It's always sad to see another modder go, this time is no exception. Hopefully Pokefenn will still come around every now and then for a meet and greet...
A moment of silence please for a devoted Mindcrafter. Pokefenn, may your life IRL be happy.
I think something that is quite overlooked is the fact how many devs of any sort are treated in the minecraft community. People tend to push it under the rug and ignore it sadly. Though it seems to be a double edge sword... A conversation for another day and place.
Instead lets talk backend! (and future plans for things AKA DoubleDoorDevelopment)
Its been a few days since any updates from me still no stable release of it as some features are still being tested and likely to be broken. REPORT THEM! Thanks :3
- Small fixes that aren't important to list.
- Default disk space for new users was set to -1 and can be changed in the config
- Added Access logging
- Added SSL support
- Bunch of global commands added for whoever has access to the backend console
- Fixed a port binding issue
- Fixed a major derp with the SSL update
- Login error fixed
- Added version checking system
- A bunch of development stuff that doesn't affect end users
- HTML generator got some checks added for old rewards in the JSON
- Attempted to remove the requirement of having Pay2Spawn on a client when connected to a Pay2Spawn server (Hasn't been tested)
- Removed reward "Delete world" from the auto-generated default JSON after a small mistake... (oops...Sorry G33z3r_HD)
- Added a UUID grabber for UUID sensitive things ($uuid and $streameruuid)
- Changed how Item rewards spawn in items to allow for more than 64 per reward
- The wiki has tons of new information added to it
We have recently talked about how our cycle will run for development. Everything before was done on a "I feel like doing...." basis and we have moved from that to a newer system as we started gaining more and more things to take care of.
Now we will focus on one "large" project with any major bug fixes for all the other projects. The "large" project will consist of any new content not currently released.(This does not include feature requests)
After the project is finished to a point we will switch into a upgrade mode where all mods will get features that might be sitting around. (We still will do feature requests here and there all dependent on size/difficulty)
No more starting one project and half finishing it then starting another to work on at the same time. Hopefully this will help us get more out to you and keep supporting our existing content without it being abandon for large amounts of time.
Also, I will be (along with dries007) trying to keep as much information as we can on each mod. Wiki's, Changelogs,
I hope everyone continues to enjoy all of our stuffs! We love doing this! <3
As always you can find us on
Curseforge and our site (At the time of writing the site was down. Should be fixed tomorrow! Sorry :c)