Werewolf: Unfair, wolf! [Game Thread]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is the lively signup thread for this game. If you aren't one of the 23 that signed up there, then DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD. Wait till next game.

Rules, roles, & software can be found in this lovely google doc. Go read that if you haven't already, as the game won't make much sense without it.

"Where am I? What's going on?" Check here for an explanation of the basic concept and notifications of future rounds.

And now, for our boring rule set. These will not change.

  1. Do NOT post screenshots or direct quotes of private conversations in this thread or in other convos.
  2. I have the final say in any actions, and reserve the right to veto anything super gamebreaking. I'll try to stay hands-off.
  3. No posting after you've died. Don't be that guy.
  4. Votes and powers must be in by 6:00 PM EDT. Failure to vote by that time will get you smitten. Votes must be in bold, and you may vote for Nobody on the first day.
Next, the incredibly amazing "General" rule set. Expect these to be very different by the game's end.
  1. I must be invited to every private conversation.
  2. No-one may vote for themselves.
  3. Nightly actions will go as follows: Smite, Lynch, Wolfkill, Powers, Misc.
  4. Roles and software are always revealed on death.
  5. [Coder] All white hats must vote for the person Muse Clio voted for, if Muse Clio havent voted yet. Feel free to vote whatever you want! Rule destroyed with 016Nojr's death.
  6. [Coder] Follow rule 4 as it was before the hacker changed it.
Let the games begin!

Welcome! Shazam usually puts some kind of background here, but I'm unimaginative so I'll just recap what's going on. I've hacked his account. The twenty-three challengers, listed below, will be fighting amongst each other to root out my team. Shaz is saved if my team dies, and I stick around if we win. Simple, right? Not really.

Good then! Best of luck to you all. Enjoy yourselves as you wait for death.

  1. HeilMewTwo, Gnijart, terminated N4
  2. CarbonBasedGhost, RJS'd N3 but survived with Norton ---Winner---
  3. chbachman, HAL 9000 ---Winner---
  4. SkeletonPunk, Pixel, terminated N10
  5. Strikingwolf, Config, smited N1 for not voting
  6. Sorazodia, Cyber Detective, lynched N3
  7. Pyure, Honeypot, terminated N5
  8. pc_assassin, Reboot, lynched N10
  9. Gideonseymour, Archivist, terminated N3
  10. Eruantien, Cyber Detective, terminated N7
  11. trajing, Reboot, damaged N7, terminated N8
  12. Kill-Joy, Admin, lynched N7
  13. Vikestep, Firewall, terminated N1, rebooted N2, lynched N9
  14. RJS, Variable, lynched N2 ---Winner---
  15. LivingAngryCheese, Firewall, smited N7 for not voting
  16. Jus2beast, Trojan, lynched N5 ---Winner---
  17. the_j485, Hacker, lynched N4 ---Winner---
  18. 016Nojr, Coder, terminated N6, rebooted N7, terminated N9
  19. dwappo, Bing ---Winner---
  20. goreae, Config, smited x125 and lynched N8
  21. yoy1zoz2mom3, Pixel, smited and lynched N6
  22. SpwnX, BSOD ---Winner---
  23. Qazplm601, Coder, smited N10 for not voting

Oh, and I almost forgot about our four alts. Role call!
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Muse Erato

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First alt! You won't see me in the main thread, and please don't invite me to any private conversations. Next?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
HeLp I'm TrApPeD iN tHiS cOmPuTeR aNd I cAn'T gEt OuT. dOeS aNyOnE hAvE a UsB sTiCk I cOuLd UsE tO eScApE?[DOUBLEPOST=1413585351][/DOUBLEPOST]nObOdY pUt Me InTo ThIs CoMpUtEr AnD hAs PuT mY rElEaSe OnTo A dEaDmAn SwItCh. PlEaSe VoTe NoBoDy
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, yes its me, Skele, creator of Dankey Kang.exe, one of the best indie games funded by the people using kickstarter to date! I am here to tell you about some of our deals.
Today you can get the SANIC DLC for only 6 transactions of $76.45!
Though I hear there may be a little bit of a vote to kill going on, so I thought I might as well join in
Vote nobody


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
its me, Skele
Hi its me, skele! I'm Victor Eus the king of the dad jokes. I'm more that ready to go to town on this game. where oh where is the wolf. Hmm he must've gone for a ... bite to eat. *chuckles*

I vote for the guy with the missing torso... nobody. geddit geddit :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I saw nobody in his house buying chainsaws on the internet.... That's pretty shady right?

Vote Nobody

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
This is where I typically walk on stage, declare loudly and annoyingly that I am or am not a wolf, recite poetry, and drop-mic-walk-off.

This time I'm doing nothing weird at all.

PS: fellow wolves, we should totally murder Vike tonight.

Woops: Vote nobody.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While working on a client's computer, Dwappo sees Nobody looking pretty suspicious. He had a screen open on the computer that looked like characters from The Matrix, and Dwappo wonders what he is up to. After the previous security breach, Dwappo has no choice but to vote to get rid of Nobody.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is where I typically walk on stage, declare loudly and annoyingly that I am or am not a wolf, recite poetry, and drop-mic-walk-off.

This time I'm doing nothing weird at all.

PS: fellow wolves, we should totally murder Vike tonight.

Woops: Vote nobody.
Dear Lord. Look at the last two games I was in. I was a bad guy both times and ended out helping the good guys :p. Sometimes I feel like no one trusts me