For those that don't follow Reika's thread, he'sUpdates to Reika's mods, v25z
masa said:Changelog
2014-08-05: 1.7.10-0.3.0:
- Added: Ender Bag is now finished.
- Added: Ender Furnace is now functional and mostly ready.
- Some code clean-up in various places.
2014-07-23: 1.7.10-0.2.0:
- Lots of fixes and code cleanup all around.
- Improved: The teleport code should be a lot better now, and now also works for players and mounted mobs, even cross-dimensionally.
- Improved: Ender Bow now has a second mode: Teleport self. Change between the two using the Toggle Mode hotkey.
- Improved/added: The Ender Bow can now be repaired in an anvil using diamonds.
- Fixed: Ender Bucket: Fixed some bugs and dupe issues with mod fluids, and also the non-flowing vanilla source blocks issue (due to rewriting most of it, see below).
- Improved: Ender Bucket: Now has the fancy fluid texture and amount rendering that I originally visioned for it.
- Improved: Ender Bucket: Should now handle mod fluids properly. Also now works with mod tanks.
- Improved: Ender Bucket now works as a furnace fuel source, when filled with some lava.
- Improved: Added a custom packet for effects, thus sounds and particles should now work both on the original and the destination location.
- Added: Mob Harness, allows mounting mobs/players to mobs/players, see Items for better description.
(- Ender Furnace: Some progress. Can smelt things, but doesn't have the proper functionality nor any progress bars/effects yet, and thus disabled for release.)
- Changed: You don't get the Ender Arrows back anymore, when they teleport something. It makes the bow more of a luxury item compared to the Lasso and the re-usable Ender Pearl.
- Changed: Some recipe changes. Most if not all of them are still temporary, I have some plans for them in the future.
Apparently posting about my own mod updates is also allowed here, so here goes, if anyone happens to be interested.
masa (@maruohon) (yeah it's me) has a couple of new updates for Ender Utilities, since it was first covered by Bevo in his Modded News a few weeks back, after Modjam 4.
Might not seem like much from the user's point of view, but took insane amount of hours spent/wasted from my part, because I'm still very much just learning everything when it comes to modding, and also Java...
Let's include some screenshots of the new stuff:
Ender Bucket:
Ender Furnace:
I don't bother to look back.Sorry man, we already covered this a couple of days ago.
Also causes crashes with Applied Energetics 2 and Extra Utilities
already been talked about. (iirc)Electrical Age, a very realistic and fun mod similar to IC2 and RotaryCraft.
By both me and @Fixided. nice try sketch.already been talked about. (iirc)
SCREW MODS!already been talked about. (iirc)
already been talked about. (iirc)
If I recall correctlyAnd what's iirc?
already been talked about waaaaaayyyy back. just a rewrite/update of DRPG.I SWEAR I'LL SMASH A PLATE IF THIS ONE'S BEEN MENTIONED ALREADY.
I present to you Eternal Isles, a large mod by Xolova.
That was mentioned a long while ago. It's essentially the updated version of DivineRPG.I SWEAR I'LL SMASH A PLATE IF THIS ONE'S BEEN MENTIONED ALREADY.
I present to you Eternal Isles, a large mod by Xolova.