What mod makes it so difficult to find diamonds?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I find it almost impossible to find diamonds in FTB. I use a custom pack that preety much includes all the mods from DW, UL, and UH, plus a couple extra ones. Anybody know what mod makes it so hard to find diamonds?
it's not. There is no mod that changes the spawn rate of any ore other than Thermal Expansion... and in every modpack in FTB they have it buffed over Vanilla levels. You're just unlucky. Theres plenty of automated mining and crafting recipies that let you get diamonds really easily though, so bad luck isn't so much of an issue after a few hours.
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I think that the big thing is that diamonds are used much more in modded minecraft, hence the bump to spawns in FTB. There should be an option under COFH core to override the spawn rates of all ores, including vanilla.
I think that the big thing is that diamonds are used much more in modded minecraft, hence the bump to spawns in FTB. There should be an option under COFH core to override the spawn rates of all ores, including vanilla.

There is.

Well, not for ALL ores... CoFH Core can only override ores it knows about. Which are its own, plus vanilla. All of those you can modify to your heart's content, and in many FTB packs this is actually used by default.

However, if that's not enough for you, you can also go completely crazy and activate the optional feature that lets you write a fully custom world generation by hand in a textfile, including or excluding any block you wish.
I think since there is like 10+ new ores (from the top of my head: force ore, copper, tin, silver, lead, monazite, ferrous, sulfur, aluminum...) they conflict with vanilla ore spawning, but no idea if that is true.
In my experience diamonds are used LESS in modded minecraft since you don't have tools\armor which will break to eat them. I always end up with far more than I can easily use, sure IC2 will use a lot but it allows you to make them so it balances out, once you have auto mining and\or a nicely Lapis'd TiC pick you should be swimming in the damn things.
If you still want to have more though as already stated Thermal Expansion allows you to adjust all ores that it knows about you can create an overworld that is effectively a dense ores age if you really wanted to.
I thought atleast from 1.2.5 that tekkit's IC2 made diamonds more rare...
I thought atleast from 1.2.5 that tekkit's IC2 made diamonds more rare...

No, people have been insisting that diamonds are made more rare in this or that mod pack for this or that version for ages. What happened is that the need for diamonds was increased and it exposed the differences in how people go about finding diamonds. The people who already knew how to reliably find them continued to find them. The people who (knowingly or unknowingly) left things largely to luck suddenly found their diamond supply wanting and blamed it on non-existent changes to spawn rates from this or that mod. I've never seen someone describe how they go about looking for diamonds in a methodical way that makes sense AND complain that they're getting fewer diamonds. It's one or the other, but I've never seen both.
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I go spelunking for mine, and in some worlds, I am swimming in them, in others I found only a small handful despite days of searching. Luckily, I dont use coal for fuel, so they get turned into diamonds as needed.
Install/Enable nether ores. That might help.

diamond only spawns under Y 32 in the nether, and lava is at Y 32 too, so good luck finding any.

In my experience diamonds are used LESS in modded minecraft since you don't have tools\armor which will break to eat them.

I don't think so, I have seen recipes that to make a wooden-type block you need a diamond just because... diamonds.
once I get a minium stone, diamonds are a non-issue. 1 stack of iron ingots + minium stone == 2 diamonds, and iron ore is EASY to find in medium to large quantities. You can also do the same for minium stone + gold => diamonds.
No, people have been insisting that diamonds are made more rare in this or that mod pack for this or that version for ages. What happened is that the need for diamonds was increased and it exposed the differences in how people go about finding diamonds. The people who already knew how to reliably find them continued to find them. The people who (knowingly or unknowingly) left things largely to luck suddenly found their diamond supply wanting and blamed it on non-existent changes to spawn rates from this or that mod. I've never seen someone describe how they go about looking for diamonds in a methodical way that makes sense AND complain that they're getting fewer diamonds. It's one or the other, but I've never seen both.

Actually, what you are saying is partly true, because I have found no diamonds in my new world while in vanilla I would already have half a stack, although it might be bad luck.
Get a Tinker's Construct Hammer, Wood head, Stone plates, obsidian rod. You'll blow through the rock, but you're guaranteed not to mine anything but stone. Why is that? Because you can mine all the stone around diamonds and such without risking it getting mined and dropping into lava. Just plow through the stone until you find them, then rinse and repeat. No ugly world holes, then you can come back with a fortune pick and get as many as you want.

Also, the Wand of equal trade with Treasure on it ensures they won't fall into lava.