{ Step 1: Warn trusted folks I'm trying to sell BS to the_J in case this backfires (done) }
{ Step 2: Sell BS. }
I now know you're a BH. I had you as Bing. Solid in fact, but I'm told confidently you're a hacker.
I don't care.
Me and one other (non-gnijart) neutral are trying to protect the hacker role for the night. The gnijart revealed last night and his assassination target is BH, supposedly. I've been bugging him all morning, trying to get him to do a role-change that has a subtle loophole he won't notice.
Other neutral not responding the last 2 hours, may been sleeping.
Don't need anything from you; just let me know if you need anything.
the_J: (2 mins later)
What makes you think I'm a hacker?
little birds who like to talk.
I'm confused. Are you friends with a seer or something?
{10 mins later: he's consulting wolves?}
{ Step 3: He's starting to buy it. Invent crap about our role. Use as much truth as possible. We know they jacked with the honeypot; inject that. }
I'm friends with a BH heh. I'm desynchronized. I thought I was a white hat for a while until I learned otherwise. A black hat role power interfered with mine and I figured out why (there was only one possible explanation, I had to clarify the possible loopholes with god, and the logic was then irrefutable)
Ever since I've known at least one BH who was really tight lipped. I learned funny things tho. Day 2: screwing with the honeypot, lol
Who's the BH you know?
{ (8 mins later. He's polling to find the leak) }
Can you please pass along that the gnijart's target is bing.
edit: sorry, stepping on each other's replies. For various personal reasons, I'm not disclosing any names. Btw, that includes the name of the other neutral.
{ Tough problem. Sidetrack him with "info" and step around the question. }
Just say his role, as a one-word answer, NOT HIS NAME!
Also, please invite the black hat.
{He's not buying it at all. Wants proof before talking to me}
That would be as good as a name.
{We have no names. We suck at this game and the_j is our only lead. Um.}
Do you have any better proof that you know one? And how's that as good as a name?
You're over-stressing this man. I don't need anything from you. If I vote wrong, just let me know, otherwise we'll stay out of each other's way.
Eruantien is going down tonight so we don't even need to do anything today.
{ Play chicken. Show disinterest }
I want you to tell Heilmewtwo not to bloody kill the Bing.
{ Woops }
{ Step 4: Betray his trust. But we like the_j, can we work with him? No, we lied about the neutral thing. We're desynchronized, but we ruled out the neutral role, not the white hat role. Crap. }
I can tell him but I don't think he'll listen. I'm also gonna be a dink and sell you out. The good news is that there's a good chance you can fast-talk your way out of it. You're good at that