Redstone rods/extensions/parts are back and with them the ability to remotely controll pistons/rotators/machines!Configs are back aswell. This was important because 1.6.4 IDs weren't configureable. There are configoptions for item and blockID offset because I think its easier if you can just shift all blockIDs/itemIDs at once but thats up to you (the offset for blockIDs is no longer -256 by default^^).
All versions have the following options in the "Tweaks" category: maxBlocksMoving, machineSmoke, toolSpeed, moveAttached
A completly new feature is the abilty to move attached blocks like torches/buttons/etc. along with the structure. For now this only works for normal moving (not rotating) and not for paintings, itemframes and "vanilla multiblocks" e.g. 2 block tall plants, doors. I would like to expand this in the future =)
This update should also fix a common crash with newer forge versions
oh and The Tool is 3x faster now^^
I think thats all for now. Bug reports, feedback and positive criticism are always appreciated!
Have a great day!