Waiting for Ultimate...

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Maybe I'm just going to seem stupid, but does everything have to be FTB? Just fill a single-shaft ith TNT and blow it?

Have you ever actually tried that? If not, go do it and see what happens.

Back? No, I know you didn't try it and just looked down to the next part. What happens is when one thing of tnt goes off it send a lot of the others flying causing quite random damage and carnage - not that very precise. It's actually that function of TNT that makes TNT cannons possible, all they do is force the explosion to go in a specific direction, and even then it's highly inaccurate.
Have you ever actually tried that? If not, go do it and see what happens.

Back? No, I know you didn't try it and just looked down to the next part. What happens is when one thing of tnt goes off it send a lot of the others flying causing quite random damage and carnage - not that very precise. It's actually that function of TNT that makes TNT cannons possible, all they do is force the explosion to go in a specific direction, and even then it's highly inaccurate.

Line redstone along hte tnt and it will all go off at exactly the same time. This is also part of what makes tnt cannons possible because it is what controls the range you are firing the cannon block.

The result will not be perfectly round because of block interaction usually, but it depends on what you want done. Personally I would find a tnt pipe far too small to live in.
Even if it does all go off at the same time though they will all fall into one block, thus negating the whole reason of stacking them into a column to blow open a column.

I actually once built a mini-tnt cannon that could propel a cluster of 1-3 tnt past far render distance and above the former build height limit while firing it from sea level. Instead of having a line of TNT, what I did was make it only 4 tnt deep for the launcher and stacked the system a couple of times on top of it, so you'd have 12 tnt in a 4 block line launching 3 tnt if you wanted. You could also get similar results with only using a 3 block stacked line of propellant, heck even a 2 deep line worked.

Oh the time I wasted just to get that thing down to a science.
I plan on making a underground superstructure with tubes of stuff flowing past in hallways and a mystcraft portal + RP2 deployer + IC2 nuke thing for launching nuclear missles. I really like automation and stuff flowing through pipes. Looks so cool. Also some kind of Teleportal Station using mystcraft in places around the base to transport yourself quicker. A mail system where you can send items through pipes to part of the base... a advanced forcefield system to actually make it all secure. Computers to run the base and CC floppy disks as IDs to access things like doors and the failsafes on my missiles. Computers + Wireless Printers for faxing... a grand thaumatorium with a library of jars and golems everywhere and research materials. Vast underground rooms filled with iron tanks for storing liquid. Huge barrel storage rooms. Automatic farms. Humongous powercells. A mining age using fleets of turtles or frame quarrys. A huge nuclear reactor room with ice cooling and failsafes and alarms. Anyway, that's my plan. FTB is great.
You can easily go block - tnt - block - tnt and get the same effect of a circular tube explosion.
but then you have to take into account the different blast resistances of materials... if one tnt is surrounded by dirt, more dirt will be destroyed than if the tnt was surrounded by smoothstone
but then you have to take into account the different blast resistances of materials... if one tnt is surrounded by dirt, more dirt will be destroyed than if the tnt was surrounded by smoothstone

It's not really comparable to the time taken to setup other methods.
Have you ever actually tried that? If not, go do it and see what happens.

Back? No, I know you didn't try it and just looked down to the next part. What happens is when one thing of tnt goes off it send a lot of the others flying causing quite random damage and carnage - not that very precise. It's actually that function of TNT that makes TNT cannons possible, all they do is force the explosion to go in a specific direction, and even then it's highly inaccurate.

Apologies for lack of clarity, but TNT being one after another, not simultaneous could give the desired effect. My explanation was perhaps a little too simple for what I had in mind.
No need for all the sarcasm bud.
2x1 hole to bedrock, with smoothstone placed between each piece of TNT:


If you can live in that small space, then sure fire away, but I know I need a bit more wiggle room, thats why my base was made in a quarry hole, which then had the sides all filled out with a filler. I think on the inside it's now 14x9
perhaps if you did this more than once, maybe set them all off at once (for ultimate lulz) it might work, but until then, quarry is better.
I already mentioned size is an issue, but you can't say "X is better" when you aren't the guy asking. In the end it's his idea what he wants for a size. I don't like 5x5 either but that's just my opinion.

TNT clearing is a lot faster and simpler than pretty much any other method short of owning a mining laser or having a pre-dug location (which I doubt you will through a volcano)
Well, there is always the fact that tnt destroys a portion of the blocks, so one might want to use a tutle, if it's to excavate a single area.
As for a "circle", it always depends on the size you want, but in Minecraft, it's always rectangle that intersect with each others, so you could use the basic excavate command with multiple turtles or one turtle and multiple times.

GregTech can be extremely fun when balanced correctly.
We just need to be able to change EVERYTHING in the config file, like certain parts. I want macerators to be flint rather than diamond, but not turn other parts of the mod off in the process.
I am pretty sure the setting in the config.
In fact, I checked just for you.
In Recipes.cfg, line 230: B:ExpensiveMaceratorRecipe=true
There you go.

Heck, you can even disable a single recipe that you don't like, or removing BC gates from the recipes, or changing the plank stack size to 32.

Some might say that the default are not balanced, too hard and all, but there is an insane amount of config to tweak it to you liking, much more so than any other mods I have seen so far.
Oh I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, that's just the way I am sometimes. The other people described what they were thinking of better with putting blocks between each piece. The way you said it made it sound like stacking the tnt on top of each other, kinda like thermopiles.

But yea, I was also thinking along the lines of a well programmed turtle. Since it's not explosions it can be readily controlled and smooth all the way down and you get any items you might want. Also, it's fairly easy to get a turtle compared to all the gunpowder you'd need for the tnt.

The other method mentioned was of course the quarry, but what you'd probably want to do is set up rectangular boundraies and run the quarry several times over the same area to give it a circular effect.

Here's to wishing for blocks with curves though.
I am pretty sure the setting in the config.
In fact, I checked just for you.
In Recipes.cfg, line 230: B:ExpensiveMaceratorRecipe=true
There you go.

Heck, you can even disable a single recipe that you don't like, or removing BC gates from the recipes, or changing the plank stack size to 32.

Some might say that the default are not balanced, too hard and all, but there is an insane amount of config to tweak it to you liking, much more so than any other mods I have seen so far.

yeah and then every time theres an update you have to screw around with it again (yes I know it gives you the option to save your cfg but you still have to mess around with it putting things in place after each and every restart)
Gregtech is the worst mod in the pack bar non. If XYCraft never added anything other than quartz and pretty blocks it would still be a better mod than GTech
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Well to those that simply don't want to remake a world, simply go with magic pack. All of the mods in this pack have their final item IDs and most of it run like a charm..

Did that with the original "Beta A" pack, took assurances that worlds would port to other packs at face value. Then the IDs all changed!

I don't have time (or inclination) to watch livestreams in order to find out information. I really thought that issue was going to be resolved with the new twitter account etc. I'd just like a sort of ballpark figure for how many weeks (months?) it's going to be.

We have a magic world pack world, but it was always going to be temporary while we waited for the Ultimate pack, and so we're not really building anything there, we're just waiting for this ultimate pack with all the IDs configured to standard FTB configurations. That way we can add mods we also want to play with (if they're not in the ultimate pack) without causing future issues.