What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Maybe you could make it an 11x11 instead of 10x10, instead of 9x9 instead of 10x10

(yes, I deliberately tried to make that confusing, and failed)
new day, new update, and today it's @insaneau with Ex Nihilo
insaneau said:
Ex Nihilo 1.38-29
  • Now compatible with Forestry 3.5!
  • Pulverizing Netherrack gives Crushed Netherrack
  • Pulverizing End Stone gives Crushed End Stone

and @Silentine with Grimoire of Gaia
Silentine said:
Grimoire of Gaia 1.0.7
  • Increase Book of Memory levels gained from 5 to 10
  • Reorganized Assets
  • All books are now 3D
  • All books can now be enchanted
  • Iron level enchantment
  • Removed additional information
  • All books now share similar stats
  • 1000 Durability
  • 6 Damage
  • Combat Manual is the sole exception
  • Metal Book can no longer be used to mine
  • Book of Blazing Fury now deals 0.5 Harm damage
  • Reduced Base Damage to 1 Heart
  • Base Damage now set to true by default

and @jaquadro with Garden Stuff
jaquadro said:
Garden Stuff 1.6.0
  • Added charcoal block.
  • Added extra mossy stone brick variants.
  • Added moss paste item.
  • Added MineTweaker support for configuring compost bin materials.
  • Updated Botania integration for double-tall mystic flowers.
  • Updated Thaumcraft integration to support tallow candles in lanterns.
  • Updated set of default compostable items.
  • Fix crash when certain mods break wood posts / wood post fences.
  • Fix decorative pot variants not being able to light on fire when using Netherrack.
  • Fix decorative pot variants not dropping correct item when broken.
  • Fix stained and stamped pots all claiming to be 'black'.
  • Fix rendering glitch when large pots are held in hand.
  • Overhaul of underlying renderer -keep eyes open for any visual defects.

and @TehNut with Redstone Armory
TehNut said:

Redstone Armory is a mod that focuses on enhancing the Fluxed experience.
Gelid Enderium
Gelid Enderium is a new alloy created from Enderium and Gelid Cryotheum. The frozen energies have built up to provide much more power than before. It comes in Block, Ingot, and Nugget forms.
Gelid Gem
The Gelid Gem is a Fluxed Gem imbued with the properties of Gelid Cryotheum.
Gelid Rod
The Gelid Rod is a stronger version of the Flux-Infused Obsidian Rod.
Enderium Armor Plating
The Armor Plating is a very strong plating used in the creation of Enderium Armor.
Lapis Quisque
You have discovered a wonderful power: The power to emit fireworks from a block of purple Lapis Lazuli.

Enderium Flux
Created using the powerful Enderium Armor Plating, this armor boasts 95% damage aborption. However, this comes at the cost of 200RF for every damage you take.
Lumium armor isn't the strongest in the world, but it makes up for that by lighting your way.
You have become one with the potato. And it is tasty. Tuberous Armor feeds keeps you fed at the cost of durability.

Gelid Enderium Axe
When empowered, the axe will allow the player to use a large amount of energy to rid the world of rain as well as spawning lightning bolts on the block they right click.
Gelid Enderium Pickaxe
When empowered, instead of breaking stone, it will teleport a 3x3 area of it behind you. However if you mine ores, it will only do the single block.
Gelid Enderium Shovel
Right click to place bonemeal. Empower to place more.
Gelid Enderium Sword
Blocking while holding this will cause it to act as a magnet. The radius is wider while empowered.
Gelid Enderium Battlewrench
Currently just stores more energy than the Fluxed one.
Gelid Enderium Sickle
Currently just stores more energy than the Fluxed one.

As of build 8, all versions require the latest build ttCore to be installed.
Alternate Downloads
Sometimes Curse publishing is slow. You can find every download (Along with all my other projects) on my Jenkins.
IRC: #TehNut on Esper
Twitter: @OfficialTehNut
Website: http://tehnut.info/
Github: TehNut

and @SamRaven2 with DualCraft
SamRaven2 said:
Ever wished you didn't have to take everything out of a worktable if you happened to forget one piece? No longer! With this mod you can have two, yes TWO, crafting grids at the same time!
To get this wonderful phenomenon, just place two vanilla workbenches next to each other! That's it. Magic.
A word of warning though, it doesn't work with more than 2, and they must be on a horizontal plane.


Forgot to make your wood into planks while you're making a piston? Oh well, just use the second grid to do that and make that piston with no hassle!
Use it in a modpack, go ahead, just make sure you link back here!
This mod has not yet been tested on a server, please let me know of any issues you might have with that.

Planned Features:
-NEI Shift Click Support
-Clear Grid Buttons
-TiCon Crafting Station Support (or... add in chest availability)
-Hold Inventory on Close
-Furnace Support
-Multiblock texture?
-Stack the benches instead of side by side?

and @TehNut with Modular Armour
TehNut said:
Modular Armour 1.0.-15
  • chbachman: Starting work on sliders
  • chbachman: Sliders actually change values now
  • chbachman: Sliders now are per Armour Piece. Recipes are easier to work with.
  • chbachman: Move files to API, to remove dependencies from the API
  • chbachman: Improve API, Sliders now edit values
  • chbachman: Remove Levels
  • chbachman: Change Items to have Holders, or Logic Holders
  • chbachman: Fix Derps, Crashing on Startup with Mod Compat.
  • chbachman: Make Compatibility Tab Scroll
  • chbachman: Work on bug fixes.
  • chbachman: Rename Upgrade Protective
  • chbachman: Derp, its max items
  • chbachman: Refactor Holder -> UpgradeLogic
  • chbachman: Remove Translator
  • chbachman: Add Admin Armour, Creative Tab
  • chbachman: Protective Upgrades now distribute.
  • chbachman: You saw nothing
  • BBoldt: BBoldt Textures
  • chbachman: Coloured Upgrade Framework, Logo
  • chbachman: Update Build.gradle
  • chbachman: Fix build.gradle
  • chbachman: Dangit Matthew
  • chbachman: Guis now scrolls
  • BBoldt: added wrench
  • chbachman: Fix Explosion, clean up wrapping
  • chbachman: Bump Version
  • chbachman: Add changeling functionality.

and @NightKosh with Gravestone
NightKosh said:
Gravestone 2.12.0
  • Mod-specific entity IDs(made by Portablejim) It must fix some compatibility bugs.
  • "Thilight Forest" "Charm of keeping" compatibility(made by DA3DSoul)
  • Some "Forestry" backpacks fixes(made by DA3DSoul)
  • Restore "Tha Camping mod" compatibility
  • Fix "Tinker Construct" compatibility("Heart Canisters" will not be stored in graves any more)
  • Fixed Villager corpse NPE bug
  • Update API(it must fix some problems)

and @chemistrymodmaker with Directional Redstone
chemistrymodmaker said:
Directional Redstone
One Block, one vision.

Directional Redstone Block

Provides redstone signal on one side...
It is directional in a similar way to pistons.


Providing signal to single pistons.


New uses with pistons.

and @hilburn with Steve's Addons
hilburn said:
Steve's Addons 0.10.0
  • Things were added. You'll probably like them. They are super OP

and @victorious3 with Integrated Circuits
victorious3 said:
Integrated Circuits 0.8r34
  • Fix NEI crashing when trying to localize on the server side
  • Fix crash in the absence of Project:RED
  • Fix crash when blowing up assemblers
  • Fix crash when rendering gates before they load
  • Fix spamming the disk drive causing an NPE
  • Performance improvement for the assembler render
  • Added additional tooltip to blueprint disks
  • Added support for "the shaders mod"
  • Added version tracker

and @jtmnf with JQuarry
jtmnf said:
JQuarry 1.4.1
  • Added configs to:
  • change max RF stored in quarries;
  • change RF cost per block mined;
  • change recipes for dirt, sand, gravel and stone quarries;

and @tonius11 with The Corrupted Sector
tonius11 said:
This mod adds a new dimension called The Corrupted Sector. It is very similar to the Overworld, except it shows signs of being corrupted on disk: chunk edges, missing chunks and 'barren' chunks that don't have top level blocks like grass or sand on them.

The dimension is intended to be used as a mining world of sorts: to be wrecked and drained of its resources without having to disfigure the Overworld!

The Corrupted Sector can be reached by going through a Glitch Rift, which serves as a gateway for players between healthy and corrupt data. If you get stuck in the dimension, try to find a missing chunk! Jumping into the void in this dimension will take you right back to the Overworld.

The 'corruptness' of the dimension is configurable, as well as the presence of clouds, the day/night cycle and how much the world seed differs from that of the main world.

and @RazzleberryFox with AppleMilkTea2
RazzleberryFox said:


This is a mod made by my friend DefeatedCrow on the Japanese Minecraft Forums, he gave me permission to post his mod so all of us could enjoy it. (here is a link to the original post). (check images for permission screenshot)

You guys know I am a sucker for decorative stuff, and if you like all kinds of food this is the mod for you!

Check out the screenshots!

Click here for the official AppleMilkTea Wiki

What does this mod add?
-Brewing System
-Various Teas
-Ice Cream
- Japanese food! (bowls or rice, sake, etc)
- Baskets with food in them
- Cool Food Crafting System
- Random decorations (Piles of wood, tissue boxes, lamps)
- Drinks!
- Crates and boxes of different types
- Jars of Jam or Jellies
- New village building called a Tea Shop!

Ok so.... if you are curious, this video shows you all the things this mod adds... also, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND using NEI.

Enjoy!!! :D

and @DrummerMC with ExtraCells2
DrummerMC said:
ExtraCells2 2.2.66
  • Added Fluid Vibrand Chamber (Alheimerjung) (Only Creative)
  • Added Blast Resistend ME Drive (Only Creative)
  • Bug fixes

and @OlivBEL with NoVillage
OlivBEL said:
Everything is in the title :)

Just a small mod that clears the list of biomes where villages can be generated.

Does not affect other structures.

and @Jhary with MagicalDecorations
Jhary said:
MagicalDecorations 0.3.3
  • Added the possibility to change the size of the decorative matrix. Left click it with a wand to resize
  • added decorative version of the Runic Matrix
  • fixed Creative Tab

and @AlexIIL with Better Loading Screen
AlexIIL said:

Normal forge mod, just drop this mod in the mods folder and it should work just fine. This also requires AlexIILLib (http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/229301-alexiillib)

This should be compatible with all forge mods, as this does not use class transforming to get the progress.

Upcoming Features:
  • Better looking loading screen (so not in a new window, and one that follows minecraft's style)
This was posted a week ago, but it bears being shown again.
I am not really sold on this. I mean quitting you job to focus on developing a mod does seem really sketchy to me, especially seeing how he is basically asking for people to pay for his living. I know there are people who live off of gofundme and things like that, hell my friend ended put a gofundme to go to a
convention as a joke, thinking no one would back her up, and she ended up getting $700 USD even though she said on the gofundme that she only needed $10. She did give all the money back of coarse, and took down the gofundme. Anywho, I am rambling at this point >.> Point is, I can see him doing it, but it is really sketchy and most likely wont last him very long. If it does, then kudos for him, but I just don't see it going well for very long :L Good luck to him though ^^ I hope he is successful
I am not really sold on this. I mean quitting you job to focus on developing a mod does seem really sketchy to me, especially seeing how he is basically asking for people to pay for his living. I know there are people who live off of gofundme and things like that, hell my friend ended put a gofundme to go to a
convention as a joke, thinking no one would back her up, and she ended up getting $700 USD even though she said on the gofundme that she only needed $10. She did give all the money back of coarse, and took down the gofundme. Anywho, I am rambling at this point >.> Point is, I can see him doing it, but it is really sketchy and most likely wont last him very long. If it does, then kudos for him, but I just don't see it going well for very long :L Good luck to him though ^^ I hope he is successful
I don't mind people quitting their job to make something, but if I am paying someone to live, I personally expect more than a mod... you know... a game, or something.
A mod need not more than a few hours a week, and within a month it should be done (when that mod already exists, and there is just certain things being changed). And when the reach goals are: play with jadedcat, and a few other people (not playing with those that donated), and making a mod pack... yeah, not really worth it imo.
He could take 2 months break, and live off £2,000 (dunno that in dollars, and in equivalence to where he lives - £1 goes a lot further where I live than it does in London) and get all that stuff done... so why the year? Why so much?
new day, new update, and today it's @insaneau with Ex Nihilo

and @Silentine with Grimoire of Gaia

and @jaquadro with Garden Stuff

and @TehNut with Redstone Armory

and @SamRaven2 with DualCraft

and @TehNut with Modular Armour

and @NightKosh with Gravestone

and @chemistrymodmaker with Directional Redstone

and @hilburn with Steve's Addons

and @victorious3 with Integrated Circuits

and @jtmnf with JQuarry

and @tonius11 with The Corrupted Sector

and @RazzleberryFox with AppleMilkTea2

and @DrummerMC with ExtraCells2

and @OlivBEL with NoVillage

and @Jhary with MagicalDecorations

and @AlexIIL with Better Loading Screen
@AlexIIL with Better Loading Screen
He just uploaded a 1.7.10 port of the mod :)