Werewolf-Little Town of Helyr [GAME THREAD]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So now we are to trust the puppy wolf who could very well be lying to protect another wolf? I don't think so. Also, don't think I am that naive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This fits in with earlier evidence. Say, Vike didn't you try to cover up the amount of times you lied about someone you investigated? And yet, you claimed you knew who Shazam was the entire time. There is no false investigator, yet you claimed to be one.
I thought I was one, then I reread the passage and realised I missed the part about the hair clogging drains and I realised I was wrong.

(oh yeah, I was being sarcastic about knowing shazam...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alas, it is for the jury to decide and not the ones arguing their case. Each of us can merely hope that we have won over the audience.
Conman, I do not know who you are, but you can put an end to this madness. Use your extra votes to kill Strikingwolf, and we may yet still live.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alas, it is for the jury to decide and not the ones arguing their case. Each of us can merely hope that we have won over the audience.
Conman, I do not know who you are, but you can put an end to this madness. Use your extra votes to kill Strikingwolf, and we may yet still live.
Or... conman... Kill the guy we have just shown that is an actual wolf... He is not even refuting it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alas, it is for the jury to decide and not the ones arguing their case. Each of us can merely hope that we have won over the audience.
Conman, I do not know who you are, but you can put an end to this madness. Use your extra votes to kill Strikingwolf, and we may yet still live.
I think the conman already used his votes on...shazam was it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If he was smart he wouldn't have used them all to kill Shaz. He would've just used enough to push it to the point where Shaz would be killed. Was that 3, or does my memory fail me?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If he was smart he wouldn't have used them all to kill Shaz. He would've just used enough to push it to the point where Shaz would be killed. Was that 3, or does my memory fail me?
I think it was three, but I don't know if the conman can use his votes in portions @RJS confirm? or if he was smart enough to do that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can just say this -
Seers, the detective that isn't loyal to Striking, if one exists,
Check Striking's role. I will do nothing to stop you. If it says that he is a mayor, and not a savage wolf, then he is an unlisted role and much more dangerous than I had thought.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From what I recall it was only 2 votes, and that tied pyure with shazam, but RNG was fortunate enough to kill the wolf.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see Striking has won another vote.
Very well then.
In what I am sure will be my last night, I will explain what I am doing and my understanding.
It's most likely that my fate is sealed regardless, but here it is.
I PMed SpwnX and CBG, revealing my role. They are innocent.
I am blocking Strikingwolf on the off chance that I convinced the conman.
At the end of this, it'll become clear I was telling the truth. Strikingwolf lied and lied to draw me out, and for that, I was a fool. Werewolf is a game of deception, and in that, Striking excelled.
I lock my vote for Strikingwolf so as to finish this. If you have not voted yet - feel free to. You have every right to suspect a person who claims to be a wolf, although RJS did say that there were a few unlisted roles so I suppose there could be a jester.
I throw my accusation at Strikingwolf, and like every good wolf, he has lied to get powerful contacts. I am most likely doomed, as are all of you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Vote 016nojr.
Just because I'm not totally sure about something... or anything, for that matter. What is 42?


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Mar 11, 2014
Considering that the wolf kill was blocked for today, I'll put a little trust in our puppy friend for today before he becomes a stew of cookies WA HA HAH AH

Vote Strikingwolf x 2

Wait two votes... Am I'm insane? No, I'm the mayor