Uses for excess Princesses?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've been walking around, looking for Bee Hives to start my farm up, however, I've noticed something, Princesses do not stack. What do I do with the Princesses I do not need then? just toss them?
eventually you will need more princesses than u have, keep them. you can get more drones but not more princesses
yes that is how it works, but if you want more than one type of bee runing at a time you will need more princesess
If you do extensive quarrying, you can end up with hundreds of rocky princesses. In this case you can go to an apiarist villager of your choice, since one of their possible trades is: princess->emerald.
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Run hundreds of Valuable bees in Alvearys (If you can afford them) and just apiarys for the ones left!
These bees, particularly when used with frame holders, are IMMENSELY powerful, and I have build 5 idsus off my 10 alvearys that sometimes have frames.

However if I remember correctly, 1 apiary applies a 0.1 multiplyer to the bees base production rate, compared to a 1x for an alveary, which means that 10 alvearys are as good as 100 apiarys. So alvearys (frame holders if possible) all the way, even if you quarry tons and have 1k of princesses to convert.

You will not regret it.
And also try radioactive bees - those UHS panels use like a stack of uranium per panel, and with the amount of iridium this will generate, raw sunnarium will be your only limitation. That is where the exponential growth factor of solars comes in. Once you have 1 producing uu, it will take less time to make a second, which then halves the time for a third and so forth...
You need to keep as many princesses as possible, since they are non-renewable and you'll need a princess for each species you want to breed. For storage just make an Indexer, which can hold an infinite amount of bees.
If you do extensive quarrying, you can end up with hundreds of rocky princesses. In this case you can go to an apiarist villager of your choice, since one of their possible trades is: princess->emerald.
Which can be very useful when you have captive villagers and use the apiarist for proven frame production.

Not that I would subjugate villagers for their trades and dispose of them after they are no longer useful.
In the newer versions of forestry there is a higher chance of losing the princess on death if in an auto refill or production line, this is intended & there is another all be it manual bee house that helps prevent this, as to the OP question you can never have too many princesses, you can trade some with villagers, breed them to new & more helpful species & clone for production lines of required items like silk/pollen/jelly & many many other items.
No, there is no death upon automation or anything if the sort.
There is a chance however if you try to push a bees production rate, or mutation chance too high, then it will become a "swarmer" princess.
These "swarmer" princesses will eventually die after a certain number of generations and not leave a Hier.

The only way to push this limit is to use either more than 2 mutators with uranium, over 8 I think? Soul frames, or more than 4 production boosting frames in alveary frame holders

This effectively nerfs "über breeders" and "über producers", by allowing the lowered use of abuse.
However, bear in mind that these swarmers can still have their species trait isolated out, so for very low chance species, putting high fertility and going for the 100% mutation rate to get it first time MAY be worth the risk.
ESP if you either get really lucky an it doesn't degrade, or you manage to produce enough drones that simply placing them in with a different princess for enough generations will convert it into a bee of that type, which can make more drones to isolate that trait. So über breeders have been nerferd in that it adds a lot of risk to doing things like this.
It has also nerfed the rate at bees with frame holders can produce, so no more 8 frames, fast, platinum comb every bee tick (27.5 seconds) production lines.

However, he drastically increased the life if swarmed princesses, so by having one alveary with several swarmers, and putting those swarmed bees into the über producers, there's no risk of the swarmer turning into a swarmer, as it already is one!

However, afaik there is no way to auto-harvest these swarmer hives, therefore no-one will use them, as they can't be 100% fully no interaction ever required will produce limitlessly forever automated. The same reason multitasks are so much hate being given. Not because they're expensive or cant be layered , but because fertilise is non- renewable, so needs to be mined again at some point, even if one vien lasts like. a month, if it could in theory run out , people dislike the concept.

Therefore I see 2 options.
1. Sengir adds a way to auto harvest swarmer hives
2. RichardG makes a turtle for it.

I heard there is an Apatite bee in some later versions of extra bees? Is this true? If so, ignore my comments about multifarms (which are apart from that, awesome btw)
After all, seems a bit rediculous that bees can make platinum, soul sand, oil, diamond and chicken nuggets, yet not fertiliser. Tell Binnie! (Or MysteriousAges!)
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You need to keep as many princesses as possible, since they are non-renewable and you'll need a princess for each species you want to breed. For storage just make an Indexer, which can hold an infinite amount of bees.
Technically, they are due to Mystcraft (if it is enabled).
natnif36 that does make more sense, & yes I have been guilty of never checking bees until there seemed to be an issue, I do tend to build auto systems then forget about unless the production halts for some reason, but dont we all do this to some degree.
I use all the princesses and drones I get for thaumcraft research and for getting aspects.

Yes, I hate bees.
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You need to keep as many princesses as possible, since they are non-renewable and you'll need a princess for each species you want to breed. For storage just make an Indexer, which can hold an infinite amount of bees.
Isn't the Indexer buggy? I could swear that last time i searched about it, it was with some kind of bug that crashed the client or something like this.