Werewolf Organisation: Electric Boogaloo Redux

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@Shazam08 could you change the name of *shudders* 'FinalWolf' on the past games list to 'The One That We Do Not Speak Of'?
They're way to punny
No such thing.

So, I had an Idea for a Phoenix Wright inspired werewolf game

I'll call it "Turnabout Werewolf: A Phoenix Wright Themed werewolf"

I guess it depends on how much plot I wish to reveal. But basically you have these roles:

Good Guys:
- Defense Attorney (Bodyguard)
- Prosecutor (Vigilante)
- Judge (Mayor)
- Kurain Channeler (Medium)
- Detective (Investigator)
- Innocent Witness (Villager)
- Bailiff

Bad Guys:
- Crooked [Insert Role Here] (Wolf)
- Von Karma (Some other kind of wolf) (Unique)

There could be duplicate roles however.

The Setting: Another day in court over the trial of the murder of Diana Felactic. The local doctor has been charged with intentionally administering Penicillin which Diana was allergic to. As the verdict is about to be announced a gunshot was heard, the bailiff comes running in and says "A Murder has taken place! All people in the courtroom must not leave until further notice". They look outside in the waiting room to see that an unfortunate citizen has been shot in the back.

Von Karma is the only bad guy when he starts, he will be able to select someone to convert to his team on nights 1 - 3, if Von Karma dies then the crooked people he has converted will also be able to convert someone on the remaining nights.

Each night, the bad guys will have the opportunity to plant evidence on the scene to incriminate someone of their choice, they are also able to kill anyone in any manner they please if I accept it. This evidence will be presented at the start of each day. The people playing the game will have the opportunity to examine this evidence and make deductions from it. An autopsy report will also be available at the end of each night which may or may not contain hints to one of the wolves. Through a certain line of questioning, the evidence will be able to be linked to a specific player. These questions involve requesting identification of blood, fingerprints, ballistics (remember, these aren't wolves so they will have to find a way to kill), anything else I can think of, but if you request things which are irrelevant too frequently I will not allow you to continue questioning that day.

The intention is that each person will try and role play, using words like Objection! or Hold It! but that is up to the player.

This is all I have decided on now, any feedback or suggestions would be nice. Also add me to the GM List.


Just kidding.
for the Phoenix Wright WW, should I only use characters from the first game? Or should I use characters from every game? (This may have spoilers)
I'm indifferent to spoilers, but if you want people to embody their character, then I'd advise against using characters not in the first game.
Hey, any of you guys played the Fire Emblem series before?
I'm thinking of making a game of Beorc vs Laguz (kinda like how Radiant Dawn does it), where no one knows who each other is (no wolf convo)
Except maybe the neutrals. I think the neutrals should know who each other is. They're kinda like the good guys in this racial war, taking no side in it.

So... opinions? Thoughts?
Very tired; Forgive any weird sentences.

where no one knows who each other is (no wolf convo)

Wolves are strong because they're organized. They know who each other are and what each other are thinking, so they can (theoretically) collect more information and eliminate important targets while covering their own asses. A disorganized wolf pack wouldn't be a wolf team; It'd be a bunch of unknown guys fighting each other over the use of a shared nightkill.

I think Switchwolf tried something similar to this, so J'd know more about the concept than I would. @the_j485! Thoughts on wolves that don't know who each other are?