In-Game Name:kisame112233
How active will you be? alot, mostly after work, i am a store manager so i might be off for a day or two at a time
How much experience do you have on Feed the Beast? alot, played on 2-3 servers over the years
What is your timezone? wherever texas is lol
Do you plan on filming/streaming? i might, depends on how much i enjoy it.
Do you believe we will ever invent bacon tasting carrots? no, because ion my mind.. i know their still carrots...
Do you have a hot sister?(PM me proof
) no.. no.. no hot sisters..
How active will you be? alot, mostly after work, i am a store manager so i might be off for a day or two at a time
How much experience do you have on Feed the Beast? alot, played on 2-3 servers over the years
What is your timezone? wherever texas is lol
Do you plan on filming/streaming? i might, depends on how much i enjoy it.
Do you believe we will ever invent bacon tasting carrots? no, because ion my mind.. i know their still carrots...
Do you have a hot sister?(PM me proof