What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Well, I won't make a new thread about it, but I think this is kinda important (for DW20 fans):

Probably a 3 - parter, but it's nice to finally see someone do a "LONG" review/spotlight on this mod (Witchery), I love it because it's not like the other magic mods out there.

Because the problem with other spotlights was that they were short, and didn't really explain what the "MOD" did, just what different items/blocks do, and that's not a way to go through certain mods xD.
Witchery masterrace

Also, for anyone interested, [shameless self plug]Witchery is about 85% done on the wiki, and it'll be done by next week, I just gotta deal with school stuffs first :P[/shameless self plug]
new day, new update... with no update yesterday because... well... there was no update. but there is one today, so yay! starting with Mineshopper with Carpenter's Blocks
Mineshopper said:
>> Version 2.0.6 Changelog
  • - Fixed slope brightness problems.
  • - Fixed oblique slope uncovered face textures not connecting.
  • - Fixed faces sometimes rendering when they should not.

and ProfMobius with JABBA
ProfMobius said:
  • Fixed a prb with dynamic texture creation on items with ID > 4096
  • Fixed side prb with hopper upgrades.
  • Hopper upgrade will now properly call onInventoryChanged.
  • Internal handling of external calls to onInventoryChanged properly done. Should fix the sync prbs.
  • Fixed a dolly problem with barrels leading to orphan TEs.
  • Fixed item dup when barrels are moved by other external agents.
  • Backup Jabba file data will be use in case of main file failure.
  • Structural upgrade items will now display the material defined in config.
  • Structural upgrade items will have a color related to the material defined in config.
  • Upgraded barerls will have a color related to the material defined in config.
  • Maximum tier is now 18, defined in config.
  • More Quality Of Life storage upgrades to account for the higher tiers.
  • Included handling for Adventure & Creative modes.
  • A creative core upgrade is now available (but not craftable). Turns a barrel into an infinite source of material.

and the OpenMods team with updates for OpenPeripheral Core, OpenPeripheral Addons, OpenBlocks and OpenModsLib
OpenMods said:
OpenPeripheral 0.3.2
  • Feature: Improved Thaumcraft integration (for better compatibility with Thaumic Tinkerer)
  • Feature: Added op_dump command to dump all known peripheral APIs to XML
  • Feature: TileEntity blacklist (OPC will not try to register handler for that blocks)
  • Fix: swapStacks now respects ISidedInventory restrictions (fix for ToolForge)
  • Fix: API swallowing exceptions
  • Feature: Ability to read information about ComputerCraft items in inventories
  • Feature: MFR integration
  • Feature: Custom update handlers for generated peripherals
  • Feature: @Volatile - to mark tile entities that bypass cache
OpenPeripheral-Addons 0.1.2
  • Fix: sensor.sonicScan returning empty list
  • Fix: PIM dropping items
  • Fix: Peripheral Proxy getting stuck after block is broken
  • Fix: terminal glasses now render items same way as other GUIs
OpenBlocks 1.2.6
  • Feature: fan strength is now controlled by redstone
  • Feature: radio now accepts with URLs pointing to PLS and M3U files and understands HTTP redirections
  • Feature: actual skyblock
  • Feature: Last Stand enchantment
  • Feature: more tomfoolery!
  • Fix: block placers and breakers sometimes swapping/emptying inventories
  • Fix: crash when trying to display crayon in Thaumonomicon
  • Tweak: better guide shape generation
OpenModsLib 0.3
  • Feature: added InventoryUtils.swapStack (normal and sided inventory version)
  • (WIP) Feature: utilities for Icon manipulation
  • (WIP) Feature: ByteStore (server-client byte payloads synchronization)
  • Fix: item slots rendering order
  • Fix: logger can now be used before mod preInit
  • Fix: removed FakePlayer caching (to prevent race conditions)

and lastly @dmillerw with a new mod called Passive Enchantments
dmillerw said:
Passive Enchantments:
Enchantments without the management

Enchanting in Minecraft, while useful, requires you to constantly carry around those items you've enchanted. This mod seeks to make that less of an issue by providing magical rings for you to pour the magical powers of enchanting into

Pictures speak a thousand words, so this video should do more explaining than I'm able to at the moment. Example Video

I also highly recommend you read the documentation listed below, as it explains all the aspects of this mod.

* Alternative Downloads [1.6.4] [1.7.2]
* GitHub
* * Issue Tracker
* * Documentation

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Dire asks and dire receives :p

if direwolf wished for a mod that would make soaryn unable to do chests, within a day there'll be several types of that mod...
seriously, he doesn't even need to ask, he just suggests what he would like and alot of mod developers do it
Well, regardless of my vacation that I'm currently on, I've updated OpenBlocks for 1.2.6. You are welcome :p

Although, the Flim Flam enchantment isn't documented, because I cannot for the life of me figure out what it does. The World Domination by OpenBlocks book isn't any help either ("Scientists have yet to understand this" my foot).

Based on a quick look through the source code, when both the attacker and defender have the enchantment, it swaps positions. If just the attacker does, I think it randomly teleports the target a few blocks.

Edit: Never mind. Appears to mess with inventory. Also this:

if (stack != null && stack.getMaxStackSize() == 1 && !stack.isItemEnchantable() && !stack.isItemEnchanted()) {

+                stack.addEnchantment(Enchantment.baneOfArthropods, 5);

Edit 2: SCREW THIS. They don't label commits, the code is barely commented, and they have a lore generator so it says something random about the enchant each time. Basically this enchant is just random and designed to fuck with you and the target.

Edit 3: Even though I requested the fan change months ago on Github, it takes a public video from Direwolf20 to change anything :P
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Based on a quick look through the source code, when both the attacker and defender have the enchantment, it swaps positions. If just the attacker does, I think it randomly teleports the target a few blocks.

Edit: Never mind. Appears to mess with inventory. Also this:

if (stack != null && stack.getMaxStackSize() == 1 && !stack.isItemEnchantable() && !stack.isItemEnchanted()) {

+                stack.addEnchantment(Enchantment.baneOfArthropods, 5);

Edit 2: SCREW THIS. They don't label commits, the code is barely commented, and they have a lore generator so it says something random about the enchant each time. Basically this enchant is just random and designed to fuck with you and the target.

I'll just leave the page as a redlink until A) I get annoyed with it being a redlink or B) someone else writes it :P
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Edit 3: Even though I requested the fan change months ago on Github, it takes a public video from Direwolf20 to change anything :p

Important News flash. Not everybody reads Get hub, or twitter, or there own forums. So you might want to try all three.
Though Gethubs seem mostly output only. They wright but not read. Might not be true for all mind you.
Ultimately it's mostly luck if anyone reads your mention.
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What is a Gethub?:p (SCNR!)

It's certenly not a social based sight. Definitely not meant for the average person to communicate with mod makers. It's meant for coders to talk to coders. I don't know why anyone would think it's anything but that.
Has anyone mentioned the Bibiliocraft update?
Not yet... Or the technomancy update

remember, anyone is free to contribute to this topic. it's not only me who can do the mod updates. which isn't a surprise as it would be pretty much an impossible task for 1 person to do all the mod updates.

I'm currently mentioning most of the mods that I use for my custom modpack for 1.6, seeing as Biblio's update is for 1.7 I haven't updated biblio. I also don't have technomancy currently in my modpack, thus I don't often mention that mod either.

this topic was meant to be sort of a community project, where everyone and anyone could mention any mod updates or new mods that have been released. if you've seen a mod update or new mod, or are working yourself on a mod, feel free to make a post about it
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