Unleash the Beast (Unleashed pack let's play) with MrSuryt

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Episode 24 of our new series 'Feed the Ultimate Beast' is now up. Enjoy.
Feed the Ultimate Beast episode 24. Myscraft.
We need to amp up our mining efforts. We have a lot of resources, but you can never have too much. I'd like to make a mining age so I don't have to destroy my world though. Mystcraft time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Episode 2 of our new series Divinecraftier, a DivineRPG adventure is now up. Enjoy.
Divinecraftier episode 2. New weapons.
I understand now why people play with /gamerule keepinventory true. While not recording I die on average once every 3 minutes. So now we have keep inventory on I need a punishment to go with it. Also we get some new weapons, equipment, and mob farms.