I remember installing mods pre Forge. Well. Actually I remember installing Forge pre forge installer.
So no. Just no.
I use the Vanilla terrain gen (for my overworld) due to the sheer number of mods that have biome linked content that can silently go missing. And, each additional biome adds that many more additional textures, which excludes players with older video cards (I run a server).
Ive used, and liked, both BoP, EBXL and Highlands, and of the three I dislike BoP the most due to the sheer number of useless and not particularly attractive biomes it adds really makes the gems hard to find. EBXL and Highlands are just concentrated goodness.
But, if resources were no object, and content could be guaranteed, I would go with ATG + BoP, as ATGs rational biome layout tames the beast, and mostly produces better results with more biomes.
What I would like actually would be a mod that would create additional dimensions based on any available terrain generator (including vanilla). Similar to Mystcraft, but without the pain of trying to hand craft a terrain gen:
So you could run a server with an overworld and dimensions that are a mix of ATG generation, Highlands and BoP, superflat presets and vanilla large, normal and amplified.