I played around in 1.7 for a while and the inital chunk loading stage was very laggy, but quitting and restarting the world seemed to help. And after that, it actually performs a lot better than 1.6, for me anyway. Next time I boot it up I will make sure to disable Botania because those flowers spammed all over the place with their little particle effects just cant be good for framerates.
I use the following settings:
# The density of each flower patch generataed, defaults to 32, the lower the number, the less each patch will have.
# The quanity of flower patches to generate in the world, defaults to 3, the lower the number the less patches geenrate.
Seems to generate sufficient flowers. Haven't actually used Botania yet, so might be too much of a "nerf", but the world looks so much better without the flower spam.
Also, disable any "shedding" in the config. That's just another massive amount of entities floating around and extra processing.