What's your 1.6 modlist?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't really need treecapitator if you have Tinker's Construct. The lumber Axe will function like treecapitator


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your first crash, line 1298, OutOfMemory exception. What ever your playing on can't handle the amount of mods.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your first crash, line 1298, OutOfMemory exception. What ever your playing on can't handle the amount of mods.
Thanks for the help.
Thing is I have 16 gigs of memory. I've assigned 4 to the game and 4 to the server I play on so I'm no where close. Should I increase the amount of memory allocated? Also it happens to my friend who assigned a full 8 gigs of ram. There has to be some mod in my list just devouring all of the ram I assign to the game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone found any magic bee Oblivion Frame in treasure chest?
I remember finding loads of those in ftb unleashed but can't find any in my 1.6.4 world(and I've already gone through a bunch of chests).

well, perhaps they got removed as a treasure loot seeing as you can now craft them yourself. though I am not sure about that though


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the help.
Thing is I have 16 gigs of memory. I've assigned 4 to the game and 4 to the server I play on so I'm no where close. Should I increase the amount of memory allocated? Also it happens to my friend who assigned a full 8 gigs of ram. There has to be some mod in my list just devouring all of the ram I assign to the game.
I'd recommend NOT allocating more RAM, do some testing and find the mod that causes the problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
seeing as this week I worked on redoing my whole modlist, I'm going to post my new modlist.
I decided to start completely over in 1.6 seeing as many of the mods I had in my modlist have changed so much that starting all over will be pretty interesting again.
but this time I went kind of all out, it's still magic themed, but a whole lot more mods then I first had.

Minecraft Forge
ArmorStatusHUD (bspkrsCore)
Ars Magica 2
Blood Magic
Carpenter's Blocks
Chisel (autoutils)
CreeperCollateral (denLib)
EnhancedPortals 2 (EnhancedCore)
EnhancedPortals 3 (CoFHCore)
Extra Utilities
Forge Multipart
GraveStones Mod
Hats (HatStand)
Iron Chests
Morph (iChunUtil)
Mr. Crayfish Construction Mod
NetherOres (PowerCrystalsCore)
NotEnoughItems (CodeChickenCore)
Roguelike Dungeons
Ruins (UpdateCheckerMod)
Shaders Mod
Soul Shards 2
Thaumcraft 4
Thaumic Tinkerer 2
Tinker's Construct
Twilight Forest
Waila (MobiusCore)
Xeno's Reliquary (Unofficial)
Zan's Minimap

alot of smaller mods, some extra magic mods and alot of dungeons, just for some fun playing time. in total I've 85 mods loaded
I can also say I've restarted a world this week for about 10-20 times, because I keep having stupid deaths.
but it's also because I've added/changed/remove alot of mods this past week, so often starting a new world was a good choice.

so how about you guys? we've been on 1.6.4 for some time now, has any of you done anything new with your modlists?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've started the following two and a half weeks ago with 2-3 friends on my own server:

Minecraft 1.6.4
Forge #937
-Alternate Terrain Generation
-Barrels Mod
-BiblioWoods Forestry Edition
-Biomes O'Plenty
-Greg's Lighting
-Immibis Core
-Immibis Advanced Machines
-Immibis RedLogic
-Immibis Microblocks
-Industrialcraft 2 Experimental
-Inventory Tweaks
-Iron Chests
-NEI Addons
-NEI Plugins
-Nuclear Control
-Rei's Minimap
-Stalker Creepers
-Thaumcraft 4
-Thaumic Tinkerer
-Thermal Expansion 3
-Tinker's Construct
-Twilight Forest

A lot of stuff is heavily custom-configured. Particularly the ATG/BoP pairing required a bunch of work and research to get right. Then the fact that I redid the entire ore worldgen config across all mods to make use of the full 256 world height. BetterGrass is heavily tweaked to enhance only that which BoP's plant growth doesn't supply. Many other mods have config tweaks to fit more seamlessly together. My aim was not a glut of features, but rather a world that feels like it's one single cosistent system instead of a content patchwork. If you wonder why your favorite mod is not on the list, it was likely a deliberate decision because it didn't fit in or provided only redundant content.

Issues I've encountered:
- I have tried 4-5 different extra dungeon mods, but they don't play nice with ATG and BoP at all. All these mods are blindly relying on the vanilla terrain generator and biomes, and fail to integrate smoothly with anything nonstandard. Underground structures spawning inside treetops or castles being reduced to chaotic clouds of floating debris on a steep mountain flank don't really add much to the game.
- While on the topic of BoP compatibility issues, Forestry's butterflies also won't spawn or even take flight in almost all BoP biomes. They spawn and fly fine in ATG's and Thaumcraft's biomes, so this seems a BoP issue.
- Immibis Microblocks got into a big conflict with TE3, as it attempts to still support TE2's conduits. This can be fixed with some research and new versions potentially don't do this this. I am also wondering if I can run Forge Multipart alongside (or instead of) Immibis here. Will decide later.
- Stalker Creepers is hilarious in multiplayer, especially on highest difficulty :D But it also changes explosion behavior so that you can't "reset" the fuse anymore by breaking line of sight. That's a bit unfortunate because it leads to more random explosions.
- Greg's Lighting doesn't replace Wrathlamps as well as I thought it would. :( Oh well, still better than installing the entirety of Factorization, which is a more invasive mod than you think it is, just to get a single item.
- ATG generates freaking amazing worlds. But be prepared for a resource-hungry server due to the way vanilla Minecraft handles chunk columns. Vanilla on average uses maybe a quarter to one third the available world height and thus "cheats" itself to good performance by having 60%-75% nothing in each chunk. But ATG can and will use the entire span from 0 to 256 for terrain. On average there's a lot less air in any given chunk, and all that "not-air" wants to be calculated and kept in memory. For me, it's easily worth it, because I have a beastly computer and ATG makes vanilla Minecraft worlds look like junk in comparison. Your mileage may vary!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I do like Factorization, so I would uninstall Greg's Lightining and install Factorization. But whatever floats your boat.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man, ATG did do some amazing worlds, but I guess my setup wasn't beastly enough. :)
Might take some screenshots when I get home.

Well, I do like Factorization, so I would uninstall Greg's Lightining and install Factorization. But whatever floats your boat.
It's just too different in style; I was going for consistency. Obviously other approaches are completely fine too ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I ran an ATG world for a few weeks. I had significant latency issues that ultimately made me decide to can it, but there were also a lot of terrain gen issues that I just didn't want to deal with. Villages were even more screwed up than usual and I was going through food like a (insert something humorous here) at an all you can eat convention dinner, and finding a specific biome was, IMO, much more difficult than straight BoP. Also, I found a lot of biomes that were just a few blocks wide...used as transitions, I suppose.

If I'd had dartcraft installed at that time (speed enchant saves me a lot of jumping), I might have put up with the latency, but I didn't want to have to replace my keyboard from frequent trips up 100 block tall hills. They were, easily and without any doubt, the most epic and rolling landscapes I've ever seen generated in Minecraft, but the epic vistas just couldn't outweigh the downsides for me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll be setting up a 1.6 pack tonight and trying to steer clear from the standard mods (Thermal Expansion, Buildcraft, Thaumcraft, IC2, etc), and focus heavily on learning more about UE. The pack has the following:

Minecraft Forge

Code Chicken Core
Immibis Microblocks
Not Enough Items
Alternate Terrain Generation
Applied Energistics
Armor Status HUD
Atomic Science
Basic Components
Better Storage
Carpenter's Blocks
Chicken Chunks
Damage Indicators
Dark's Core Machine
Ender Storage
Gravity Gun
iChun Util
Immibis Core
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
MFFS by Calc
NEI Plugins
Nether Ores
Portal Gun
Resonant Induction
Soul Shards
Status Effect HUD
Twilight Forest
Universal Electricity Core
Wireless Redstone
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I've been playing on and off for a bit and now... starting to think to move on. Three opitions IMO; 1.7.2 vanilla, RR or FC Lite. I'm looking for a real challenge mod pack to play with.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I've been playing on and off for a bit and now... starting to think to move on. Three opitions IMO; 1.7.2 vanilla, RR or FC Lite. I'm looking for a real challenge mod pack to play with.
Have you considered UHS, UHS2, or Magic Farm for the challenge these packs provide? The first and third are on the FTB launcher and the second is on the AT launcher.

Disregard that. I'm stupid and didn't notice the GIANT 1.6 in the title.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

wow, that's an insane amount of work you've put into it for yourself.
I generally tend to play the mods as how they're released, trying to keep the changes in configurations as low as possible, but you've done the exact opposite and turned your whole modlist to your personal taste, amazing is all I can say.

I guess it's also a problem that I can't decide if I want to take the simple route, efficient route or hard route, and don't know to what cofigurations I need the mods to set to...

but the dungeon mods is a reason why I haven't installed BoP, because sadly it requires alot of personal work to get it all working alongside eachother and then you still don't have full compatibility. ATG looks like a really cool mod, but again the compatibility.... I rather like some fun dungeons then alot of biomes that I just walk through


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you considered UHS, UHS2, or Magic Farm for the challenge these packs provide? The first and third are on the FTB launcher and the second is on the AT launcher.

Disregard that. I'm stupid and didn't notice the GIANT 1.6 in the title.
Actually I did think of that but I dont want more mob hardness, just tech progression and problems to increase.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow, that's an insane amount of work you've put into it for yourself.
I generally tend to play the mods as how they're released, trying to keep the changes in configurations as low as possible, but you've done the exact opposite and turned your whole modlist to your personal taste, amazing is all I can say.

Basically, for me, building a modpack is the same as building an intricate pipe system ingame. It's an engineering challenge and a minigame in itself ;) By the time the other players log onto my server, I've already had quite a bit of fun myself.

Takes a special kind of insanity I suppose :p