Im sorry but minecraft was never meant to be modded in the first place. Thus, all mods are hacks. Optifine is mainly geared towards vanilla players who just want the game to look better which seems to me a lot less hacky than adding in a crapton of new gameplay features that completely undermine the way the game is supposed to be played. Not that I am complaining, vanilla is boring.
I remember when you had to install forge into the minecraft.jar...
All this talk about "editing base classes" doesnt really make a lot of sense to me. As long as it works, I dont care about the details. And it reads pretty much verbatim what mdiyo was saying about optifine.
I remember when you had to install forge into the minecraft.jar...
All this talk about "editing base classes" doesnt really make a lot of sense to me. As long as it works, I dont care about the details. And it reads pretty much verbatim what mdiyo was saying about optifine.
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