What thing have you never done in FtB?

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Nah, more like simple reactors. Reactorcraft is the home of advanced reactors.
It was a list I used instead of the "normal" options to fulfill the same task. In this case the task of big reactors is power and I used advanced generators to get it instead.
I'm going to leave all the things that I've never done and have no interest in doing out of this:

- Making stuff from thaumic tinkerer KAMI. I've researched it all in thaumcraft based modpack but I never actually made the stuff.
- Vampire or Werewolf transformation from witchery, sounds cool but witchery is a mod that I like the idea of but don't see much actual useful stuff from it.
- Blood Magic Tier 6 armor ritual. I've made a tier 6 Blood altar and then grew tired of the modpack. I love blood magic but setting up the ritual to make the tier 6 altar sucks and I've only done it twice and never even did the ritual the second time.
- Big Reactors Turbines, they look cool but I'm not overall into the mod itself and honestly after building a relatively small reactor never see the need for a turbine except it look neat and is different.
- Actively cooled IC2 reactors. Honestly don't want to see some random thing break and it explode, passive's fine I've even done MOX at high core heat levels.
- ChromatiCraft. This is actually a big one for me, I love the looks of the mod, even installed it in a modpack once but finding dungeon loot is a pain to get the info fragments and honestly the mod seems to be a bit of a pain. Not overly into exploration in Minecraft. However the mod looks so great.
- ReactorCraft Tomahak reactor. Built a small reactor once, good enough to power a high pressure turbine to produce large amounts of power and then gave up on building the big one. Had no need for more power and lost interest.
- This is more of a special plan than anything but a reika mods only modpack. Honestly his mods have a lot of content and I think the challenge of not having ducts and conduits, RF powered RotaryCraft power conversion and all the mods that help out making jet fuel would be fun.
  • "Automated all the things".

Sure, I have "automated" things, but I always stop short of true automation, and significant parts of my system require manual intervention. I'll watch a direwolf video in which he fully automates - say - blood magic alchemy. I'll build the rituals, but stop when I get to the point that I realize one just doesn't need *that* much of some alchemy reagent, and a manual stockup, performed once, will satisfy my requirements for a long time to come.
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Agree on automating absolutely everything. There are times I'll setup an automated farm for something then realize I have more than I'll ever need or use and actually shut the farm down. But, true automating should include a way to shut down the farm/process once you have certain level of the item/liquid/power. But, I've never gone to that level of automation for everything. Typically my power is done with that level of automation. But most other things I just let it run till I build up stockpile then I shut it down or re-purpose it. Might be an interesting challenge to fully automate with auto shut off everything I farm.
I've never quite understood the idea of a 'server economy', especially in a game so close to infinite as to be indistinguishable. And with mods it's entirely infinite.

If I have to do something other than flip an on switch, it's not really automated. But part of the fun of automation is watching it work. Which is why I like to automate with trains, and buildcraft piping, because you can see things happening. You know when the minecart is moving, something is happening. When you see items or fluids or power in the pipes, something is being done. Even AE recognized that, which is why MA Chambers show things being crafted.

Dire's Rube Goldberg machines from his first couple seasons are excellent examples. They did one thing, make cake, but they had a lot of visual bits and moving components to them. You could see the buckets of milk heading from the cows to the crafting table, and then back to be refilled. Was it necessary? No. Would it have been easier for everything to be done from the inventory? Sure. Could it have been hidden away so Poof: Cake. was all you saw? Sure. Would it have been as cool? Absolutely not. Automation for the sake of Automation bothers me. I'd rather it be a spectacle.
I've never quite understood the idea of a 'server economy', especially in a game so close to infinite as to be indistinguishable. And with mods it's entirely infinite.

If I have to do something other than flip an on switch, it's not really automated. But part of the fun of automation is watching it work. Which is why I like to automate with trains, and buildcraft piping, because you can see things happening. You know when the minecart is moving, something is happening. When you see items or fluids or power in the pipes, something is being done. Even AE recognized that, which is why MA Chambers show things being crafted.

Dire's Rube Goldberg machines from his first couple seasons are excellent examples. They did one thing, make cake, but they had a lot of visual bits and moving components to them. You could see the buckets of milk heading from the cows to the crafting table, and then back to be refilled. Was it necessary? No. Would it have been easier for everything to be done from the inventory? Sure. Could it have been hidden away so Poof: Cake. was all you saw? Sure. Would it have been as cool? Absolutely not. Automation for the sake of Automation bothers me. I'd rather it be a spectacle.

Automation for automation's sake is acceptable if it is hidden under something cool and fitting (see the work of @rhn ), or is otherwise a means to a greater end. Other times, seeing the thing happening is more fitting and awesome than the actual product being made. You can have it both ways, but you need to pick your spots.
I've never used Big Reactors since it just seems so cliche nowadays. I always go with a RotaryCraft Gas Turbine for late-game RF production, if my modpack has RF at all. I've also never used ReactorCraft, though I'll get around to it one of these days.

I don't think I've ever made a nice looking above-ground base. I normally make underground strongholds, and my current world basically consists of scattered "tech parks" with no actual buildings. I think part of it is that in my mind, a cool base means having lots of automation on display. I've always been a science geek who can't draw to save his life, so... yeah.

I've also never used Mekanism. I don't know why - it seems like the type of mod that I would adore. I guess I've just never gotten around to trying it.
shamefully I have never automated anything other than basic vanilla stuff, I always focus on building and never get around to tech :P
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Killed the Ender Dragon...in FTB or Vanilla. I just have a hard time sticking with a game long enough to get to that point :( I get up to a decent setup of machines, power, and items, but then I lose track and don't know what to do next :/
Been there. Best to set yourself goals early. I find limiting my lines of progression helps with the lack of focus later on. IE if I'm not trying to max out four or five different tech mods, I am less inclined to give up on the world. Plus the challenge of working within a mod keeps me focused on the world. I automated an entire Ethanol setup with ducting, to be sure I could do it, before swapping to a much more dense and compact EnderIO solution that didn't need anywhere near as much space or ducting. Or an entire Barrel wall with TE ducting, before tearing it down to make an AE system that did the same thing in a 3 block space.
-Foresty Farms, cause they are a pain. My favorite way of getting food is paying villagers.
-Foresty butterflies or trees
-Ender Expansion because servers seem to die before that point.
-A lot of things in various tech mods because they tend to all come in the same pack and so I pick the easiest setup with the lowest maintenance which tends to be passive energy generation. I mean how many different grinders, furnaces, nuclear reactors, etc do you need? At least Reika puts a different 'spin' on a tech.
-Mekanism like a lot of others it would seem.
-Werewolf in witchery, that part always seems disabled in servers.
-reika's mods top tiers because it just takes so much to get to them. Not Reika's fault, just never have a need in a modpack to use most the stuff.
-BC robotics.
-Material energy.
-railcraft or anything that focuses trains and tracks because it is limited for the setup it takes, and packs have always offered easier ways.
-anything with a mining laser because I usually find faster ways of mining.
-ars magica, liked the concept, just didn't fit with other magic mods. Either under or over powered and never balanced.
-anything in computercraft other than the basic mining turtle.
-steve's workshop
-aura cascade beyond the first energy generation.
-silent gems
-Botania past the 4 basic elements. Didn't see a way to automate the basic element creation and didn't want to spend the time to make 30 of each.
I think that's a good enough list.
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-Botania past the 4 basic elements. Didn't see a way to automate the basic element creation and didn't want to spend the time to make 30 of each.
That's actually way easier now, a change was made so the runic altar doesn't consume runes, so only crafting recipes will use up runes. Just craft one of each and you can make as many high tier runes as you want. Part of a set of major changes to simplify some parts, such as you no longer needing to craft a diluted mana pool, you can go straight to a normal mana pool and the diluted is now made out of slabs.
Forestry Farms? Those are stupidly simple. Expensive, yes, but once it's setup, it'll run for quite a long time even with just a couple of fertilizer.

I really hate the fact that all those other methods invalidate Railcraft. I know it's just my personal bias, but sometimes it seems other mods go out of their way to ensure no one ever uses Railcraft. Tesseracts, Dimensional Transceivers, all the other options for instant item transmission.

BC Robotics I can totally see. It's stupendously expensive, and what it can do can be done better by other options. But they are very cool.
Ztones is a cool aesthetic mod, but most of the blocks are useless. I think one of the Material Energy packs was the exception in theme that let that mod shine. I can't find a use for half the blocks in Chisel mod let alone Ztones. But a few blocks, like Bitt, work well for me.

I've never used the "new" Forestry farms either. I spent too much time learning the original Forestry farm system and was quite proud of my build and how much I learned about Red Power. Once it changed, I gave up. It's too expensive and I just use the simpler farming options.
I still hold the opinion that Forestry's old farms were actually more multiblock than the new ones, since you had to design a system that would manage the inputs and outputs of the planters and harvesters, while in the new ones you just plop a bunch of magic farm blocks in a 3x4x3 box, and it does it all on its own.
Ok so Pyure is pobably right. Let me list things I have never done.
  • Blood magic - don't care for the initial principle of the mod.
  • Witchery - same as blood magic.
    • For both of these I d0 allow them to be played by other players on my server but I don't use them
  • Reika's mods - I've always wanted to try them. Just never got around to. Probably because they are never in any of the mainstream packs.
  • IC2 Reactors - I'll still list this one.
  • AE2
    • P2P tunnels - never saw the need to make my network that confusing
    • Spatial storage - never needed to set this up.
  • Botania - Gia boss fight
  • Mekanism - just never got around to it. Plus one of my playes had a 5x ore processing plant for it and the noise level from those blocks had to the most annoying thing I've heard. Not even the scream of enderman are that bad.
  • Portal to the Deep Dark. I've used them. But I've never been able to craft it myself. I'm just not that fast and it is one of my major annoyances with Extra Utilities.
  • Pure Vanilla Minecraft after 1.2.5. I have to play modded.
  • Nuke my base when getting ready to move/reset a server.
  • Smelt villagers for emeralds. Could never bring myself to do this one.

For your deep dark issue, you can use gold nuggets and diamonds I believe it is for stable bigots which also work. Can use an me terminal this way as well. Just takes more diamonds. But by time I go to deep dark I usually have more than enough.
That's actually way easier now, a change was made so the runic altar doesn't consume runes, so only crafting recipes will use up runes. Just craft one of each and you can make as many high tier runes as you want. Part of a set of major changes to simplify some parts, such as you no longer needing to craft a diluted mana pool, you can go straight to a normal mana pool and the diluted is now made out of slabs.
That's cool. Is the amount of spreaders you need fixed as well?
I remember interlocking 5x5 block sections with spreader relays for hydrangeas,sun flowers, and nightshades. Also having hydrangeas towers again with spreader relays going through the middle. For a plant based mod, it just didn't feel very organic, and I worked in agriculture research for 3 years. Not far from me in Oregon there is a fungus that is 2,384 acres.
I did like the look of the multiblock structures even if I personally never made them. However I don't remember ever "growing" Anything in that mod. Felt more like Hollands flower beds with man made rows upon rows of pretty much the same flowers.
But hey, it's not my mod, it's not like I made an effort to make an alternate mod.
Others like it, and that’s good. It wasn't my cup of tea, and that’s not bad. There’s no other way It has to be, than what it is.
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