What's new in modded minecraft today?

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An update for those who want to cruise the skies in style;


ViesCraft is an easy to use mod that brings something new to Minecraft, the ability to create highly customizable airships! All airships can be upgraded, consume fuel to fly, and have an expansion module system which can enhance any airship to fit your needs! Fly your faction's colors, enhance your airship, change your airship's appearance, and just explore your world in style. Sky's the limit!

*** WARNING! This is a complete mod rewrite! Items and airships from previous versions do not carry over. It will be like doing a fresh install. It was a necessary evil. : ) ***

I am going to keep things short as there are over 10 pages to my changelog this update. I wouldn’t want to put anyone through that.

There is now only one (1) kind of airship, known simply as an “Airship”. This will be able to do it all. Upgrade and customize it to your hearts content.
Airship upgrade paths and stats have been redesigned.
Core- Effects the max stored Redstone along with the quality of the airship and available models. You can now mix and match between the frame, engine and balloon models! More to come.

Frame- Effects the forward speed and frame textures. Each tier unlocks more frame skins, eventually leading to coloring and transparency options.

Engine- Effects the fuel efficiency and the new display system. The display system eventually leads to the application of custom particles.

Balloon- Effects the max altitude and balloon textures. Each tier unlocks more balloon patterns, eventually leading to coloring and transparency options.
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Release of Serene Seasons by Glitchfiend.

Serene Seasons is a Minecraft mod that adds seasons. Grass and foliage colors will change throughout the year, and in the winter, temperatures will shift and allow for snow to fall in some biomes that don't normally receive any. Seasons also affect various other features, like crop growth (Different crops are limited to different seasons), weather (More rain in Spring, more storms in Summer, etc.), and more!

Serene Seasons also works automatically with any biome mods, changing their grass and foliage colors without any additional tweaking required!

  • Added default seasonal crop support for Pam's HarvestCraft. NOTE: You will need to delete your existing config file for this to take effect! (Thanks Matheus for creating the crop list)
  • Added config option to completely disable the seasonal crop feature
  • Added Spanish localization courtesy of Skyaction
  • Fixed server crash
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AbyssalCraft (1.10.2) (1.11.2) (1.12.2) has been updated to
  • A bunch of textures have been revamped (courtesy of Dylan4ever)
  • Lesser Shoggoths can no longer break Bedrock (or other unbreakable blocks) with their acid
  • Acid Projectiles no longer break blocks with Tile Entities when hitting Players or other mobs
  • Scaled down the model of the baby Lesser Shoggoth (to be more proportional with the hitbox, also made the eyes a bit bigger)
  • Slowed down the initial velocity of the Acid Projectile, increased the time between each projectile being fired, and made it so baby Lesser Shoggoths won't fire them
  • Added a config option for changing the frequency at which Lesser Shoggoths spit acid
  • J'zahar now respects the mobGriefing gamerule with his explosion
  • Fixed a dupe bug in the Materializer GUI
  • Mobs spawned through a summoning ritual now have their portal cooldown set to max
  • Increased the time it takes for a Greater Dread Spawn and Lesser Dreadbeast to spawn a regular Dread Spawn
  • Increased the time it takes for Cha'garoth to spawn the various things he spawns, and removed the direct physical damage dealt by his fireballs
  • Reduced the range of Cha'garoth's melee attacks
  • Fixed the pick block for Calcified Stone
ooh its been a while- so here we go!!

NuclearCraft by tomdodd4598
  • A modern physics Forge mod for Minecraft
  • Forge Energy and IC2 EU compatibility
  • Unique electric processors and generators
  • Full JEI compatibility
  • CraftTweaker recipe support
  • Large, complex multiblock fission reactors
  • In-depth nuclear fuel system featuring 52 different fuel types
  • Multiblock fusion reactors
  • Complex fusion system of 7 fuels and 28 fuel combinations
  • More materials, weapons, tools and armour
  • Other things and stuff and that

* Fixed glowing mushrooms producing too much radiation
* Fixed wasteland dimension being permanently loaded

* Fixed machines occasionally not starting with Galacticraft installed
* Increased liquid helium supercooling yield

Platforms by ShetiPhein and Fruztrated
This mod adds platforms with a range of customization.
You can make decks, bridges, mine shafts, or even wooden coaster supports.

  • Added a tooltip to the wrench, pointing out the offhand function
  • Added option to use vanilla styled GUIs
  • Changed how platform selection works. When you sneak right-click with a wrench, it no longer cycles through the available options, rather it now opens a GUI. The old method is still available via a config option.

Teraqueous by ShetiPhein and Fruztrated
This mod adds loads of things including;
Fruit, Trees, Pergolas, Flowers, Pots, Clouds, Tools, and More.

  • Converted feather moulting into an AI task, to solve mod conflicts with age & egg timers
  • Fixed fence model incorrectly culling faces
  • Adjusted the vine spread code so the RNG is less punishing
  • Added option to use vanilla styled GUIs
  • Added configs to adjust generation chance of doodads
  • Improved the look of pergolas generated on uneven terrain
  • Increased vine generation chance on pergolas
  • Added more options to adjust the generators
  • Doodad blacklist now supports blacklisting entire mods via 'mod:<modId>'
  • Fixed cloud machines replacing blocks when attempting to place them in an invalid location
  • Colorizer GUI can now be closed via the bound inventory key
  • Strange Scroll GUI can now be closed via the bound inventory key

Cathedral by ferreusveritas
[add-on for Chisel mod]
This mod provides extra blocks with a cathedral theme. Many of which are chiselable.
  • allow dwemer chain to be crafted from gold chain if no bronze is available
  • allow dwemer chain to be crafted from dawnstone nuggets if available
  • Fix dwemer door drops

Steve's Carts Reborn by modmuss50 et al [originally by Vwse]
Steve's Carts Reborn allows for the player to customize and design minecarts that can be used for automation. The screenshot below shows an example cart that is being used as a crop farm.

(gorymoon) Fixed cage not dropping entities. Fixes #157 #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) rename rand to random to prevent issues with the runtime remapper, should fix issues when running in dev.

AutoPackager by SmBarBour
Just a simple machine that takes RF power (as of version 1.6.4, now uses Forge Energy instead) and scans an inventory to the left (when facing the front) and crafts any item of a single type that can be crafted in a 2x2 or 3x3 grid (i.e. nether quartz -> quartz blocks or iron ingots -> block of iron), placing the result in an inventory to the right.

1.11 for Minecraft 1.12.2:
* default energy per operation reduced to 10 FE
* energy in excess of half of the storage will be shared with the adjacent input and output sides
* Now responds to a redstone signal to stop operation
* Config options added to enable a scaling idle delay

For the full list of all the mod updates go here

After three years of work, I'm pleased to share the alpha release of my first gameplay mod.
Pyroclasm adds dynamic volcanos that erupt from the ground and slowly build up over time. Volcanos are environmental hazards: they eject destructive lava bombs and volcanic lava can flow for very long distances, filling caves, lakes, ravines, or even oceans. As lava flows it forms a smooth surface and eventually cools and hardens into basalt.

This mod introduces features and capabilities that are rare and possibly unique in Minecraft modding. It includes a multi-threaded, semi-realistic fluid simulator, flowing terrain blocks that are generated on-the-fly using dynamic height maps and constructive solid geometry, plus fancy shader-based block rendering without the overhead usually associated with shaders. (Via the Acuity Rendering API)

Information and Downloads: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/pryoclasm
Source Code & Issue Tracker: https://github.com/grondag/Pyroclasm

After three years of work, I'm pleased to share the alpha release of my first gameplay mod.
Pyroclasm adds dynamic volcanos that erupt from the ground and slowly build up over time. Volcanos are environmental hazards: they eject destructive lava bombs and volcanic lava can flow for very long distances, filling caves, lakes, ravines, or even oceans. As lava flows it forms a smooth surface and eventually cools and hardens into basalt.

This mod introduces features and capabilities that are rare and possibly unique in Minecraft modding. It includes a multi-threaded, semi-realistic fluid simulator, flowing terrain blocks that are generated on-the-fly using dynamic height maps and constructive solid geometry, plus fancy shader-based block rendering without the overhead usually associated with shaders. (Via the Acuity Rendering API)

Information and Downloads: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/pryoclasm
Source Code & Issue Tracker: https://github.com/grondag/Pyroclasm
Wow, what sorcery is this? It's not cubes.
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A little different from a mod update; I've been putting together a 'Behind the Scenes' thread showcasing what I've learned building (a yet to be released) modpack.
Working examples for:
  • CoFH worldgen- looking are more interesting ore-gen options, as well as building structures like giant crystals and basaltic dykes.
  • Adding new blocks/items with ContentTweaker, and with Gregtech:CE
  • Editing crafting/processing recipes with CraftTweaker
  • Building your own custom machines with Modular Machinery.
If you're building a modpack, you're welcome to use these 'wholesale' or as a launching point for your own scripts. If you want to build a pack, pop on in and get inspired!
(this is something I plan to continue updating as I learn new things/figure stuff out)
After a year, my modpack Manufactio is now officially out of Beta with version 1.0.0!

Available on Curse/Twitch, this brings the Factorio style of gameplay to Minecraft, with the questbook being a research tree to unlock new technology for research points crafted from your automated factory. You are quite literally having to process millions of ingots to complete this pack while also having to deal with pollution and mob attacks (configurable if you want a more peaceful experience).
I posted a new update to Dynamic Surroundings for 1.12.2 this morning!

  • Forge 2779+
  • OreLib-1.12.2-; Do not use the deobf version of OreLib; it's provided to developers for mod development
  • If upgrading from version 3.4.x or earlier:
    • Delete your dsurround.cfg and let it regenerate
    • Check your mods/1.12.2 folder and ensure there are no Dynamic Surroundings files within
What's New
  • Changed from having a separate coremod to using the Sponge Mixin framework. (Why didn't I do this sooner?)
    • Change should be transparent. If you have a problem open an issue in the tracker.
  • Eliminated AT transforms.
    • Change should be transparent. If you have a problem open an issue in the tracker.
  • Option to turn off the potion icon display to the left of the inventory screen. You will have to enable. Option is under the ASM options in the config.
  • Fire Jet effect can be applied to solid blocks. The height of the effect is currently fixed.
  • Option to disable the lava particle effect when generating rainsplash on netherrack and magma blocks
  • NPE when a mod creates a fake world before mod initialization is complete
  • Default splash ripple effect on water should be pixelated
  • Sound Physics updates from djpadbit. Apparently some stuff got lost along the way.
  • Compatibility changes for Cubic Chunks and Nether to help avoid extreme lag spikes on client.
  • [OpenEye] Fixed some edge cases in server side network code which caused concurrency issues.
  • [OpenEye] Several speculative fixes for NPEs when receiving capability data when client not entirely ready.
  • [OpenEye] Speculative fix for concurrency exception initializing biome registry.
  • [OpenEye] Speculative fix for Eclipse Open J9 compatibility when processing entity data server side. If anyone uses Open J9 I would appreciate feedback.
  • Changed ASM options no longer require world/client restart. Yay Mixins!
  • Cleaned up Animania badging a bit. As a result badges will not display when the animal is sleeping.
  • Blocked the following sounds as a default: elephant, gnatt, insectbuzz, hiss, and rattlesnake. These are some of the most disliked sounds in the mod, and most folks aren't aware that they can be blocked in the configuration. If you want these sounds you will need to turn them on.
  • Gave auroras some TLC:
    • Render optimizations both in code and shader - big improvements.
    • Added config option to cap number of bands. The default is max of 3 bands but can be turned down to 1 for potatoes.
    • I have a GTX 980 and I can drive a 3 band aurora at 120FPS.
  • Updates for biome sounds to clean up some high frequency noise (thanks TechnoMysterio!)
    • Savanna Day, Forest, Bog, and Wind
  • Adusted footstep volume scaling for non-EntityPlayer mobs so they are not as loud