What mods could be used to replace redpower 2 (not talking about its place in FTB)

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Yeah. Third-digit betas are usually all bugfixes (sometimes we throw in random oddities like 2.5.2's enchantment router). Second-digit betas are more likely to be weird and/or break between versions.

I am very excited to try this. Thanks for this feature!
Anyone else think that nothing can really replace Redpower 2?

Well, this is self-evidently true. However, it isn't the same as saying that RP2 is irreplaceable. I've been quite happy playing modded Minecraft prior to 1.4.x when we had RP2, and I'm quite happy playing it in 1.5.x when we don't have it again. There's a good half-dozen mods that I would miss far more than I would RP2.
Definitely. Even if it didn't have an inventory the fact that it doesn't spit your items at you when you close it to grab something from a chest is worth the price of admission alone. BTW, for those who roll their own modpacks here's a fun trick. Logistics Pipes has the requester pipe which lets you request items from the network. It normally spits it all over the ground for you to gather up. It also will deposit into an attached inventory. Project Bench has an inventory. :D
Now, even if you want to champion RP2 and consider it on par with the the other systems there's one part where they shine. The part that will always and forever be the Achilles' heel of RP2. All three sorting systems need power. AE can use EU and MJ. LP can use EU and MJ. RP2 requires RP2 power. I'll let my band of crickets explain how many other mods can effectively use RP2 power.

*chirp, chirp*

This was one of the most awesome forum posts I've seen anywhere in quite some time, Greyed. RP2 has been completely rhetorically annihilated. I could see Eloraam needing trauma counselling after reading that, if she does. She's just been given The Speech. ;)
How well do those mods work together (like can I use the microblocks to actually limit the connections of Rednet-Cables or surround them so you can't see them?),
because that is one of the strengths of RP2
1: The use of covers to limit connections is largely unneeded in other mods. They have their own methods of dealing with those situations.

2: Immibis' Microblocks don't block connections; yet. I get the impression that this is something the mods could do, if they so choose. However, what Immibis' Microblocks do, and do well, is attach to multiple mods' blocks.

So, Immibis' Microblocks can attach to MFR's RedNet. They don't block MFR's RedNet from connecting. On the other hand, MFR's RedNet doesn't need it since it is effectively bundled cabling anyway, so the instances where you're going to have multiple parallel runs are going to be minimal.
That leaves thermopiles.... without going into the math, just no.

From memory, I worked out that one thermopile = 1/40th of the power of a wind turbine. After that, for lulz I built four towers of 48 thermopiles each, in creative. I've become somewhat used to absurdly nerfed power systems in this game at this point; but even that was rather silly.

For me, the best parts of RP were the wiring/integrated circuits, the project table, and the gems for tools; and when I look at it now, that was actually pretty much it. I used some retrievers in 1.2.5 which were fairly cool, but nothing you couldn't do in BC; although admittedly in BC there would be more screwing around, since RP's second tier stuff is MUCH more power efficient.

I also back-engineered someone's design (again in Creative) for a non-inchworm frame-based mining machine during 1.2.5, as well; but it was purely for lulz/to teach myself how to do it. There is no way known that I would ever use that in Survival or a legit/production world. I wrote a control interface for it, but did it in Lua with ComputerCraft, since FORTH is hell; and it needed wireless redstone in order to really be worth it, as well. It did have one advantage; the design I made was (relatively) miniaturised, and if I had built several of them side by side, I could have very easily run them in parallel with the wireless redstone interface. Doing so would have caused quarry users to curl up into a foetal position on the floor and cry, in terms of the difference in mining capacity.

The other single main strength of Red Power 2 was (and I will always defend it for this) the fact that it was almost completely generic. It was written to interact with Minecraft's physics or blocks at a universal level, not in terms of specific use cases. I can use block breakers for a mining machine, or I can use them to cut down trees, and as far as the mod is concerned, it doesn't know the difference. While I love Minefactory Reloaded, I've read PowerCrystals admitting that he has written targetted edge cases for numerous things; and edge cases are always less robust than generic design, by definition.

In that sense, RP2 to me was largely unique, and provided a glorious example of UNIX design philosophy in the process. In terms of how she fairly obviously thinks, I've often quite seriously had the thought that if I ever meet another woman with a similar mindset (in the technical aspect) to Eloraam's offline, I'm going to put genuine effort into marrying her.
In the meantime, using a redstone torch/repeater/dust (dust may behave oddly until builds as of last night) to bridge the block to the cable will work the way you want it to at the cost of making things one block bigger.

What about a PRC(?) with a passthrough from the plate face to the RedNet face?