What thing have you never done in FtB?

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I still hold the opinion that Forestry's old farms were actually more multiblock than the new ones, since you had to design a system that would manage the inputs and outputs of the planters and harvesters, while in the new ones you just plop a bunch of magic farm blocks in a 3x4x3 box, and it does it all on its own.

There is an interesting little mod called LegacyFarms ;)
There is an interesting little mod called LegacyFarms ;)
Having a magical device disguised as a machine that does your farming just doesn't sit right with me. It harvest and replants without touching the pants. I like the idea of golems, or villagers, or automated greenhouses/hothouse/hydroponics, or tractors better for tech mods. I would consider forestry a rather dull magical farming block disguised as a tech mod. If you planted a harvesting tree in special soil, and then it grew with a large root structure below it and would periodically harvest the plants around it growing in said special soil it would function exactly the same but wouldn't be magitech.

Now if you made a green house out of glass and supplied it with the same stuff, you could simulate growing based on time and area of the green house, have the inputs and outputs, and it would feel more like a tech mod and would reduce server resource consumption. Change the green house to use aquaponics and it can even provide fish without being magical.
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I'm rather fond of Steve's Carts and it's 'Combines'. They have to run around the track and do the job, then drop off the result.
That's cool. Is the amount of spreaders you need fixed as well?
I remember interlocking 5x5 block sections with spreader relays for hydrangeas,sun flowers, and nightshades. Also having hydrangeas towers again with spreader relays going through the middle. For a plant based mod, it just didn't feel very organic, and I worked in agriculture research for 3 years. Not far from me in Oregon there is a fungus that is 2,384 acres.
I did like the look of the multiblock structures even if I personally never made them. However I don't remember ever "growing" Anything in that mod. Felt more like Hollands flower beds with man made rows upon rows of pretty much the same flowers.
But hey, it's not my mod, it's not like I made an effort to make an alternate mod.
Others like it, and that’s good. It wasn't my cup of tea, and that’s not bad. There’s no other way It has to be, than what it is.
Yeah, strategies like that are why the mod makes it default to having hydrangeas, dayblooms, and nightshades die after an hour. They're a horrible method of generating power, like committing to power all your machines off BC redstone engines (although do those even produce power anymore?).

Anyway a single spread should be capable of handling something like half a dozen endoflames, and a single endoflame is more than 30x faster than a daybloom. Really like 2 or 3 endoflames should've produced more power than that entire daybloom + hydrangea setup in the third link.

I mean you can get to one spreader per generating flower, but that requires later game stuff, a couple of things such as the entropynnium generate a huge amount of mana but only while empty and getting all the mana out quickly so it can generate more is one of their challenges.
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Yeah, strategies like that are why the mod makes it default to having hydrangeas, dayblooms, and nightshades die after an hour. They're a horrible method of generating power, like committing to power all your machines off BC redstone engines (although do those even produce power anymore?).

Anyway a single spread should be capable of handling something like half a dozen endoflames, and a single endoflame is more than 30x faster than a daybloom. Really like 2 or 3 endoflames should've produced more power than that entire daybloom + hydrangea setup in the third link.

I mean you can get to one spreader per generating flower, but that requires later game stuff, a couple of things such as the entropynnium generate a huge amount of mana but only while empty and getting all the mana out quickly so it can generate more is one of their challenges.
They die after an hour now! That's actually awesome. Can you actually grow things now as well? Also is there more automation or the needs for automation removed like in witchery?
They die after an hour now! That's actually awesome. Can you actually grow things now as well? Also is there more automation or the needs for automation removed like in witchery?
Surprisingly enough I don't actually think Botania adds anything you really grow, I mean there's ways of creating more mystical flowers but that's it. And yeah, literally very method of power generation except the daybloom, nightshade, and hydrangea tries to bring forth varying levels of automation challenges. Adding other mods simplifies things but botania is supposed to be able to automate (nearly) everything, lava acquisition being the main thing it can't automate iirc. The top tier generation systems are stuff like a flower that eats nearby cake or captures TNT explosions or consumes all sixteen colours of wool in a rotating cycle, the most complex would be the one that simulates a tweaked Conway's game of life nearby and generates mana based off how many generations certain cells took to make it to the flower.

The mod does let you automate nearly anything, but it often requires quite a bit of complexity to do so as it's all about individual parts. Riskable's youtube channel has a bunch of videos of various more complex things you can do with it, for example their most recent. In it they automate the spectrolus which I mentioned above, it generates mana by consuming coloured wool, but has to take all sixteen wool in a specific order to generate mana, it'll consume any wool that you give it but only generates mana if it gets the next colour in the cycle, so they created a sheep farm to harvest the wool, a method of giving it in the correct order, and an auto-shut off system so whenever it runs out of one colour it stops until it has that colour of wool again. All with just botania and vanilla I believe.

Surprisingly enough I don't actually think Botania adds anything you really grow, I mean there's ways of creating more mystical flowers but that's it. And yeah, literally very method of power generation except the daybloom, nightshade, and hydrangea tries to bring forth varying levels of automation challenges. Adding other mods simplifies things but botania is supposed to be able to automate (nearly) everything, lava acquisition being the main thing it can't automate iirc. The top tier generation systems are stuff like a flower that eats nearby cake or captures TNT explosions or consumes all sixteen colours of wool in a rotating cycle, the most complex would be the one that simulates a tweaked Conway's game of life nearby and generates mana based off how many generations certain cells took to make it to the flower.

The mod does let you automate nearly anything, but it often requires quite a bit of complexity to do so as it's all about individual parts. Riskable's youtube channel has a bunch of videos of various more complex things you can do with it, for example their most recent. In it they automate the spectrolus which I mentioned above, it generates mana by consuming coloured wool, but has to take all sixteen wool in a specific order to generate mana, it'll consume any wool that you give it but only generates mana if it gets the next colour in the cycle, so they created a sheep farm to harvest the wool, a method of giving it in the correct order, and an auto-shut off system so whenever it runs out of one colour it stops until it has that colour of wool again. All with just botania and vanilla I believe.

For all that Botania has some nice things, I really don't like it. I'll admit that thats entirely just a bad attitude on my part, but I think it should just admit that its a tech / magical totem mod and drop the pretense of being a nature / flowers mod. For me, flowers would be something with a growth mechanic of some kind, and additionally would be naturally situated in very garden like or natural settings. Instead, the mods obsession with creating a set of automation 'gates' as its progression mechanisim means that the flowers end up being deployed in very unnatural settings, surrounded by lava, TNT, droppers and redstone circuitry.

If the magical "flowers" were remodeled as a set of totems, or crystal clusters, I would probably love the mod and not object to the decay mechanic at all. But, given my bad attitude, the flowers nomenclature, and the frankly very attractive flower models, I can only enjoy this mod if I can deploy and use the flowers sans any kind of automation, in a very natural garden like setting. Its a mod that needs to look pretty. Gives me things that should look pretty. And then forces me to make them ugly. So I don't use it. Refuse to use it.

I havn't even looked at trying Infinity Expert mode frankly as it seems to have content gated behind Botania.
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Never built and finished a proper looking base, I just end up with a hole in the wall or flat land area with all my machines! One day it will happen I'm sure but I enjoy the grind at the start to much and end up restarting.
@rhn's work both inspires me, and makes me feel bleak as my builds just don't compare.
Ditto. Yes. This. I couldn't have said it better myself. I look at my world and feel sad I don't have a massive ass disc in my sky.

Sent from a slightly rusty phone of brickkish nature somewhere in Neptune nine years ago. Or something.
Ditto. Yes. This. I couldn't have said it better myself. I look at my world and feel sad I don't have a massive ass disc in my sky.

Sent from a slightly rusty phone of brickkish nature somewhere in Neptune nine years ago. Or something.

Don't get me wrong, the ship was awesome, but I long to live in that world's "starter hovel". It shames everything I've ever built. And then he built the massive ship in the sky.
Don't get me wrong, the ship was awesome, but I long to live in that world's "starter hovel". It shames everything I've ever built. And then he built the massive ship in the sky.
That starter "hovel" is bigger than everything I've ever built combined. And I started playing minecraft in Alpha lol

Sent from a slightly rusty phone of brickkish nature somewhere in Neptune nine years ago. Or something.
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Lots. Never made a big reactor in survival (never got far enough), Never made more than a basic AE/AE2 system, Never progressed far in thaumcraft 4, Never built a blood magic setup, Never really could stay with a world for very long for some reason.
I've always wanted to build a GregTech fusion reactor but never got past having to find the first iridium for the matter fabricator.
Let's number 'em.

  1. Never gotten beyond the fuel-burning flower in Botania. I always end up getting bored and wandering off.
  2. Haven't messed with Blood Magic since 1.6. Why bother when ChromatiCraft looks cooler and I don't spend half my time dicking around an altar cutting myself?
  3. Haven't touched GregTech, except extremely briefly, since 1.5. When it went total conversion, I stopped being interested.
  4. Haven't played with IC2 since 1.5. Like Greg, it just bores me, now.
  5. Haven't (yet) made a ReactorCraft thorium reactor. I plan on fixing this, eventually.
  6. Haven't mucked around with Steve's Carts in a long time. Like Botania, I keep getting bored and wandering off.
  7. Could never get Tinker's Mechworks to work properly. Got bored and wandered off.
  8. Ditto with Springboards.
  9. Bees have bored me for a long time; keep getting bored, keep wandering off.
  10. Same thing with Forestry trees and whatever else its added since then. Again, get bored, wander off.
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I never got past the point of making that first iridium in the Matter Fab, and then I got annoyed.

Steve's Carts, Bees, and Trees are all fire and forget for a while mods. Cart's isn't too hard, the difficult part is crafting the bits. Bees and trees, are things you set up and then walk away. Dire, if that's who you're watching for info, makes them so insanely boring you may want to drill holes in your head. It's certainly more exciting than his bee methods. Just use the NEI menu, if you even bother going beyond a couple basic bees. You don't even need more than a queen, and a drone, and an ender IO item conduit set to self-feed if all you want is to breed trees. There's a very handy flow chart out on google.

The very last thing to do, is focus on bees or trees, or Steve's Carts. The latter should have a focus on the setup of the track, but once that's done, if it's done right, you'll never have to pay attention to it again. Bees should be started, and then ignored for a while.

The best part of Tinker's Mechworks, is the drawbridges. The other stuff doesn't seem to work. It all seemed to just fail to work at all. Drawbridges are still perfectly functional though.
The best part of Tinker's Mechworks, is the drawbridges. The other stuff doesn't seem to work. It all seemed to just fail to work at all. Drawbridges are still perfectly functional though.

Unfortunately, the one block in Tinker's Mechworks that works is also the single most abusable block in modded MC.
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I think you can use them to make mining thingies. Inchworm drive with frame motors, a little redstone, and some mining wells with appropriate cabling and whatnot.