See, this is what I'm concerned about. I have suggested AoE to a friend for his server after they move on from Regrowth, but if it's too grindy without much reprieve I wonder if it's worth it :/ funnily enough, despite being really behind on Regrowth relative to my buddies, I've thrown myself into it and I'm actually having a blast4600 I kind of got tired of the grind in Age of Engineering; I really don't have the commitment even though i love it to bits :/
That could be it. I know that when I was putting together a very small modpack for 1.10, without Mekanism it was OK, not super fast but workable, but with Mek it became unplayably slow.I don't know what the problem was, but the only thing i can come up with that, because I added Mekanism in the in-between time, it was retro-genning and causing lag.