What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Jul 29, 2019
If I get $800 dollars a month or I have a bunch of money in the bank and I budget $800 a month, what's the difference?
$10,000 is not a "MASSIVE" amount of money. It's just not. I can pretty easily make 8x that per year working full time. My contractor rate is $125/hr. I'm willing to give up the money to do what I love. If I work another job (that I would likely hate) then THAT job would take time away from mod development AND it wouldn't be enough to live on. That doesn't make sense. I can be middle class, or I can be a modder. You guys get to choose.

I don't understand what you're saying here.

I think that you're insinuating that I wouldn't have enough to do, but I posted a message in my kickstarter updates to say that I would be developing a brand new cable/pipe mod in partnership with Asie from Buildcraft in addition to developing a new mod to modify the world physics for my underwater adventure map and mod pack.
I was looking through this topic and i havent seen anyone posting that mod here so i thought that i could just tell ppl about it when reika was named


Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
I think that you're insinuating that I wouldn't have enough to do, but I posted a message in my kickstarter updates to say that I would be developing a brand new cable/pipe mod in partnership with Asie from Buildcraft in addition to developing a new mod to modify the world physics for my underwater adventure map and mod pack.

Hey, hey, hey. I wanted to give suggestions, not write the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
new day, new update, and today it's @VapourDrive with Magnanimous Tools
VapourDrive said:


If you haven't heard of the mod Tinkers Construct - go play it now! It is an awesome mod that revolutionized some aspects of how tools work.
It did however abandon the use of experience so I made a mod that currently adds a small toolset of the second tier tools (hammer, excavator) as well as a sword that does added damage based on the players experience.

What are they made of?

The Magnanimous Gem is found in the core of the Magnanimous Tree



The Leaves of the tree drop Magnanimous Sticks that are used to craft the Hardened Handle for all of the tools.

The Gems are used to craft the head of the tools which are combined in the anvil to make the completed tool


Please refer to NEI for the head and handle recipes at the moment, and read all tooltips for in game help

and @momnop with Interdiction Pillar
momnop said:


Interdiction Pillar brings back the EE2 Interdiction Torches with a twist. These Interdiction Pillars have multiple variants which interdict different things. At the time of release, there are currently 2 variants. Hostile Mobs, and Projectiles.

These pillars can be stacked upon each other to provide multiple interdictions within one area. This is only really effective with 3 or less pillars stacked.

You can find the recipes via NEI and/or similar options.

Interdiction Pillar is under the MIT License. Feel free to include this in any modpack you wish, but a notification would be nice.

and @Purplicious_Cow with Inventory Pets
Purplicious_Cow said:

Inventory Pets
They Came From the Hotbar!
  • Tired of wimpy pets that always get themselves killed and don’t do what you ask?
  • Looking to add awesome fun and new abilities into your game world?
  • Searching for super cute (and often deadly) friends that will stay by your side through thick and thin?
  • Ever wanted to make a fountain of sheep dance over the open ocean?
If you answered YES to any of the above the questions, that’s really swell. But we’re here to tell you about Inventory Pets, not to ask questions.

What are Inventory Pets?
Inventory Pets are living animated creatures that exist in your inventory and give you amazing special effects, drops, buffs, utilities, defenses, and weapons in exchange for care and feeding. Plus, some pets, such as the Purplicous Cow, are especially handsome. This first release contains 32 awesome, unique pets with mind-bending skills and fancy tricks.


Mob Pets


  • Explodes [Right Click]
  • Immune to explosions
  • Food: Gunpowder
  • Recipe: O = Emerald Nuggets


    • Teleport [Right Click]
    • Auto-teleport when health is low
    • Food: Obsidian Nuggets
    • Recipe: O = Coal Nugget

    • Shoots Fireballs [Right Click]
    • Food: Blaze Powder
    • Recipe: O = Nether Quartz
Iron Golem

    • Temporary Shield [Right Click]
    • Food: Iron Ingots
    • Recipe: O = Iron Ingots
Magma Cube

    • Fire resistance
    • Walk on Lava
    • Food: Nether Quartz
    • Recipe: O = Redstone

Snow Golem

    • Knockback
    • Gives you Snowballs
    • Food: Pumpkins
    • Recipe: O = Quartz Ore

    • Jump boost
    • Wall climb
    • Gives you String
    • Food: Raw Meat
    • Recipe: O = Coal Nugget

    • Lifesteal 25%
    • Immune to Wither Effect
    • Food: Soul Sand
    • Recipe: O = Coal Nugget, D = Nether Star
Peaceful Pets

    • Speed boost
    • Gives you Eggs
    • Food: Seeds
    • Recipe: O = Feather

    • Removes negative potion effects
    • Fills empty buckets with Milk
    • Food: Wheat
    • Recipe: Left O = Coal Nugget, Right O = Iron Nugget

    • Night vision
    • Scares away Creepers
    • Food: Fish
    • Recipe: O = Gold Nugget

    • Bonus hunger saturation
    • Can eat poisoned foods
    • Gives you Porkchops
    • Food: Carrots
    • Recipe: O = Redstone

    • Slow fall
    • Gives you Wool
    • Food: Wheat
    • Recipe: O = Wool

    • Water breathing
    • Underwater vision
    • Swim boost
    • Food: Fish
    • Recipe: O = Lapis Nugget
Utility Pets


    • Slowly auto-repairs damaged items in Inventory
    • Food: Iron Nuggets
    • Recipe: O = Iron Ingot

    • Sleep [Right Click]
    • Food: Wool
    • Recipe: O = Redstone
Brewing Stand

    • Brews random potion [Right Click]
    • Food: Nether Wart
    • Recipe: O = Cobblestone

    • Open [Right Click]
    • Food: Logs
    • Recipe: O = Wood Planks, F = Iron Nugget
Crafting Table

    • Craft [Right Click]
    • Food: Logs
    • Recipe: O = Wood Planks
Double Chest
  • Open [Right Click]
  • Food: Logs
  • Recipe: O = Wood Planks, F = Gold Nugget

Enchanting Table

  • Enchant [Right Click]
  • Food: Books
  • Recipe: O = Obsidian Nuggets

  • Smelts first item in hotbar [Right Click]
  • Food: Coal
  • Recipe: O = Cobblestone

  • Play Record, Pause Record, Play Next Record [Right Click]
  • Food: Redstone
  • Recipe: O = Wood Planks

Nether Portal

  • Teleport to Nether (and back) [Right Click]
  • Food: Obsidian Nuggets or Nether Quartz
  • Recipe: O = Obsidian Nuggets
Special Pets


  • Resistance
  • Secret of Life
  • Food: Diamond Nuggets
  • Recipe: O = Lapis Nuggets, D = Nether Star


  • Uses Sonar to help you locate ores and gems
  • Food: Diamond Nuggets
  • Recipe: O = Cyan Dye
Purplicious Cow

  • Health regeneration
  • Fills empty buckets with Lava
  • Food: Diamond Nuggets
  • Recipe: Left O = Lapis Nugget, Right O = Iron Nugget, D = Nether Star

Quantum Crystal Monster

  • Summons minions [Right Click]
  • Food: Lapis Nuggets
  • Recipe: O = Obsidian Nuggets
Legendary Pets
Black Hole

  • Slow time
  • Food: Obsidian Nuggets

  • Fast flight
  • Lightning strike
  • Food: Nether Quartz

  • Thorns
  • Poisonous
  • Food: Glowstone Dust

  • Saves you from certain death
  • Food: Golden Apples
How do Pets work?
Inventory Pets have unique and powerful abilities that become active when they are in your inventory hotbar. These effects expire if they are taken out of your hotbar or they have not been fed. Bad owner!

Almost all effects continue to work in Creative Mode, though the Pets will not get hungry or require feeding.

How do I get an Inventory Pet?
Inventory Pets can be acquired in two different ways:

  1. All pets, except for Legendary, are craftable using vanilla Minecraft materials. Material requirements are higher for rarer and more powerful pets.
  2. Pets can be found in four special places in the Overworld: Sea Caves, Cloud Dungeons, Treetops, and underground Dungeons.
  3. Sheep fountains can often provide a safe haven for deserving….


Here's an example recipe for the Creeper. Emerald Nuggets on the Outside, his favorite Food at the Top Center (Gunpowder), Diamond in the Center, and Gold Ingot at the bottom.


Most pets follow the above recipe structure. Materials for each pet (except Legendary) are listed above with the individual pets.


  • O = Outside Layer
  • F = Food
  • D = Diamond (usually)
  • G = Gold Ingot
The Dungeons

How do I take care of my Pets?
Each pet has unique foods they like to eat. Keep a small stack of this food anywhere in your inventory and they will find it and eat it. Nom! Some pets eat after a certain number of uses, other pets eat 1-2 times per Minecraft day.

Here are some other interesting Pet care facts:
  • Pets only get hungry when they are active in your hotbar.
  • Pet hunger is represented by a durability bar. When durability is zero, their effects will no longer work. Simply place their favorite food in your inventory to get them fully restored and active again.
  • Pets can bite. But you can’t feel it.
  • Most pets are potty trained.
Can I use multiple Pets at once?
Yes! That’s part of the fun of the game. You can mix and match and combine fill up your hotbar with up to 9 Inventory Pets.

Can I use this in my modpack? Will it run on servers? Will it be compatible with other mods? Can I post it on spam sites?
Yes, not yet, yes, no.

Is this mod fun?
ZOMG! It’s the funnest mod since that other really fun one you used to play!

Configurable via config file

Dungeon Frequency, Pets Need Feeding, Entity IDs


Please feel free to use this mod in any modpack, both public and private. There is no need to notify or ask us, please just mention it in the pack if you do make it public.

Please note that this initial release is CLIENT ONLY. We are working on server compatibility for a future release.

You will need the latest recommended version of Forge 1.7.10

Inventory Pets 1.0.1 on MC Forge 1.7.10 (CLIENT ONLY)

Official Minecraft Forum Thread

Future Update:

  • Server Compatibility
  • Custom Pets (choose your own abilities and add your own textures)
  • More Pets!

and @Silentine with Grimoire of Gaia
Silentine said:
Grimoire of Gaia 1.0.9
  • Added Book of Hunger
    • Rarely dropped by Swamper
    • Added to trader sell list
  • Reduced exchange value of Combat Manual with Trader
  • Increased exchange value of Book of Memory with Trader
  • Removed slow debuff from Metal Book
  • Replaced Book of Blazing Fury to Book of Withering
    • Shoots Wither Skulls (32)
    • Has Slow debuff when held
  • Reorganized books based on debuff ID number
  • Changed Book of Memory icon


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Magical Crops 4.0.0 Public Beta 1 (by Mark719)
Change log:
- Change: Lots of texture changes, thank you to the painterly team for this!
- Added: Ability to craft enahantment books (Configurable ON/OFF)
- Added: When using Zivicio Pickaxe or Zivicio Hoe, you can get extra drops from Minicio ore and Minicio crops (Configurable ON/OFF)

- Dust, Weak, Regular, Strong & Extreme essence now have different look and name:
Essence dust = Minicio Essence (Green)
Weak Essence = Accio Essence (Orange)
Regular Essence = Crucio Essence (Yellow)
Strong Essence = Imperio Essence (Blue)
Extreme Essence = Zivicio Essence (Purple)

- Infusion stone changes:
Change: Configurable durability for each stone (master infusion stone has unlimited durability)
Change: Weak Infusion stone can be crafted with diamond, emerald or gold block
Change: Infusion stones can now be upgraded with mod compatible essence
Change: You can now use 8 of any specific tier of essence to upgrade stones

- Crop changes:
Change: Nature essence no longer drops rarely from crops
Removed: Magma Crop
Added: Nature Crop
Change: When crops growing if walked over they will cause 0.5 damage, when crops fully grown cause 1 hearts damage (configurable ON/OFF)
Added: Configurable option to disable crops
Removed: Standard crops (Will be added back at a later point)
Added: When breaking a crop, the crop will automatically replant itself (Configurable ON/OFF)

- Potions:
All aspects of potions have been removed, potions, crops and petals. (Will be added back at a later point)

- Blocks:
Added: Growth Pulser block, when below a crop boosts it's growth rate (Uncraftable)
Added: Nether Minicio/Essence ore, generates in nether, drops more minicio essence
Removed: All decoration blocks and blast/light blocks (Will be added back)
Added: Furnaces:
Accio Furnace - 2x faster than standard furnace
Crucio Furnace - 2x faster than accio furnace
Imperio Furnace - 2x faster than crucio furnace
Zivicio Furnace - 2x faster than Imperio furnace
Ultimate Furnace - Smelts 1 item per tick

- Items:
Removed: Charms
Removed: Essence Infused Armour, changed to:
Added: Accio Armour & Weapons
Added: Crucio Armour & Weapons
Added: Imperio Armour & Weapons
Added: Zivicio Armour & Weapons
Removed: Food and juice (Will be added back)
Added: Accio, Crucio, Imperio & Zivicio seed bags, plants 2x2, 4x4, 6x6 and 9x9 (Uncraftable)

This mod has gone through a big change, many things will be different, and may not all be noted above, Sorry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Next up its @kroeser with EvilCraft:
IMPORTANT: This version is built for Forge or higher!
As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!

* Update to Forge 10.13.3 with the required Fluid change fixes. Closes #226 fluidId was changed internally, now getFluidID() is used.

* Fix incorrectly formatted recipes inside the info book. Closes #224
* Fix incorrect drops from exploded Blood Stained Blocks. Fixes #223
* Improve Dark Power Gem world crafting Blood detection algo. It still uses 5 source blocks but the range in which checks will be done is increased.
* Add better indication that a machine is working by filling the arrow a bit sooner.
* Update zh_CN.lang


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm, I know this is more a RED response, but not keen on these changes. Just seems like more essence variations (and resulting more weird names) just for the sake of it, along with a bit of feature creep.

Essences haven't bin added they have just had there names and sprites changed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And if you don't like that there's always editing the language files within the mod.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2


Wiki Staff
Dec 31, 2012
Worcester, Massachusetts
Behold, more Greg!
[ADDED] BC Gate Compatibility to the GT Energy System for Capacitors.
[ADDED] An awful lot of Configs going with the Tool Crafting Recipes.
[ADDED] Melting and Boiling Points to the F3+H Tooltips of Items.
[ADDED] Railcraft related Recipes and Vanilla Nerfs back.
[ADDED] A (disabled by default) Recipe for the Railcraft Admin Anchor using 2 Nether Stars.
[ADDED] some of the old MetaItems. The Crop Drops, Books and the Minecart Wheels in this case.
[ADDED] Raw Tool Heads, which need to be filed in order to use them. This is not going to affect the current Tool Crafting and is meant for Tool Heads created by Molds.
[ADDED] The Minecart Wheels Item is now autogenerated with the OreDict Prefix "minecartWheels".
[ADDED] Autogenerated IC² alike Item Casings and OreDicting them (and setting the originals as Default Unification Target).
[CHANGED] Any Autogenerated GT Item (not Blocks in this case) will hide itself from Creative/NEI if it is not the Unification Target.
[CHANGED] The Saw Recipe to require just 1 Stick rather than 4.
[CHANGED] PrefixItems and PrefixBlocks now always initialise themselves before MultiItems.
[CHANGED] The Changelog to be UTF-8 rather than ANSI. I hate how Windows created Text Files end up with that borken Format as default.
Tooltips are now even more detailed!