Werewolves the matrix. [Signups][Championship Practice]

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What do you think about games with the Mafia kind of style?

  • I like them.

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • They are fun to play once in a while.

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • I don't mind either.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • I'd preffer the Werewolves style.

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well it has been a long time, But i'm back!
And today, i'm bringing you a practice game for the Championship on MU!

The game:
For this game we're literally copying the setup thats is going to be used in the Championship!

In this game there will be 12 possible setups, depicted by the table below, at the beginning of the game, the host, Me, will roll a dice, whice will pick one of the setups.

If for example I roll B, the setup will be "Vanilla townie, Town Cop..., Mafia goon, 1-Shot..., Vanilla townie, Vanilla Townie" any other spaces we will have in the game are villed up by Goons and Townies.

But what you ask me now? What are these terms? "Goon" or "Townie"? And what is this Mafia we're talking about?

Well the championship's format is a game of Mafia, the game where Werewolves is based on. Its pretty much the same except for one mechanic and the naming is a little different. A list of most used terms will be in the spoiler below.

This mechanic however might be a bit tricky for a few of you. Instead of doing days were you vote for lynch, for wolf kill and etc. The day and night time are split! each phase is 24 hours long,

In the day phase, we lynch someone and do day powers, in the night phase, we do night powers and the wolf / mafia kill! Your role pm will tell you when your power is active!


  • Day and Night phases are 24 hours each.
  • No Name Claiming
  • You can vote for someone every day, Votes must be Boldfaced (optional: in the format
    ##Vote pyure)
  • You do not have to vote every day!
  • The mafia may kill someone every day, they do not have to.
  • No outside of thread chatting, except for mafia/wolf convo
    No conversations nothing.
  • The dead are dead. Thou shall not talk about the game!
  • No screenshots of convo's. Rules for quoting
  • Don't edit or delete posts. You may double post as much as you want for this occasion!
The following information are notes made by the championship matrix 12 setup:

General notes:
  • The mafia's factional kill must be assigned to a single member of their team each night. This means that the mafia's factional kill can be blocked by a Town Jailkeeper or tracked by a Town Tracker.
  • For those wondering, some of the roles in the matrix (Mafia Ninja and 1-Shot Mafia Bulletproof) will indeed only have value for either the row or the column setup in which it is used and not the other. This is not a mistake, it is done on purpose to only boost the mafia side in one of the two setups.
  • Full Role PM's will be posted later, clearly describing each role. But for now, refer to our Role Database if you are unfamiliar with any of these roles.

Notable restrictions/clarifications:
  • The Mafia Ninja may not perform the factional kill on consecutive nights.
  • The Bulletproof roles are passively protected from the first shot fired at them during night. They will not be informed if they lose their vest.
  • None of the included roles can self-target, including the protective roles.
  • Doctors, Jailkeepers and Roleblockers are not allowed to target the same players on consecutive nights.
  • The Innocent Child may choose himself when he wishes to be publicly confirmed in the thread as town.
  • The Even Night Vigilante may only shoot on even nights (i.e. Night 2, Night 4, etc.).
  • The Town Cop gets an automated check on Night 0, i.e. when the game begins he will already know the alignment of one town player (this player can be a power role or a Vanilla Townie, the Cop will not know). The reason that the Town Cop can't potentially check a mafia-aligned player on Night 0 is to prevent an unfortunate situation of a representative being outed as mafia before they've had a chance to showcase their skills.

I'll set up a small list of slang for you to look trough if you do not understand something from someone.
  • Basic wolf = Mafia Goon
  • Wolfen /werewolves = Scum
  • Vanilla = Basic town
  • (For a more detailed list: click here)
  • Scum -> Wolfs or a form of werewolves
  • Vanilla (town) -> Villagers / Powerless
  • more will be added as needed or requested.
If you have any questions regarding the roles, or don't understand what they do. Ask in thread,
I'll try and make a spoiler below with all the roles when I do have the time. You can also look em up on http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Main_Page

List of players:

  1. Zexy
  2. Fowltief
  3. Lethosos [Sub if needed]
  4. 016Nojr
  5. Vikestep
  6. Pyure
  7. RealKC
  8. Frederikam
  9. Trajing
  10. VictiniX888
  11. Erindalc
  12. Someone Else 37
  13. Robijnvogel
  14. Shazam08
  15. Corpsecat
  16. Goreae
  17. The_J

The game is made for 17 players. In the case of more signups I will balance things out. So its not a hard limit!

Even if you're not familair with the Mafia set up, I hope you will play and have fun!
Do tell me if I'm forgetting anything or if you have any questions regarding the game!
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Hello, everyone! This is Zexy from Bulbagarden Forums. Some of you may've seen me in the Wild West Game in Mafia Universe. Others could've heard of me from dylan.
Anyways, I'll be most probably representing Bulbagarden's mafia community in the Championship. Congratulations to @VikeStep; for getting FTB's spot, looking forward to watching his play or even play alongside him in the Championship!

/in because some practice before the Championship is always good.

Please excuse me for any mafia terminology I'm used to that more than werewolf :)

I like this alternative vote method; it's less of a pain to use than manually typing out the bold BBS code on Tapatalk.

Do put me in as an alternative, though--I don't want to take up space for needed visitors. Recommend dialing in Pyure, SOE, Shazam, SpawnX, Trajing, and Eru-10 as reserved as they all rank high on my list of players.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk 2
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@dylanpiera; According to the rules:

  • Thou must invite me to all convo's about this game!
  • Outside of forum PM chatting is only allowed on skype / discord groups where you add me!
    Skype: dylanpiera | Discord: Soaringdylan#0793
So I'd like this cleared up; are players allowed to chat outside the thread in this game? This should NOT be the case in a Championship practice game, since the Championship won't allow this...

Also, is editing/double-triple-etc. posting allowed? Again, in the Championship they will be strict about this; editing is prohibited at all times, all sorts of multiple posting are allowed.
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@dylanpiera; According to the rules:

So I'd like this cleared up; are players allowed to chat outside the thread in this game? This should NOT be the case in a Championship practice game, since the Championship won't allow this...

Also, is editing/double-triple-etc. posting allowed? Again, in the Championship they will be strict about this; editing is prohibited at all times, all sorts of multiple posting are allowed.
I remember you vaguely from a MU game, hi!

@dylanpiera; According to the rules:
So I'd like this cleared up; are players allowed to chat outside the thread in this game? This should NOT be the case in a Championship practice game, since the Championship won't allow this...

Also, is editing/double-triple-etc. posting allowed? Again, in the Championship they will be strict about this; editing is prohibited at all times, all sorts of multiple posting are allowed.
Yeah, by tradition on FTB, we're allowed to have private forum conversations. Its totally contrary to all Mafianess I've ever heard of but I don't really mind it. I haven't come to a fully settled conclusion on whether it helps town or scum more.

Editing posts is very naughty unless its mere seconds/minutes after you posted and you're just fixing an obvious error. Nobody cares if you multipost so long as its within forum rules, whatever they may be.
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Hello, Pyure, I remember you as well :)

I see... still, for this game to be a true Championship practice, private chats should optimally not be allowed for this game in particular.
It makes the game heavily unbalanced in town's favor. Example would be the cop getting a n0 peek on townie and then practically being masons with them for the entire game. It won't be real practice like that... in the Championship there is an extensive seer cover system they use to safely reveal the peeks in public for this stuff...
Hello, Pyure, I remember you as well :)

I see... still, for this game to be a true Championship practice, private chats should optimally not be allowed for this game in particular.
It makes the game heavily unbalanced in town's favor. Example would be the cop getting a n0 peek on townie and then practically being masons with them for the entire game. It won't be real practice like that... in the Championship there is an extensive seer cover system they use to safely reveal the peeks in public for this stuff...
@dylanpiera, I was about to call zexy an atrocious, presumptuous moron for pushing his notions of propriety upon us when I realized you did put "championship practice" in the title.

That being the case, this makes sense. You should consider nixing private convos.

(Its not super critical: its your game, you can decide how much of this game is for practice, and how must its just an FTB game)
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Ok so for the record, I kinda dislike this style of game where there's 6 possible rulesets, but I'm definitely in regardless.