I wouldn't have a decent pump, I wouldn't have a decent lava-driven generator, I wouldn't have the pipes.

Most importantly though I love the many machines, especially the multiblock machines.
I remember one of my first vanilla minecraft experiences where I walked through my house full of useless empy rooms, dreaming of things that I could place in there to give them a reason to exist. Gregtech offers me lots of that stuff, things that I have to make room for, to build an infrastructure for, to breathe sense into all that room.

I would argue TE3 has just as much problem standing on its own. Yes it adds automation, but outside the simplification of tasks, and flobs, what does it do that adds to the gameplay in minecraft. For me TE must be used with other mods for there being any sense in having it in the first place.
Even build-craft suffers from this problems. Luckily for it, railcraft and forestry, extra bees, and magic bees provide it content

Indeed. But even more - of all the BC infrastructure mods, which one offers least content?
It's Buildcraft itself, I think. There are so many kinds of tubes and pipes and cables and tanks and redstone circuitry out there now, practically the only thing that makes Buildcraft really stand out is the quarry.
With TE, Railcraft, Forestry and Minefactory Reloaded or Rotarycraft installed the only real reason not to kick out Buildcraft is that some of the mods don't enable BC compatibility when they don't find it installed.

What I didn't like about it was the punishment for failure. The first time I accidentally blew up my entire arsenal of machines due to a wiring mistake, I nearly cried. That is one of the big things keeping me away from IC2e: the whole thing isn't refined yet, so strange bugs in the power system causes your machines to detonate. This, IMO, is one of the worst things you can have happen in any tech mod. It isn't hard, just punishing.

Yeah. I play IC2 + GT since the FTB Beta pack, so I know the mods a little. My story, happened yesterday:

Tried out a battery box from GT, filled it with the new batteries from IC2 which hold 100000 EU each. It didn't seem to work. I now know that I would have had to upgrade the battery box to medium voltage but there was nothing indicating that at that point.
I wanted to pick up the box, wrenched it wrong, orientating it so that it received power rather than emitting it - and it exploded, along with my CESU.
Pretty Obscure and unforgiving.

To power the rest of my machines, so that I could make the materials necessary to replace my CESU, I plugged a few cables from my two thermal generators (GT, ouput 24 EU/t) directly to my machines - which exploded violently.
I have not yet figured out why, but I guess they changed the way that power works so that my machines didn't receive two packages of 24 EU each but one package of 48 EU.
Very obscure and unforgiving.

Now I am a little worried whenever I place my AE Chest to access my ressources - would that go boom too, it would destroy days of work in an instant.

I was gonna like and then I saw this.
This is a real shame that it's such a common attitude, I personally blame the FTB team for not including any but MFFS (which a lot of people still assume is an IC2 addon).

Well, I tried out UE mods several times and they never really got me. Yeah, the graphics are well made with some cool and complex models, they offer those basic ore processng stuff, but most of the things that would have really been exciting didn't seem to work right (or at all) and I always had some weird energy conversion issues which caused immense energy multiplication. I once saw that UE steam mod that promised complex multipart steam engines with great models - I would have loved that, but it seems to be gone now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tried out a battery box from GT, filled it with the new batteries from IC2 which hold 100000 EU each. It didn't seem to work. I now know that I would have had to upgrade the battery box to medium voltage but there was nothing indicating that at that point.
I wanted to pick up the box, wrenched it wrong, orientating it so that it received power rather than emitting it - and it exploded, along with my CESU.
Pretty Obscure and unforgiving.

After reading this I realized that while I had no big problems with gregtech I also had a lot of ic2 experience before trying it. When I first got started, losing a cable or a generator to an explosion was not really a big deal... losing an expensive piece of gregtech equipment is though, and not very nice for new players.

Maybe they could make no explosions the default config, and make it that experienced players have to turn on explosions? (gregtech lets you disable explosions last I checked)

The circuit breaker is also a good idea. Adds some complexity and for me more fun, but then if you mess up a wire you dont lose an IDSU.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
You should be able to plug in your ME Chest. As far as I know, AE has no upper power limit. It'll suck every once of juice you throw at it without a burp.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, it's not the line of thinking of my fellow players. They just want that simple infrastructure so they can concentrate on "cool", "fun" stuff.
In that case that would be PvE or PvP exquipment like weapons, armor, utitity gear, it would also be content to explore like dungeons or monsters to fight like Ars Magica 2's end bosses.
Hmm, true. But why bother having tech mods if you don't want them to be the focus of your game?

Indeed. But even more - of all the BC infrastructure mods, which one offers least content?
It's Buildcraft itself, I think. There are so many kinds of tubes and pipes and cables and tanks and redstone circuitry out there now, practically the only thing that makes Buildcraft really stand out is the quarry.
With TE, Railcraft, Forestry and Minefactory Reloaded or Rotarycraft installed the only real reason not to kick out Buildcraft is that some of the mods don't enable BC compatibility when they don't find it installed.

Yeah. I play IC2 + GT since the FTB Beta pack, so I know the mods a little. My story, happened yesterday:

Tried out a battery box from GT, filled it with the new batteries from IC2 which hold 100000 EU each. It didn't seem to work. I now know that I would have had to upgrade the battery box to medium voltage but there was nothing indicating that at that point.
I wanted to pick up the box, wrenched it wrong, orientating it so that it received power rather than emitting it - and it exploded, along with my CESU.
Pretty Obscure and unforgiving.

You should always unplug things before doing maintenance... that applies as much in GregTech as in real life.

To power the rest of my machines, so that I could make the materials necessary to replace my CESU, I plugged a few cables from my two thermal generators (GT, ouput 24 EU/t) directly to my machines - which exploded violently.
I have not yet figured out why, but I guess they changed the way that power works so that my machines didn't receive two packages of 24 EU each but one package of 48 EU.
Very obscure and unforgiving.
They did. That's been the case for a long time now - and it's vanilla IC2, not even GregTech.
Strangely enough, they changed to the new system because too many people complained the old system was "obscure and unforgiving."
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Strangely enough, they changed to the new system because too many people complained the old system was "obscure and unforgiving."

True, but with no warning of the change ... yeah. People will assume things act the same at first. Especially as IC2exp ain't really documented anywhere outside of scanning through forums and crossing your fingers.

Also, the current EU system is in flux. It's incomplete. And it shows. I can't wait to see it's final implementation because the current one is ... problematic.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
They did. That's been the case for a long time now - and it's vanilla IC2, not even GregTech.
Strangely enough, they changed to the new system because too many people complained the old system was "obscure and unforgiving."

And the new system is equally obscure and unforgiving. It was not an upgrade it was, akin to windows 8, a "side-grade". It is basically the same just is better in some random aspect at the expense of other aspects.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And the new system is equally obscure and unforgiving. It was not an upgrade it was, akin to windows 8, a "side-grade". It is basically the same just is better in some random aspect at the expense of other aspects.
Which means it's a downgrade, really. All changes start with -100 points.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm seeing these "why like/dislike" threads and I see more "who can I argue against" than looking fro any real reasons.
But then, my cutting wit and razor-sharp logic net me more likes!

On a more serious note, that's what makes it a "discussion forum" with a "reply button"; debate is how we exchange our opinions here, and I feel that in the long run, although you may need to slog through some emotionally-coloured posts, in the long run discussion produces... well, call it a far superior grade of opinion. Much like the ore processing that has been brought up quite a bit, debating our opinions refines them with each step, greatly increasing their value and yield.

I would have to very strongly disagree with you that "any real reasons" are not being shared here; over the last 16 pages I've seen some very cogent and comprehensive answers to the initial question.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Well just installed IC2 exp and have to say that one thing people should ALL be happy about is the awesome textures on the machines now. As long as I have played, people have complained about the IC2 textures and now they are awesome. :)
Sorry, I'd have to disagree. Considering they are now 32x textures, they are quite bland and hideous.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry, I'd have to disagree. Considering they are now 32x textures, they are quite bland and hideous.
i can't say they are hideous or not, but textures do not affect gamplay and can br easily "fixed" by texturepack. so i don't count them as progression or regression.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i can't say they are hideous or not, but textures do not affect gamplay and can br easily "fixed" by texturepack. so i don't count them as progression or regression.

Textures can affect gameplay. If a game like Rayman Origins wasn't so nice looking and didn't sound as great as it does it'd arguably be a less enjoyable experience. Textures are a very important part of the game. Imagine a mod like Xycraft without them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Textures can affect gameplay. If a game like Rayman Origins wasn't so nice looking and didn't sound as great as it does it'd arguably be a less enjoyable experience. Textures are a very important part of the game. Imagine a mod like Xycraft without them.
i have to agreed that textures are important, but are they important enough in a game where it's possible to change them?
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Textures/Graphics are a VERY important part of the game.
Its not the overall final look of the textures- does the graphic style match the game?

With mod items- do the mod graphics fit in well with vanilla game graphics?
Yes- this means matching the vanilla style- so blocks are 16x16 pixels and custom shapes are voxel [cubic pixel] designs.

If you have something that doesn't match this style (such as Ars Magics 2/Modular Powersuits ect) it looks an absolute mess in game, regardless of how awesome the models look on their own.
If you're not sure on this- Imagine booting up GTA5; all of the terrain/vehicles ect are in smooth high-def graphics, but the people and animals use minecraft style voxels.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry, I'd have to disagree. Considering they are now 32x textures, they are quite bland and hideous.

I thought they were trying to keep the original feel of ic2, which i liked. Im sure if they just scrapped the whole look and went with an entirely new design, there would be a 15 page thread here on why ic2 textures should have stayed more like the original. ;)
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