Which Mods Do YOU Add To Ultimate?

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Okay, here's what powercrystals said:
Steve's and Forestry isn't really a problem (come to think of it, TreeCap isn't huge either, but the biggest one out the bunch). I couldn't get it to work, must be faulty installation on my part (since I downloaded both TreeCap and Timber! by accident, and the latter must be in control).
Here is my current "Mods-to-add" list in addition to the ultimate pack:
better sprinting
magical crops
magic rings
jammy furniture
liquid xp
doggy talents
divine smoker
diamond meter
clay soldiers
better furnaces
cogs of the machine
mo creatures
lots of food
balkon's weapon mod
flans mod
more bows
useful cobble
combo armor
I realize some of them may be OP, but I want them just for the fun of it. Gonna be a PITA getting all these to cooperate with each other :D

How did you get Jammy Furniture Mod to work in ultimate? whenever I try it ends up crashing.
Late add to this topic but we currently added in the Liquid Metals Mod to my server. The guys love it, and thankfully it's more a mid to end game mod. Yeah I know there's molten liquids in the game but the ones currently are the thermionic fabricator only if I'm not mistaken.
Im too lazy to add mods to the pack because i don't want to go through and change item IDs but I definitely have a wishlist.

Logistic Pipes
Additional Pipes
A rebalanced EE2 (It's not really that OP anymore with new mining machines like a 64 block wide Mining Well)
Mo' Creatures
Im too lazy to add mods to the pack because i don't want to go through and change item IDs but I definitely have a wishlist.

Logistic Pipes
Additional Pipes
A rebalanced EE2 (It's not really that OP anymore with new mining machines like a 64 block wide Mining Well)
Mo' Creatures
Logistics pipes will be added when the official version is released, which will be awesome. Additional pipes isn't all that useful anymore because of tesseracts. EE2 will never be updated but EE3 might be cool. And Mo creatures does load up with no ID conflicts. However I haven't seen a single angry zombie or fire bat. So I think it messes up spawns from other mods
Logistics pipes will be added when the official version is released, which will be awesome. Additional pipes isn't all that useful anymore because of tesseracts. EE2 will never be updated but EE3 might be cool. And Mo creatures does load up with no ID conflicts. However I haven't seen a single angry zombie or fire bat. So I think it messes up spawns from other mods
The other mod you need for Mo Creatures(the one which allows for custom spawns for biomes) does indeed mess up other mods creature spawning.
I've made some changes to my Ultimate setup. I updated pretty much everything in the pack that could be updated(and I care to use), and added some more mods.
Current loadout includes:
  • Flans Mod(with a custom pack I requested)
  • More Thaumcraft addons(added Thaumic Extensions, Liquid Essence, and Thaumcraft Expansion)
  • Dimensional Doors(surprisingly small amounts of conflicts with my setup, though one did crop up and needed to be fixed)
  • Project Zulu(needed some creatures to kill and mount on my wall!)
  • Brewing Cauldron(because I like it!)
  • And Finalized my Ars Magicka installation
Will add UE next.
Everyone seems to love Trecapitator. I used to miss it, then I made the Axe of the Stream =)
Also, I appear to be the only person on these forums who actually likes Voxel map. Granted I turn off the mob/tunnels and whatnot. Perhaps it was unique to me, but I had a problem with Rei's waypoints randomly disappearing, which was VERY annoying. I also much prefer the look of the 'beacons' instead of the strange diamond that Rei's plopped down. That said, be advised that while Voxel does a good job with keeping waypoints separate for various Mystcraft ages, it does not appear to understand the Nether.
Everyone seems to love Trecapitator. I used to miss it, then I made the Axe of the Stream =)
Also, I appear to be the only person on these forums who actually likes Voxel map. Granted I turn off the mob/tunnels and whatnot. Perhaps it was unique to me, but I had a problem with Rei's waypoints randomly disappearing, which was VERY annoying. I also much prefer the look of the 'beacons' instead of the strange diamond that Rei's plopped down. That said, be advised that while Voxel does a good job with keeping waypoints separate for various Mystcraft ages, it does not appear to understand the Nether.
I enjoy VoxelMap myself as well. But the Nether is a special case, actually. It shares the waypoints with the overworld, yes, but it doesn't do so blindly. If you mark a location on the overworld(say, the end portal) and travel through the nether, you actually get there quicker through the nether because of the nether-overworld spacing.(wasn't it like 1 block in the nether is like 14 on the overworld?)
So the nether is thus usable for one of the original goals of the nether(getting places quicker) much easier with VoxelMap as you can mark a location on the overworld, then travel there through the nether. It helps cut down on world size as well if you use it to get places instead of just traveling through the overworld.(again, the difference between the two dimensions means you travel quicker, and thus get there without as much time on the overworld)
I enjoy VoxelMap myself as well. But the Nether is a special case, actually. It shares the waypoints with the overworld, yes, but it doesn't do so blindly. If you mark a location on the overworld(say, the end portal) and travel through the nether, you actually get there quicker through the nether because of the nether-overworld spacing.(wasn't it like 1 block in the nether is like 14 on the overworld?)
So the nether is thus usable for one of the original goals of the nether(getting places quicker) much easier with VoxelMap as you can mark a location on the overworld, then travel there through the nether. It helps cut down on world size as well if you use it to get places instead of just traveling through the overworld.(again, the difference between the two dimensions means you travel quicker, and thus get there without as much time on the overworld)
Oh, so it's by design? Makes sense, wish I'd known that. In my case, I was importing my Mindcrack world into Ultimate, and using the 'tp to waypoint' feature to run around to my different outposts fixing thing up (e.g. I had Add BC objects installed for the adv. wooden pipes, had to switch out for emerald pipes). Turns out tp'ing from the Nether to an overworld waypoint can encase you in cobblestone. Foul language ensued.
Oh, so it's by design? Makes sense, wish I'd known that. In my case, I was importing my Mindcrack world into Ultimate, and using the 'tp to waypoint' feature to run around to my different outposts fixing thing up (e.g. I had Add BC objects installed for the adv. wooden pipes, had to switch out for emerald pipes). Turns out tp'ing from the Nether to an overworld waypoint can encase you in cobblestone. Foul language ensued.
As far as I can tell, yeah, the nether waypoints are like that for a reason. Not that I know for sure, but I'm basing my statement off of the underling nature of the nether and "fast travel". Logical Deduction and whatnot.
I would suggest carrying a Following Linkbook to a safe location once you get enough diamonds for making a link modifier with MystCraft. It can get you out of a jam in the nether rather quickly(and safely!), not to mention you can use it on the overworld to get back to the same location if you have Intra-Age linking on it as well.
As far as I can tell, yeah, the nether waypoints are like that for a reason. Not that I know for sure, but I'm basing my statement off of the underling nature of the nether and "fast travel". Logical Deduction and whatnot.
I would suggest carrying a Following Linkbook to a safe location once you get enough diamonds for making a link modifier with MystCraft. It can get you out of a jam in the nether rather quickly(and safely!), not to mention you can use it on the overworld to get back to the same location if you have Intra-Age linking on it as well.
I had one...Mystcraft update ate it :P Anyway, that was a one time thing, I was just bamfing around to get the imported world up and running. Fortunately, I only had a couple Mystcraft worlds generated, and only for mining, so all I lost was a quarry and an Energy Cell. Actually having great fun finding all the new pages and whatnot.
How do you actually go about adding all of these amazing mods, and having them all be compatible? If I add even just one mod (for example, dartcraft), minecraft crashes/won't open.
Just a big amount of time sitting in configs, then changing IDs using a IDmap of NEI to see which ones are free.
I sometimes feel like I could cut my list down to Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, Forestry, Mystcraft, add-ons for those, and other back-end mods. I really don't take advantage of everything in packs like this and I like the idea of focusing my attention a little more. But still, I'd miss some cool stuff.

I added Additional Buildcraft Objects and tried to add a few others like Galacticraft and Millenaire, but that was the only one that didn't require any effort. Honestly, I have little time to game and trying to figure out why the game's crashing due to something in a mod is just a time sink I can't afford.
So after I make a Fusion Reactor from GT in my current Mindcrack world I'm going to start a new Ultimate world.
I'm starting this thread to ask you guys which mods you like to add to your world.
I don't want any HUD mods or mods that make the game UBER easy (ruining GregTech)(I'm playing hard mode), but mods that you think add to the game. I was considering adding ICBM, Atomic Science, and Mekanism, but those aren't really THAT fun in a singleplayer world, and plus they are QUITE expensive.

Atomic Science and Mekanism w/ Electric Expansion are now supported natively by gregtech and can work even if you don't enable steel cooking. Atomic Science just completely obsoletes Greg's fusion reactor and IC2's nuclear. Maybe that's okay; those things are boring anyways. Even Greg seems to think so, given how much he's changing fusion reactors and directly supporting Buildcraft and UE power in his 1.5.* stuff.

Mekanism does offer a direct ore tripler, but it is powered by flint and that's actually sort of aggravating to farm. In any case, UE's power generation is out of balance with IC2; but IC2's power generation is stupid and very little of greg's work fixes it.

The only point of them being to blow stuff up basically which is retarded in a single player world.

Actually, ICBM can be great in a single player world. It offers a bunch of cool techy "base defense" things that are basically sentry guns for monsters. Much more entertaining than tesla coils and they can run on UE or IC2 power.

-Applied Energistics

Just on these; don't. AE in 1.5.1 is much more balanced. Everyone on RR has noticed the recipes are something akin to Steve's Carts in terms of involvement. The power requirements and material requirements skyrocketed, as did the cost of some of the components. It demands you automate component creation early or risk insanity. The first rule of New AE Club: Automate AE club.

And quite frankly, I still don't automate entirely through AE even in doing creative builds. AE is the most expensive and delicate way to do automation. Especially if you keep MineFactory reloaded, which is emerging as one of the new stars of automation and control in the gap left by RedPower. AE actually doesn't let you get the degree of control you want in most cases; crazy I know!

If AE "ruins" gregtech for you in your current incarnation then I really question what you're doing! Perhaps your information is out of date about how things have changed in the 1.5.* mods... Greg has radically simplified automation in 1.5.1; machines are smarter and easier to power even in hardmode (and possess internal powerconverters!). You will probably never be using his automation except for the advanced regulator and maybe the advanced translocator (for sneakydrops on older machines) and those work well with everyone else's automation anyways.

And Biliocraft... why? No other mod can give you a secret door bookcase. :D Seems inoffensive and otherwise useful.

And adding:
-Optifine (Possibly)

Super broken in 1.5.1. We all avoid.

-Minechem 2

I have high hopes and it's in RR, but it's crazily broken. Like trivial-item-dupe broken. Hasn't been a new build in weeks even though everyone knows it's got some very serious bugs.

Good luck with your pack tho.
Atomic Science and Mekanism w/ Electric Expansion are now supported natively by gregtech and can work even if you don't enable steel cooking. Atomic Science just completely obsoletes Greg's fusion reactor and IC2's nuclear. Maybe that's okay; those things are boring anyways. Even Greg seems to think so, given how much he's changing fusion reactors and directly supporting Buildcraft and UE power in his 1.5.* stuff.

Mekanism does offer a direct ore tripler, but it is powered by flint and that's actually sort of aggravating to farm. In any case, UE's power generation is out of balance with IC2; but IC2's power generation is stupid and very little of greg's work fixes it.

Actually, ICBM can be great in a single player world. It offers a bunch of cool techy "base defense" things that are basically sentry guns for monsters. Much more entertaining than tesla coils and they can run on UE or IC2 power.

Just on these; don't. AE in 1.5.1 is much more balanced. Everyone on RR has noticed the recipes are something akin to Steve's Carts in terms of involvement. The power requirements and material requirements skyrocketed, as did the cost of some of the components. It demands you automate component creation early or risk insanity. The first rule of New AE Club: Automate AE club.

And quite frankly, I still don't automate entirely through AE even in doing creative builds. AE is the most expensive and delicate way to do automation. Especially if you keep MineFactory reloaded, which is emerging as one of the new stars of automation and control in the gap left by RedPower. AE actually doesn't let you get the degree of control you want in most cases; crazy I know!

If AE "ruins" gregtech for you in your current incarnation then I really question what you're doing! Perhaps your information is out of date about how things have changed in the 1.5.* mods... Greg has radically simplified automation in 1.5.1; machines are smarter and easier to power even in hardmode (and possess internal powerconverters!). You will probably never be using his automation except for the advanced regulator and maybe the advanced translocator (for sneakydrops on older machines) and those work well with everyone else's automation anyways.

And Biliocraft... why? No other mod can give you a secret door bookcase. :D Seems inoffensive and otherwise useful.

Super broken in 1.5.1. We all avoid.

I have high hopes and it's in RR, but it's crazily broken. Like trivial-item-dupe broken. Hasn't been a new build in weeks even though everyone knows it's got some very serious bugs.

Good luck with your pack tho.
LOL Honestly I forgot I even made this thread because I joined a server a while back.
But thanks for the feedback. While summer is fast approaching I will probably do what I said above and start a new pack and your input is valuable thank you :D[DOUBLEPOST=1368565840][/DOUBLEPOST]
How do you actually go about adding all of these amazing mods, and having them all be compatible? If I add even just one mod (for example, dartcraft), minecraft crashes/won't open.
Make sure the item IDs don't conflict
LOL Honestly I forgot I even made this thread because I joined a server a while back.
But thanks for the feedback. While summer is fast approaching I will probably do what I said above and start a new pack and your input is valuable thank you :D

We should start talking about the greg changes in 1.5.1 in the other forum. It is clear Greg is planning to ditch IC2 as a requirement and it's pretty funny how the new systems work.