Why do people hate Greg?

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Do you hate Greg?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my opinion gregtech improves IC2 greatly. IC2 has been around so long and so little has been done with it as of late. Greg is just giving IC2 a new life. Everything in gregtech is so hard to make because he wants you to actually have an IC2 infrastructure before you can make anything too advanced. For an example he removed the mass fab and replaced it with the matter fabricator. To get a mass fab all u realy needed was a bunch of iron and some coal and you would already be at the top of IC2 tech. Now it requires what it does so that you need to actually work your way up the tech tree. I really love gregtech because it inspires me to dream big because one day I might just get that fusion reactor. Please don't hate on Greg or this thread.[DOUBLEPOST=1370398721][/DOUBLEPOST]May the games begin


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a theory that since murder is illegal, he just made gregtech because he wanted to cause as much pain and suffering as possible. So every time something is hard because of gregtech, that's greg slipping a knife in your side.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a theory that since murder is illegal, he just made gregtech because he wanted to cause as much pain and suffering as possible. So every time something is hard because of gregtech, that's greg slipping a knife in your side.
Sir, u really are what I ment when I said no hate[DOUBLEPOST=1370398988][/DOUBLEPOST]
No, I actually really like Greg and his Nerfs.
Nerfs make me strong.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't hate it, because I had too much resources when I started playing around with it (upgraded from Direwolf20 pack to Ultimate).

But I definitely won't touch GT if it wasn't for AE. Crafting GT stuff is just too damn tedious.

The first time I ever made a Gravisuit, it took me an hour of continuous crafting and smelting and macerating and compressing just to get what I need. And don't get me started with those goddamn coolants. That's the same feeling I had with GT. If it weren't for AE, it would just be too annoying to even play with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sir, u really are what I ment when I said no hate[DOUBLEPOST=1370398988][/DOUBLEPOST]
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Not hate. I admire him for being so clever and coming with a way to do what he loves without breaking the law.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sir, u really are what I ment when I said no hate[DOUBLEPOST=1370398988][/DOUBLEPOST]
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
The second you created this thread you should've excepted hate on Greg, people don't like what his mod does and how he handles balance personally I like his mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't hate it, because I had too much resources when I started playing around with it (upgraded from Direwolf20 pack to Ultimate).

But I definitely won't touch GT if it wasn't for AE. Crafting GT stuff is just too damn tedious.

The first time I ever made a Gravisuit, it took me an hour of continuous crafting and smelting and macerating and compressing just to get what I need. And don't get me started with those goddamn coolants. That's the same feeling I had with GT. If it weren't for AE, it would just be too annoying to even play with.
that's why we have AE and Greg's machines work really well with automation[DOUBLEPOST=1370399330][/DOUBLEPOST]
The second you created this thread you should've excepted hate on Greg, people don't like what his mod does and how he handles balance personally I like his mod.
Yep I expected no less. I made this after looking through the forums and finding 4 anti Greg threads on one page


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Because he's a passive-aggressive "I'm always right" type.

We don't even hate his mod, he has amazing configs for letting us play the way we want.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Would be great if gregtech was just really hard on it's own instead of changing every other mod. Gregtech has actually turned me off of tech mods. Pointless machines that you build in order to get other machines so you can collect all of the machines. Can't wait for Magic World 2. Ars Magica/Thaumcraft are whole new games in themselves. Gregtech just adds tedium.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Would be great if gregtech was just really hard on it's own instead of changing every other mod. Gregtech has actually turned me off of tech mods. Pointless machines that you build in order to get other machines so you can collect all of the machines. Can't wait for Magic World 2. Ars Magica/Thaumcraft are whole new games in themselves. Gregtech just adds tedium.

Machines to get materials for a machine to get materials for another machine. Automation and quarry help and auto mining and factories with production? No, just a machine to get more machines.

I like to have fun when I play a game. I like to see all the cool features. If it's really the fact that endgame can be reached easily, don't nerf midgame and early game as well. ADD more after end game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About the passive aggressive part, I can understand that. Though with all of my internet experience, I've learned to ignore the personalities of many who have made a name for themselves online. It's a bit like looking up the biography of an actor you like, you're greatly risking being disappointed or even disturbed.

As far as tedium, I don't get it. Without GregTech I can get a quarry up and running in a matter of hours. That quarry would provide me with everything I needed to start building creatively, but it would take a long time so I might as well just play in creative mode unless I have something to make it more interesting. Having GregTech installed, while increasing the time it takes to start a quarry, that pales in comparison to the intermediate goals it provides for me while the quarry is running. Now I could still start building creatively, so its not like it nerfs that option. So I can't really understand this one fully, but I'd like to hear more. What is it that non GT users do in that time? I don't mean that argumentatively either, I'm always looking for new ideas.

The complexity of the recipes (number of steps), I guess I can understand this one too. AE certainly does make it a lot easier and I do like it that way. Why? Because I still get the experience of creating the recipe the first time, but I also unlock the ability to essentially skip a few steps the second time. That said, while AE is an acceptable counter to the issue for me, simplifying the recipes would not be. I like the feeling of work = reward. Something has to to the work, whether its a system I set up (AE) or me crafting it part by part. So yes, I agree that AE and GT work well together.

EDIT: Another classic DarkWasp wall of text fan rave about GregTech. :p Sorry
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dang it! After weeks of lurking n playing clicked on one of "these" threads again! uggh

ps am looking forward to getting into gregtech hardmode (still early days with my, TE set up, mining turtle and magic tower...) - a nice looking sortex rendered machine so I can build other machines so I eventually have a factory of machines that arent otherwise necessary is a fine achievement by me! May play with configs later? Will definitely get rid of EE3 next time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't hate it, because I had too much resources when I started playing around with it (upgraded from Direwolf20 pack to Ultimate).

But I definitely won't touch GT if it wasn't for AE. Crafting GT stuff is just too damn tedious.

The first time I ever made a Gravisuit, it took me an hour of continuous crafting and smelting and macerating and compressing just to get what I need. And don't get me started with those goddamn coolants. That's the same feeling I had with GT. If it weren't for AE, it would just be too annoying to even play with.
Well, AE isn't installed with Mindcrack by default. But I found the Xycraft fabricators work well for coolant cells.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thing I find most amusing is how vocal the GT haters are and how quiet the GT lovers are. This is the 2nd poll in recent weeks on GT and once again the vast majority like/use it while the forums are filled with whining about it. If you don't like it, remove it. I personally enjoy the fact that I have to build the infrastructure to support the machines as I go. Like the OP said, if you want everything now, play creative. The progression it and other mods add make the game interesting. There is always going to be something else to do.
For me, by the time I get quarries running, the game become easy/creative mode basically. I like that I am in my 2nd week on a server and still won't have one for while. By the time I can manage resources and machines to make it, I will have the sorting and processing setup so the timing feels right to me.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh why not. I'll chime in.

Greg's mod is pretty good. It has bigger numbers. People like that sort of thing. Graphically it's nothing to write home about, and realistically he isn't pushing any new technical mod boundaries, but the numbers are bigger. It does actually add a bit of depth to IC2, and moves the goalposts sufficiently to establish a new "endgame."

As for Greg? He's more arrogant than he has a right to be. He makes a mod, it's good. That's where it should end - he oversteps quite a bit with a lot of his declarations, as well as having code that basically exists to forcefully reshape other mods. Before you chalk that up to "modder ego," I'd advise that you check that phrase at the door. Modders don't have to have an inflated ego, and it's not an excuse. Many of us don't.

So yeah, little hate from me, but to be fair I have contempt for anyone who actively believes they are superior in some way. Nothing even personal here, that's just sort of how I see it - anybody who truly thinks they are above another human being needs a thwacking.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hate is a highly Negative emotion. I try to stay positive, so I try not to hate.
I do know he has a ego waiting to be popped, but I honestly don't care enough to hate him, let alone his mod. I enjoy it, even if it's a bit tedious at times.(fucking centrifuge...)
Crafting things doesn't bother me, but waiting hours to get enough resources for my next build sure as hell does.