Redpower used to be called project red actually, so you can understand my confusion. Some people still call it that.
No problem

Redpower used to be called project red actually, so you can understand my confusion. Some people still call it that.
This mod, project red may even be merging with it
It is in alpha ATM but has been making progress very fast and should be on stable builds very soon
Hmm, I'm curious as to where you got this information...
Pssssst... Between you and me, i'm impersonating mushroom_taco. He has no idea!How do you know he's the real CyanideX? Account was just created today, could easily be an impostor. Then again I could be an impostor! Damn, I should have chosen someone well-known to impersonate, Phil's an absolute nobody.
Cotton from Natura (I think) can be used to craft into string.Is there any replacement for flax in Unleashed? Or something that can easily be added to the modpack.
Cotton is great, I just harvest it on my way past, no need to re-plant it and get rid of excess seeds. Can't make a Flax Capacitor though, which is a shame.Cotton from Natura (I think) can be used to craft into string. might work. I don't know if bonemeal works on it, I've not tried. I suspect that, like pumpkins and melons, bonemeal will grow the plant but not ripen the cotton.Ah, cool, but is there any way to automate it?
Tool Dynamism should work as well - that's Thaumic Tinkerer so will need a load of Thaumcraft research.I tried it and bonemeal works. So only turtles, to your knowledge? I'm a programming illiterate ><
On the whole, I consider redpower's TEMPORARY absence to be a shot in the arm for the modding community. I look forward to seeing it come back, eventually, but hopefully in the future players will have more options and alternatives... so they can play the way they want to. So go ahead, find a good forge build, and make your own personal SSP modpack... no permission slips needed.
what about the coloured lamps?? we need coloured lamps
Or just use either redlogic, numirp or project red...what about the coloured lamps?? we need coloured lamps