I've been working on updating my world to 1.5.1, figured I'd post what I've found so far in case anyone is interested. Here's what I've replaced:
Marble: RedPower generates marble deposits, definitely wanted to keep these intact for all the cool marble caves I've found. This mod doesn't seem to be very well-known in these parts, but I really like
Forgotten Nature - besides a bunch of new organics, it adds its own marble, a pretty good replacement for RedPower's marble.
This includes regular marble blocks, bricks, slab, brick slab, and stairs. They use metadata, with different values than RedPower, but its easy enough to remap to the new values using a Midas patch file (old-id : new-metadata -> new-id : new-metadata). Here's how a RP2-generated marble cave now looks with Forgotten Nature's marble:
Not bad at all imho. I'll probably keep it like this.
Basalt: As generated in RedPower volcanos. Not as good of a match as marble, but for now I've replaced RedPower basalt with Forgotten Nature granite:
Basalt bricks, etc. are replaced as well. Unfortunately this mod doesn't have "granite cobblestone" to replace RP's basalt cobblestone (even though granite cobble does exist IRL, would make sense, plus its more common than basalt cobble right?).
Not sure if I'll stick with this or find another replacement. powercrystals MineFactory Reloaded blackstone/whitestone may be the way to go. I whipped up a simple
PlaceholderBlocks mod a while ago, which could also replace some of these blocks, but I think I'm going to use real mods now when I can, some great stuff is coming to fruition lately.
Project Tables: One of my favorite parts of RedPower, definitely wanted to preserve this functionality. Fortunately bau5 stepped up and developed an awesome new mod,
Project Bench, inspired by RP's project table. It even has some other new features like visually showing the crafted output on top of the table, and it is even open source (GPLv3), very nice.
Converting the block ID itself is trivial of course but I wanted to maintain the contents of my project tables/benches, without having to break and replace everything by hand. So I took a look at the
mIDas GOLD block ID changer tool, made a couple other useful changes, and wrote a plugin to remap the RPAdvBench tile entity to bau5pbTileEntity. If anyone wants to use it, the code (with my other changes, project named "Midas Silver" (working title) to differentiate from the original mIDas / mIDas Gold) is available here:
Passing the --convert-project-table flag will enable RedPower2 Project Table -> bau5 Project Bench conversion, keeping its inventory intact.
Everything else: That's all I converted for now, any other item/block simply disappears. Maybe I'll see about converting a bit more later, but I'm not looking to replace everything. If RedPower updates for 1.5.1 I'll probably install it, hoping it will

. Quite a large mod to replace entirely. But these conversions result in a fairly playable world, seriously considering using it in my main world..