Why do people hate Greg?

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Do you hate Greg?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's prett childish to see a dislike of someone's mod as "hate". Hate is what led the nazi's to murdering innocents. An opinion on a mod just leads to people not using it. Get the frigging difference in your skull pretty please.
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Popular Member
Apr 3, 2013
He basically acts like everything he does is a divinely mandated breakthrough. Nearly everything he posts is border line unreadable due to the sense of smug 'look at how great I am' feeling coming off it. His FAQ contains a bunch of obnoxious insults in places where a simple 'not my problem' response would fit. He publicly disparages the work of others, yet his mod isn't that impressive by most standards.

tl;dr - He's that guy who bigs himself up and insults everyone else.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd agree. As a mod, GregTech is interesting, it complicates things more than I'd like, and means a lot more grinding, but, as a mod, it would be my choice whether or not to go down that route.

The issues I have are when he, as Lemming says, oversteps his boundaries, and changes other things, in the name of his balance. I don't like going to craft something, only to find that the recipe has changed and been made more complicated, outside of it's originally devised scope.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My own theory about about why Gregtech spawns such ire is based upon one key observation. The quality of Gregtech is inconsistent.

There are hundreds of minecraft mods that people have just turned out for practice, to prove that they can, or to implement some poorly thought out feature that "sounds cool". The negative qualities of these mods are far worse than things like gregtech, yet even on their own respective forum threads, nobody really gives a damn about them. If Gregtech was universally terrible, it would be removed from peoples' modpacks without a second thought, and there would be very little to say about it.

Except its not universally terrible. It actually has a lot of interesting features. The fusion reactors are cool, the whole chemistry aspect creates a slew of interesting systems to set up, and there is a lot of depth in setting up the multiblock machines. On the other hand, resource processing (even with automation) does frequently turn into something of a grind, the documentation is categorically terrible, and the changes to other mods can alienate people who just want to experience the mod in question, without having to delve too deeply into gregtech. Couple this with the fact that Greg seems to not even want to engage in discussion with these issues (let alone consider if there is a way to correct them without disappointing the core fanbase), then we have a recipe for really pissed off players. Other mods tend to be more polished, and less schizophrenic with what they are trying to achieve, thus, if people don't like them, they can leave them be without feeling as though they are missing something cool. However, the fact that gregtech does have some cool things means that many people are frustrated. They want the cool fusion reactors and chemistry sets, without the grind and molestation of other tech trees.

Invest a little ego in this, and you have a recipe for conflict. Many of those who play gregtech to get the cool stuff are forced to justify the naff bits when they talk with other people. Likewise, many of those who dislike the grind need to put down the cool bits in order to justify their choice of not playing gregtech. Such is the way of the internet.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wanted to see if there was anybody who liked gregtech on these darn forums, there are so many anti Greg threads its not even funny
If you ask why people hate Greg, you won't find people who like gregtech. :p
Well, I kinda like it, but I don't count because reasons or something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
God, if you don't like it then don't use it. Just play the Direwolf pack which doesn't have it. Personally I like GregTech because it prevents me from being at the highest level of tech within a week.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good god when will this crap stop, staff will have to put a stop to all the GT topics sooner or later, there will soon be only GT threads. OP this has been trashed out over & over so reposting the same topic is nothing but troll baiting, you sir should take your topic & crawl back under your bridge, good day to you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it time to b& Gregtech threads yet?

I like it even though it's tedious to craft so many things and build so many machines to gain little benefit in building parts for other machines. I don't mind anything else, but crafting tedium is there. I find I'm spending more time trying to craft things than I'm actually planning my base and my machines, which is sort of sad.

But I like how it has a clear progression system with well defined goals and routes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just can't stand how he treats his users and peers. I personally don't like the mod itself but that's simply a preference thing, I'm not into grind for it's own sake and I won't pretend the configs don't handle my other complaints. As pointed out by many previous comments including KL, it's simply Greg himself is a dbag.

So as much as the science nerd in me gets wet at the idea of playing around with plasma and fusion reactors, I'll never use it.

As the bard said: sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know, cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker.