been playing it for quite a few hours and like it so far. HQM sure does give you a reason to do something. I like it and glad slowpoke's doing that thing this month. Played CL quite a bit and beta for him and this sure is a different change. TBH, I absolutely loathe gregtech. I hate the grind and what I see as interference into the early game instead of sticking where it should be, mid-late game and beyond.
BUT, I'm enjoying this challenge, so maybe I might change my mind. HQM is nice here since it tells me what I need to ramp up and maybe evens out that frustration level although I still roll my eyes everytime I see a vanilla construct (BUCKET ANYONE) require 4 steps instead of 1. *roll* ANyways, don't take this as criticism to the pack. it's all personal preference here. I'm enjoying it so far and I am happy you're doing infernal mobs here. I got lucky and was able to kill a couple of them and each time aquired a different set of armor but for the last hour or so I kept on wondering wth is shooting me with grenade launchers till I realized that one of my armor pieces had unstable on it. rofl... I have had close calls and I haven't died yet but I've gotten down to 1/2 heart and limped home a couple times.
Some early suggestions:
* I think I saw in earlier posts mention this already but the turnin quests for the enderman head, zombie head, creeper head (enderman head took 3 hours to find!) and then handing you a new pick is absurd and goes against TC/tic tools completely. I ignored your gift and either had extras or NEI'd myself another head (enderman) and added to my own pick since I had leveled it up much more by this time. I'd rethink this part.
* If I read correctly above, I'm about to do those quests. If I craft them, will they not be registered? Jaded has changed most of her crafting quests to identify quests for same reason (i.e. AE mac, etc...) I'd suggest you do the same.
Lastly, I had the wierdest thing happen which I can't explain. I'm not 100% sure how MC figures which ore amongst all the mods to "create" when you smelt/etc... it.. I always assumed the weighting factor is the device you use, right? So, if I had TC copper and IC2 copper and I put both in smeltery and make ingots, I'll most likely come out with TC ingots.
I did a large batch of bronze on my last return from mining using smeltery and fluiducts/casting table. I used the IC2 copper and tin. I found some of gregtech's ore that converts to 2 tin and regular smelted that in prep to put in smeltery for bronze if I needed, but it's still in there untouched. I came back from this trip and put more of the SAME ORES (i.e. both IC2 ores). when I just checked, I found that I had 1 batch of IC2 bronze, and the latest batch is tinkers construct bronze. I checked the ores that went in just now since I had some still and they are IC2 ores (but made tc). I'm really at a loss to explain it since nothing changed really and the only unknown is what ores were the first set but I know these were IC2. wierdness? And it did the whole batch that way and I haven't restarted MC or anything. all in one session. I've never had this kind of inconsistency happen before using any other mods/packs.
Anyways, liking it. It's a very slow progression but I'm enjoying myself. btw, I'm going to add bibliocraft. It really helps organize things, etc... in early game before you get AE. Also, hunger overhaul / harvestcraft would be nice to have since it fixes the farming for right click, etc... and gives you nice meals and fun stf to do but maybe not direction your pack wants to go. thanks alot for making it.