ETA! ETA! EVACUATE! EVACUATE!It's been a long time coming...
ETA! ETA! EVACUATE! EVACUATE!It's been a long time coming...
WildBamaBoy said:Minecraft Comes Alive 5.0.4
- Feature: Added villager spawner block. Spawns villagers up to a set cap in the configuration file.
- Feature: Server administrators can now turn off villager death logging.
- Change: Villager death logging now provides more in-depth information.
- Fix: Issue where children still spoke as children when they grew up has been fixed.
- Fix: Babies now go into your spouse's inventory if you procreate while your inventory is full.
Kobata said:Replaces vanilla texture animation updates with a version that avoids excess copies from main RAM to GPU.
For further possible performance enhancements, you can also limit the mipmap levels updated by animations.
Currently incompatible with Fastcraft.
X_Simeon said:Matter Overdrive 0.2.7
- Automatic Matter Calculation Optimizations
- Added Mod Config Menu
- Automatic Matter Calculation now handled on the server and send to players
- Added Matter Blacklist in Config
- Automatic Matter Calculation can now be disabled in config
mikeprimm said:DynmapForge 2.2-alpha-2
- Fix problem with invalid row cache after union() call - thanks to ilmaio!
- Update colorschemes for v1.8 blocks
- Handle new renderPass values without error
- Fix default player skin URL (thanks to @NotWoods)
- Add showworldborder setting, 1.8 vanilla world border support
- Add 'nocompass' GUI URL flag (hide compass rose)
- Cleanse username for webregister command (avoid invalid names)
- Remove IE-9 meta tag (no longer needed)
- Fix night-and-day map rendering (make nights dark again)
- Allow default shader to handle block IDs above 256
- Fix zoomout behaviour with outline area markers on Chrome
- Fix webChatEvent being called only for the first message sent and never again (thanks to @blay09)
- Fix access problem with fetching chunks when pending saves (black spots)
cout970 said:Magneticraft 0.2.0e
- added new models and textures for blocks and multiblocks.
- new conveyor belt system.
- new Stilrling generator multiblock
techbrew said:JourneyMap 5.1 for Minecraft 1.7.10 is now in public beta and can be downloaded from Curse. A public beta is for general use and feedback, but not recommended for use in modpacks.
Bugs and issues should be reported on the Espernet IRC channel #journeymap. If you don’t have an IRC client, you can use your web browser to join #journeymap.
Performance Improvements and Metrics
JourneyMap 5.1 has many internal changes to improve CPU and memory usage. Initial tests have shown significant FPS improvements for people using laptops/notebooks and older PCs.
I’ve made it a priority to help you see how much work JourneyMap is doing and exactly how long it takes to render the chunks around you. Minecraft’s Debug Screen (opened by pressing F3) now shows JourneyMap’s map generation statistics while you’re playing. For even more detailed information, use the Shift-F3 Debug Screen.
There’s even a new action in the Actions screen to disable/enable mapping if you want to stop JourneyMap from doing any mapping work around you for a time. This can help you troubleshoot any performance issues in Minecraft (especially with modpacks) and eliminate or confirm JourneyMap as part of the problem.
Fine-Tuned Control over Map Generation
JourneyMap 5.1 has a number of new Cartography Options which let you fine-tune how many chunks are mapped around you on both the surface and underground. The Option Manager shows you exactly how many chunks are mapped as the result of your choices, and shows you a running statistic of how long it takes for the chunks to be mapped.
Other new Cartography options give you control over how often JourneyMap updates the map around you, and whether to use a round or square mapping pattern.
If you’re unsure about what an option does, hover your mouse over it and a tooltip will give you more information.
New Features
- The new About Dialog shows you highlights of the release and lets you click on them to go directly to the features. It also has a Wall of Fame for patrons of JourneyMap (via Patreon) and the developer team.
- The new Grid Editor lets you customize the chunk grid color, opacity, and style. You can have different grids for day, night, and underground map mods. Open the editor with Shift-Click on the Fullscreen “Show Grid” button, or from within the Options Manager in the Minimap or Fullscreen map sections.
- Actions > Delete Map . Handy when your world has reset but your map has not.
- Actions > Disable Mapping. If you think JourneyMap is slowing the game, this will help you see the performance impact without having to remove the mod and restart.
- Options > Cartography has these new options: Cave Render Distance, Surface Render Distance, Render Frequency, Render Passes, Reveal Shape, Always Map Caves, Always Map Surface.
- Support for Carpenters Blocks: Map colors are now based on the inner block rather than black.
- Torches in these mods no longer cast shadows: “Applied Energistics 2″, “Carpenters Blocks”, “Chisel”, “Extra Utilities
- Experimental fix for biome coloring in TerraFirmaCraft SaltWater and SaltWaterStationary
- Experimental bugfix for getting the colors of Botania double-height flowers
- @SidedProxy has been implemented to make the jar harmless when somebody mistakenly puts it in a server.
- Added check for Java 7/8. If you’re still using Java 6, JourneyMap just disables itself instead of being broken.
- Removed Options > Advanced > Chunk Offset, Chunk Poll
- Player icons weren’t showing on the map
- Waypoint Manager didn’t save waypoint changes if you pressed ESC instead of the close button
- Options Manager didn’t properly refresh JourneyMap’s behavior if options were changed using only keystrokes
- Color Palette would render as all black when some mods changed, requiring manual deletion of colorpalette.json
- Minimap didn’t update if underground and player only moved vertically to new chunkY
- Entities implementing INpc no longer considered hostile
- Expired textures weren’t properly disposed of on main thread.
Streuner91 said:Magical Crops Compat - Minefactory Reloaded 1.2.1
- Added support for other seeds from Mods( e.g. Industrial Craft seeds from Magical Crops)
Strikingwolf said:A version checker made by the PhoenixTeam. Source is available here. The intended use of UpToDate is to notify users of three kinds of updates in different ways
If you click the mod name in any of these examples it will take you to the url to download the mod.
- All updates (Normal, Severe, and Critical), displayed in a gui accessible from the main menu
- Severe updates, stop loading of the game with a click-to-advance menu (disableable)
- Critical updates (world-breaking), stop world loading with a click-to-advance menu or send a chat message
Mods can use UpToDate by implementing the IUpdateable interface. UpToDate will then handle all the parsing and notification of the user. The format of the remote information is YAML 1.1; however, most JSON files will work with this format.
Arcaratus said:Ever felt like sleeping should grant you more than just a quick night? Well now it does! This simple, 1-class mod gives you a regeneration buff when you wake up so you can truly feel rejuvenated from a night's sleep! (Configs can be turned to either a regen buff or max health)
Before sleeping...![]()
After sleeping!![]()
OreCruncher said:Thermal Recycling 0.3.4
- Added three new machines for your recycling and reuse needs: Thermal Recycler, Scrap Assessor, and Composter
- Have fun with Scrap, Scrap Boxes, and Blocks of Scrap
- More smarts when handling Forestry, BuildCraft, and Thermal Expansion items that have extended properties or special recipes
- Additional support for Chicken Chunks, Iron Chest, ExtrabiomesXL, and RFTools
As always information can be found on the Wiki.
- Basic recycling recipes for items now favor the use of the Pulverizer, and will produce metallic dust instead of ingots.
As always make a backup of your world prior to installing this release. You shouldn't have any issues, but better safe than sorry.![]()
Yo that isn't fully ready for full release, there is a really good reason for it being alphaand @Strikingwolf with UpToDate
I hope you never make a pack that I actually want to play...Are the effects configurable? I have evil plans now...
BuildCraft gets THREE new releases, THREE!
Rough summary:
- BuildCraft 6.4.15 Stable fixes bugs.
- BuildCraft 7.0.4 Beta adds a 100% new Integration Table, improvements to Builder and Assembly Table GUIs, wearables for robots, tons of bugfixes and small optimizations here and there.
- BuildCraftCompat 7.0.2 Beta fixes a bug and adds BluePower bundled redstone support.
Buildcraft 6.4.13 said:No changelog provided.
Buildcraft 6.4.14 said:No changelog provided.
Buildcraft 6.4.15 said:No changelog provided.
I gotta admit, I don't get it. XD
IMHO it appears that a (heavily borken) stronghold and what appears to be a new type of dungeon generated at pretty much the same location in a superflat test world while Jeb is working on new "features".I gotta admit, I don't get it. XD
Explain, preeze?
That's how semiofficial mirrors work.I saw that Buildcraft got updated, but the changelogs weren't that interesting from what I could see on CurseForge![]()
No, impossible. It was told in the legends that this mod died along with 1.4.7 and that no one could bring it back to life.
No, impossible. It was told in the legends that this mod died along with 1.4.7 and that no one could bring it back to life.
From what I heard, everyone missed the tanks.I personally don't find the appeal with XyCraft. The aesthetics, the mechanics, all of it. What's so appealing?
I've toyed with re-creating them in the pastFrom what I heard, everyone missed the tanks.
And I guess also the stackable soil? I don't know all of its features though.From what I heard, everyone missed the tanks.
I bet it's the annoying and useless ores that hog your quarry chestI personally don't find the appeal with XyCraft. The aesthetics, the mechanics, all of it. What's so appealing?
ftfyI bet it's the annoying and useless ores that hog your Soaryn chest![]()