Update on the Future of FTB Modpacks in 1.7

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and with all that being said one of the most influentual mod makers/mods do not exist today because of this ic2 bc forestry and all the others will fade off like red power did to be replaced by an inferior project red mfr extra utils cool tools but they will never be the same withput that content ftb is bc ic2 rp railcraft if it wernt for these what would ftb be sorry guys if yall need help or need more volenteers to help w workload ask but dont take away what made ftb fun and intresting for the rest of us its not the power systems that make the experiance its the miner or the player that makes the experiance anyone know what it takes to get every bee and tree these days idk still working on it
Please, read the post first. No mods are being removed. -.-
Did you read the post? EU and MJ aren't going away.
With the level of hyperbole in this thread, reddit, and Twitter, the amount of doom and gloom directed at "abandoning" IC2 and BC, and the general amount of hate you guys are receiving over this, I don't think anyone really read the post. Rather, they interpreted it in the most anti-them way possible, and then went on a crusade.

You know, like the internet do.

and with all that being said one of the most influentual mod makers/mods do not exist today because of this ic2 bc forestry and all the others will fade off like red power did to be replaced by an inferior project red mfr extra utils cool tools but they will never be the same withput that content ftb is bc ic2 rp railcraft if it wernt for these what would ftb be sorry guys if yall need help or need more volenteers to help w workload ask but dont take away what made ftb fun and intresting for the rest of us its not the power systems that make the experiance its the miner or the player that makes the experiance anyone know what it takes to get every bee and tree these days idk still working on it

RP2 died because of the kind of hate that everyone is currently throwing at JadedCat and Eyamaz. It had nothing to do with being left out of a modpack.
To be fair, any change FTB could possibly make would probably be met with hostility and hate. Because people hate change, even when it's for the best.
Agreed. It's the internet. Someone here hates everything. If they told everyone the next round of modpacks would be exactly the same with the same collection of mods plus one or two new ones, they'd get hate for not being innovative enough.
To be fair, any change FTB could possibly make would probably be met with hostility and hate. Because people hate change, even when it's for the best.
Okay everybody, instead of putting everything into a couple packs, which some people hated, we're instead going to organize it into several neat packages, which different people hate.

What's going on in a nutshell.
never said they were leaving just keeping those out and rf in idk seems like an inferieor experiance to me monster dint even live up to unleashed and unleashed dint live up to ultimate seems like the attention is on the workload and not the product anymore
I have read it. But packs being balanced with only RF mods in mind will severely hurt my experience of using "the lesser" energy systems, effectively cutting MJ and EU based mods out.
Nobody said that they were "lesser" energy systems. They just have less content than RF. At the moment, it's easy to make a pack that uses only RF, but make one with only EU? there's not going to be too much to use it on.
to be perfactly honest since 1.4.7 ftb has been like i said worried more about the workload then the product if ftb needs help with configs and balance and blah blah blah ask im sure there would be plenty of volenteers in the community[DOUBLEPOST=1398712876][/DOUBLEPOST]one of the coolest pack ive ever seen was overload and one other from atlauncher had like 200 mods things like mobs and dungeons and extra content was there along with everything a unleashed monster and ultimate offerd idk
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You guys just didn't get it.
The goal of Jadedcat and Eyamaz (correct me if I'm wrong) is to provide to modpack players different experiences (such tech progression through TE or, separately, IC2) which are COHERENT (obviously a modpack with both IC2 and TE is just nonsense), so players wanting more easy to set up machines can use the flagship pack and those wanting to use IC2 aren't bothered by the super cheap TE stuff. This is a great idea I believe : modpacks aren't done to make work as much mods as possible, but to extend what you can do in Minecraft by using mods that work well with each other.
THAT'S ALL. Nothing is being removed and nobody constrain you to go the RF way.
to be perfactly honest since 1.4.7 ftb has been like i said worried more about the workload then the product if ftb needs help with configs and balance and blah blah blah ask im sure there would be plenty of volenteers in the community[DOUBLEPOST=1398712876][/DOUBLEPOST]one of the coolest pack ive ever seen was overload and one other from atlauncher had like 200 mods things like mobs and dungeons and extra content was there along with everything a unleashed monster and ultimate offerd idk
There's more to it then just "asking for volunteers". The volunteers would have to be willing to devote hours a day to updating and making the packs. And they'd need rudimentary coding experience at the very least to be able to detect malicious code. And be able to work well as a team. As for the AT launcher...I'm not in any way attempting to sling mud at the people at the AT Launcher, and there are some good packs on there. But, I don't believe they do as much work as the FTB team does. Many of the public packs on the AT Launcher are maintained by individuals independent from the AT Launcher. Most of the public FTB packs are maintained by the FTB team themselves.
and with all that being said one of the most influentual mod makers/mods do not exist today because of this ic2 bc forestry and all the others will fade off like red power did to be replaced by an inferior project red mfr extra utils cool tools but they will never be the same withput that content ftb is bc ic2 rp railcraft if it wernt for these what would ftb be sorry guys if yall need help or need more volenteers to help w workload ask but dont take away what made ftb fun and intresting for the rest of us its not the power systems that make the experiance its the miner or the player that makes the experiance anyone know what it takes to get every bee and tree these days idk still working on it

I don't know whether or not it was the tiredness, but I honestly could not read this post. Please, try to add some punctuation.
Removing IC2 from main packs and replacing it with the super-easy ultra-overpowered TE will do a few things:
  1. Decreasing IC's popularity-I'm sure many IC players won't like that.
  2. Make noobs who want the easy stuff get happy and satisfy nobody else.
  3. Make all the players get bored of the game a bit faster since TE is really easy.
Removing IC2 from main packs and replacing it with the super-easy ultra-overpowered TE will do a few things:
  1. Decreasing IC's popularity-I'm sure many IC players won't like that.
  2. Make noobs who want the easy stuff get happy and satisfy nobody else.
  3. Make all the players get bored of the game a bit faster since TE is really easy.

Then don't play the packs with just TE3. It's been stated there will be packs without TE3, which means IC2 and / or BC.
FTB (and i mean Eyamaz and Jadedcat in particular) could have announced that they were streamlining tech packs according to power type, and there would no longer be a 'flagship' pack. Instead they intimate that their flagship pack will be RF-based. If they didn't think this would stir up a storm in the community, then they are extremely naive...but that doesn't wash. They knew what they were doing, trying to hammer in those final nails into various coffins (IC2, BC, etc..). The majority of ftb forum members lap this up, unable to think for themselves...and that's the crux of it.....unable to think for themselves.

Pose an engineering problem in modded minecraft, and all of a sudden it's a grind or tedious. Machines blowing up because they aren't fed the correct amperage is apparently trolling. FTB should be catering to all types of players instead of dumbing it down for the masses. Why they couldn't put together a GT pack for 1.6 is beyond me....wait, no....they didn't because they let personal feelings determine what's best for the community. Professionalism is non-existent.

I hope CJag digs his heels in. Player may be fighting a losing battle, but his reaction was forced by the lack of foresight (and personal bias) shown by FTB modpack devs.
I totally agree with this person from the IC forum.
i feel the same way about jaded and Eyamaz. I had some PMs with Jaded months ago on the ftb forums, and she had every excuse in the book to make IC2 look bad. She claimed it took her 6 hours just to CRAFT the basic IC2 machines, and she had all the resources when she started.

At any point, if IC2 is painted in a positive way, she very subtly downplays it, or disagrees. then tosses a (shrug) at the end to make it appear she is neutal. Its the same with GT packs, no one on the FTB forums had any answer as to why GT was not in a big pack. The reasons Slow originally gave were all gone (EXP not being stable at first), and the final answer from Jaded was that it made more sense to base the packs around TE and not IC2 anymore. But when I asked why they couldnt make a separate pack for the iC2/gt crowd, she had no answer.

and as ive posted here before, many server hosts only support and help out users who use approved packs, because the FTB crew is supposed to be releasing 'stable' packs. No GT in a pack means a hosting company like Creeperhost would not help me, once i had installed it. This is bad for newbies like me, who need help running a server. And not being in ftb packs means new players arent even exposed to GT.

Something is going on behind the scenes, the old mods are being muscled out for one reason or another.
And this
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Guys stop to hate...
If they made nice packs that can be easily combined and are still balanced and bug/exploit free than it is the BEST for all players!
These who want a one energy pack can play these and the people who want many energy systems can just COMBINE the packs

Ofcourse i am a bit worried about the statement that they will not provide configs designed for multi-Pack use.
But we Will see maybe it will work perfect without one All-In config!
i also dont expect that 1.7 will be As Great as the 1.6 Monster pack because they are trying something new and will need time to make it perfect.
But the players will give feedback and with that information the 1.8 will be great again :)
Do you want that FTB stays the same ?
If yes: Noone forces you to update to 1.7 just keep playing 1.6 and you can be sure that NOTHING will ever change ;)

In my opinion Monster is much better than ultimate :) and i would really like the feature of combined packs in 1.7
I hate comparing the different mods in the modpack. I just want all in one Giant Balanced modpack with EVERYTHING and with 1.7 this may be possible :)
Also if you like other modpacks than FTB than no problem just play it but i dont think it will be as balanced and well maintained as FTB!
But i agree if the community woul be able to help the FTB team it would be better...
Wikipedia would be nothing without the community they have
One first step would be a Place where peaple can sugesst mods and vote for AND Against them so that the FTB team can see which ones are Popular and which are Controversial. (with that the FTB team wouldnt get as many PM's About mods as it now seems to be)
With that informations the Team would be able to make the packs so that most will eather like one pack or like combined packs

@gamar356 WRONG Thread try support not news ...
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Hmmm. From all the hubbub on Twitter and Reddit and this thread, you guys could potentially have worded this announcement a little better... :p

I'm not too great a fan of this step. Focusing on flavor and consistency can be an argument, but it shouldn't be the end-all argument (certainly not when it is used to justify excluding mods). When building modpacks myself I am a huge stickler for consistency, yet I have never found myself unable to reconcile multiple different power systems in one set. And honestly? When I first got into modded Minecraft back in 1.2, the great variety in available in systems was touted as an enriching addition to the game and a testament of modder's creativity, even despite the fact that it was a nightmare to even get Minecraft to start up error-free. I don't know what happened over time to change this to "the lowest common denominator is the only thing worth having". But then again, I'm currently on a bit of a hiatus from Minecraft, based both on RL taking up a huge amount of time right now, and on the long and ardous update process that 1.7 brought with it and 1.8 probably will bring again. I've not been privy to the mood of the community for a good while.

All I know is, I would feel less bummed out by this step if RF wasn't such a thoroughly boring system. I've tried the 1.6 release of Thermal Expansion, and honestly, I've never seen less gameplay value in anything power-related, short of vanilla's "put coal into this slot in the furnace". It was so boring, I didn't even touch RF after building the basic six processing machines and a single dynamo (which was more than enough for all of them combined). I'm an engineer through and through, and this system is treating me like I'm an elementary school kid, and a particularly slow one at that. You can be fairly sure that any tech modpack based solely around RF will be the last one I ever download - not out of spite or principle or anything like that, but out of the simple fact that playing it would bore me to tears.

I do agree with the points being made on the exodus of legacy modders and the maintaining of their projects. Too many former cornerstones of the modding scene are essentially just kept alive on their status quo today, by too small a group of people with too much to do, and it's agonizing to watch for the fans of said mods. SpaceToad's return to Buildcraft is the one exception that bucks the trend, but sometimes exceptions only serve to confirm the norm. Again, I really don't know what happened - and I certainly don't fault people like for example Sengir for feeling nothing but contempt for the community after seeing the kind of abuse leveled at him for daring to make the mod he wanted to make - but I don't feel this trend is doing modded Minecraft any favors.

Right, going back to my hidey-hole in the ground now...

None of the mods are vanishing. And the packs will be able to be easily combined. However, there are large numbers of mods available now that didn't exist in previous versions. Continuing to make 3 packs that are practically identical and use the same group of mods is silly. Instead we can have 3 seperate packs based on the main energy systems and explore more new mods. This way people can play the pack they like or combine them into one pack. It lowers the tech support burden and is just simpler. More mods are compatible with RF than MJ or EU right now. RF doesn't require the existence of TE3 to exist, which means in the unfortunate event of more devs disappearing our packs can stay stable.

No matter how we worded this announcement plenty of people were going to misunderstand it. However we would have gotten more blowback if we had made the change without warning people. And most of the community agrees with the move. If it helps think of it as the main packs are Beginner , and the packs based on other systems will be Intermediate and Advanced.
You call a pack based on RF and TE balanced?!

Yes, as I would call a pack balanced exclusively on MJ or EU balanced. The balance of a pack is determined based upon all contained mods, not mods that are not present. So if a pack is just TE3, then it'd better be balanced around TE3 and RF. If a pack is just IC2, it better be balanced around IC2 and its energy net.
Yes, as I would call a pack balanced exclusively on MJ or EU balanced. The balance of a pack is determined based upon all contained mods, not mods that are not present. So if a pack is just TE3, then it'd better be balanced around TE3 and RF. If a pack is just IC2, it better be balanced around IC2 and its energy net.
It also has to be balanced around vanilla,which TE is not.
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