After the death of the previous evening, the hotel occupants were terrified, and instead of cowering in a corner and crying, they converted said anger to pure hostility, turning against their own with accusations and name-calling. After many hours of debate, they decided to lynch the guy acting the strangest, Staxed. They kicked him, berated him, and questioned the sexuality of his mother, until eventually, his struggles ceased.
Upon search of his corpse, they found a single golden monocle on his person with a name etched into it: Luann, presumably his wife. Everyone was ashamed and aghast with the horrendous deed which they had just committed and retired to their rooms. Not to sleep, but to avoid the accusing gazes of their peers. Soon after all the doors were closed, they heard two screams, different screams, one after the other. Upon going to the source, the chaps found Pegglefrank and theJ_485 both dead in peggle's room. PeggleFrank's throat was purple and bruised, most obviously from a strangling, but the_j was disemboweled. Upon searching booth of their safes, they found in Peggle's a red CROST badge and in the_j's some monocles.
Staxed, PeggleFrank, and the_j485 are dead.
Staxed was the Muscle Man.
PeggleFrank was an Identity Thief.
the_j485 was a murderer, for 5 seconds.
9 players remain.
Start day 3.